As someone that doesn't have an especially strong urge to have kids anytime soon, I'm often told things like: “It's a completely life-changing experience;” “your priorities are turned upside down;” and “nothing can describe the feeling you get when you first hold your own child in your hands.”
Now, I don't doubt for a second that the act of procreation fulfills one of the most basic and fundamental human needs and brings about incredible and joyous emotions that only a parent can really understand.
However, while parenting is surely amazing, rewarding and life-changing beyond words, it can also take its toll! From the calm, romantic, fun-loving and free couples of before to the flustered, stressed and vomit-stained parents of afterward, these photos amusingly highlight some of the change that all parents go through - and even though they will surely say that it was 100% worth it - meh, I'm still not quite convinced yet.
The 'before vs after parenting pics' trend was started by forty-something Brooklyn dad Mike Julianelle, who runs the 'Got Toddlered' Instagram page and also has a popular parenting blog that shares his experiences of being the father to two crazy sons. We had a previous post covering the first batch of hilarious examples, and they were so popular that we have come back with more! Scroll down to check them out for yourself, and let us know your thoughts and stories in the comments!
More info: Website | Instagram | Facebook
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This Doesn’t Even Need A Caption. I Should Literally Delete Every Other Picture On This Page And Replace Them All With This And Put “Mission Accomplished” In My Bio. My Work Here Is Done. All Joking Aside, This Guy Is A Champ And A Half! Giving Us Dads A Good Name!
Bored Panda was lucky enough to speak to Mike himself, who shared some of his famously witty insights on the realities of parenting with us.
"Look, I don’t hate my kids, I just hate parenting," he told us with a laugh. "That’s really all it boils down to, and is the premise behind all my Dad and Buried stuff - my blog, my Instagram page, my Facebook, and my podcast (Dad and Buried - subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and everywhere else you get podcasts!) - and my Got Toddlered account."
"Parenting is challenging and frustrating and expensive and exhausting and stressful and boring, and while my sons are often all of those things as well, I don’t regret having them. How dare you suggest such a thing just because I occasionally make jokes and memes that make it seem that way!"
From Dressed To The Nines To Asleep By Nine
Every Once In A While, Parenthood Is A Major Improvement
"I mock and troll my kids, and I trash and ridicule parents and parenting, and myself, because that’s my sense of humor, and my sense of humor is what keeps me sane amidst the all-consuming hellscape of attempting to protect and raise ignorant, unformed, self-destructive miniature human beings."
"I recently had a job interview. Job interviews are stressful no matter what stage of life you’re at, but, like everything else, having children raises the stress exponentially. I’m not just providing for myself anymore, and the stakes are much higher now; the consequences of blowing a job interview are a lot more intense. And so was getting there, because I had to take my toddler with me."
Honeymoon’s Over!
For Obvious Reasons, This Cat Has Learned To Sleep With One Eye Open
"Being unemployed, we can’t afford childcare, so I had to ride the subway, in a full suit, on one of the hottest days of the summer, with my toddler on my lap and/or napping next to me. Thankfully I didn’t have to bring him to the interview itself; I was able to drop him with my wife. The logistics of all of this – the scheduling, the traveling, the hand off, the carrying of a sleeping toddler across Manhattan while sweat poured off me like a waterfall, etc. – were incredibly complicated."
"None of this was ideal. But I had to do it, I had to put my best foot forward for the job, so I can provide for my family, and, more importantly, so I can get the hell out of my house. I can’t handle being a stay at home dad for another minute!"
Mike's kids are 8 (9 in September) and 3.5. Right now he's a stay at home dad, not exactly by choice, and he spends his time writing honest and insightful blogs about the issues that he struggles with at times. Because scrolling through social media, you'd be forgiven for thinking that everyone is just the perfect parent - happy, energetic and full of great ideas for nurturing excellent human beings. You rarely see behind the curtain! Mike gives an honest evaluation of parenthood, and his blog is essential reading for parents and non parents alike!
Made Our 1 Year Wedding Anniversary Picture!
Parenting Gets You Into Some Sticky Situations. (These Captions Can’t All Be Winners!)
From “I’m On A Boat!!!” To “He’s On My Throat!!!” (This Is One Of My Favorites!)
The Dog Days Are Over
From “Haaaaaaayyyyyy!” To “Wait! I’ve Got A New Complaint...”
This About Sums It Up
Actually Maximus, No, I’m Not Entertained. Thanks For Asking! (Love How The Shirt Goes From Sincere To Ironic When The Kid Shows Up!)
I’m Not Sure Which Situation Is More Hazardous To His Health...
It Doesn’t Take Long For Them To Go From Cute To Crushing
This Dapper Gent Went From Refined Af To Resigned To His Fate
Don't let this dog's sad eyes fool you, he loves the attention, he would have walked away if he didn't - speaking from Great Dane experience. Mine would stay put for awhile and when she had enough attention, just stood up and walked away - with the child on her back or dumped them off, lol
From Drinking Together To *making Drinks* Together
From Sex On The Beach To Dead On Her Feet! This Juxtaposition Almost Makes Me Feel Bad, But The Truth Must Be Told! Also, The Baby’s Mouth Is Wide Open Too Omg
From Da King To Dafuq?!
Cats love kids, especially the little ones. Well, until they pull their tails 😅
His Drinking Buddies Have Changed
From Partying All Night To Peppa’s Windy Fall Day
What’s The Opposite Of A Glow Up?
Older Siblings Can Get Toddlered Too! Not That He Seems To Mind Trading His Mouthguard For A Tiara
From Fat Tuesdays To Ass Wednesdays
They Never Suspected That When They Found Nemo They’d Also Lose Their Dignity
And To Think, She Used To Be The One Who Threw Up After Drinking Too Much
Look At What That Baby Has Reduced This Once Proud Man To. And The Kid Knows It Too! “No More Relaxing Dinners Out, You Eat In Bed Now And You Love It! I Own You!!!
From Striking A Pose To Serving As Poster Board
From Little Black Dress To Big White Mess. I Can’t Believe She Stopped To Take A Photo Before Incinerating That Hoodie!
Double Double-Fisting!
I don't think the person who wrote this title knows what fisting means.
Kids! They’ll Steal Your Life-Force And *literally* Suffocate You, And Somehow You’ll Still Find Yourself Smiling While They Do
Ah, good, another post detailing why having kids is a really bad idea. Thank you, BP! I will pass :)
I love the monsters to bits, but if you know you don't want them then It's best not to have them.
Load More Replies...There is a ink below each of the pictures (at least now, not sure whether it always was there).
Just like how raising a young animal can be hard but with the proper guidance they grow up to be quite well-behaved. And you get to see what funny little quirks they develop along the way.
Load More Replies...Ah, good, another post detailing why having kids is a really bad idea. Thank you, BP! I will pass :)
I love the monsters to bits, but if you know you don't want them then It's best not to have them.
Load More Replies...There is a ink below each of the pictures (at least now, not sure whether it always was there).
Just like how raising a young animal can be hard but with the proper guidance they grow up to be quite well-behaved. And you get to see what funny little quirks they develop along the way.
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