When it comes to Covid-19, we are used to numbers. New cases, deaths, recoveries. As people with the virus are quarantined, the stories from the patients in hospitals are scarce. That’s why it might be more shocking to hear it from the lips of someone who’s been through it than to see numbers spike up.

43-year-old nurse from San Francisco, Mike Schultz, recently shared a harrowing photo on his social media page showing what 6 weeks of fighting the coronavirus can do to a body. The picture shows a comparison between a healthy, strong male and what seems like a mere shadow of the man on the left.

Schultz shared his thought on Instagram with his followers, detailing his experiences:

“I wanted to show everyone how badly being sedated for 6 weeks on a ventilator or intubated can be. Amongst other things, covid19 reduced my lung capacity with pneumonia. Over 8 weeks I’ve been away from family and friends Getting stronger every day and working to increase my lung capacity. I’ll get back to where I was in healthier ways this time….maybe even do cardio”.

More info: Instagram


    The two photos of Mike look like night and day and show what the virus can do to a human body

    Luckily, Schultz is on his way to recovery. “After 57 days in the hospital and rehab unable to see any visitors, I’m finally going home!!” he posted on May 15. “I plan on continuing my recovering with my guardian angel and boyfriend, Josh, who checked in on my several times a day if not more,” he added.