40 Pictures Of Dogs’ Before-And-After Transformations Post Adoption To Melt Your Heart (New Pics)
InterviewAccording to Alexander Den Heijer, “When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.” This quote signifies that the environment we are in is of utmost importance in order to grow and flourish. The quote applies both to flowers and people as well as pets.
Today, we have collected a list of cute pups that showcase before-and-after adoption images from the subreddit r/BeforeNAfterAdoption. We can see the difference that it makes when these dogs find new homes with loving owners. It is heartwarming to see those smiling eyes and though we know that not every soul can be saved, we take solace in knowing that these dogs have received the life they truly deserve.
To learn more about adoption, its process and what challenges to prepare for, Bored Panda reached out to New Day Dog Rescue, who kindly answered our questions. For the full interview with co-founder Christine, read below.
More info: nddr.ca | Instagram | Facebook | zeffy.com
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Kodiak’s Before And After 🥲
Saw This Tripod In The Shelter And Knew I Was Supposed To Be His Pawrent. Say Hi To Mr Trio Tripod!
Our 4th Anniversary Together!
Adopting an animal can be an overwhelming process. So for anyone who is thinking about it, we decided to ask Christine, the co-founder of New Day Dog Rescue, about what to expect in order to successfully adopt a new joy bundle into your life.
“New Day Dog Rescue is foster-based, which means that we don’t have a shelter and rely on our wonderful foster families to care for our dogs while we search for their forever families.
If a family is interested in one of our dogs, the first step would be to fill out our adoption form, which asks a variety of different questions, to ensure that the family interested could potentially be the right fit. Because we are foster-based, our dogs are located in different cities, making it difficult for our two co-founders to drive out for home visits for every dog. Therefore, we require photos and videos of the candidate’s home. We then proceed to a phone call or FaceTime. If all goes well, we will then set up a visit (or sometimes a few visits with the same family) between the dog and the family interested. Although connections take a while to form, we can always get a good idea from that first visit. If we feel confident that it could be a good match, we will proceed to a trial adoption. Our trial adoptions last a minimum of two weeks, but we never set an exact timeline as it is different for every dog, and we want to make sure that everyone is happy before an adoption becomes official,” shared Christine.
Leon, All He Knew Was To Hide From Humans, To Run Away From Everyone And Everything, And Once He Was At The Bulgarian Shelter, He Was So Scared He Didn’t Even Come Out From Behind His Little Hut To Eat. I Can’t Believe How Far He's Came In The Two Years Since We Found Each Other
Thank you so much for saving this beautiful boy! I love the little kiss picture. And the smiling picture.
We Have Quite A Few, But This Is My Favorite 180* Change
Did We Give My Bebe Her Best Life? You Gosh Darn Right We Did!! We’re Still Working Through Her Issues But Her Indomitable Spirit Keeps Us Going. She’s My Role Model! Three Cheers For Qtip
The most important thing in any adoption is compatibility. In order for a new friendship to work, Christine shared what factors should be taken into consideration. “There are so many different factors we consider when determining compatibility between an animal and a potential adopter. It first starts with knowing that animal’s history, trauma, and what will be required in their day-to-day life to ensure that they feel at ease and that their needs are fully met. It’s so important for us to know our dogs’ personalities well before placing them up for adoption. Knowing their history and needs is key in ensuring that we find a family that will understand those needs.”
Best Buds, Then And Now
Omg stop this is too much cuteness this morning!! Nothing else will happen today that will make me smile as much as this did!
Homeless To Happy Ending
From Mitey To Mighty Update - Our Foster Bones' Progress 2+ Months After We Found Him
To inspire people not to give up and to choose to adopt a pet, Christine shared their success stories: “We have so many, it’s hard to choose! We are a tiny but mighty rescue. No matter the cost or whether or not we have the funds available, or how long the road to recovery is, we never leave a dog in need behind. So many of our dogs were suffering immensely when we rescued them, and many have special needs. I, Christine, co-founder, have three dogs with particular needs: a sassy and mischievous double amputee, an independent blind gal, and a determined former paralyzed spunky gal. My heart belongs to the dogs of the world who many would not be willing to adopt. And that is okay, I respect that taking in a dog with very different needs isn’t for everyone, but for me, that’s where my heart lies. Same for Barbara, who is also a co-founder. For this reason, we’ve always focused on street dogs who wouldn’t have a chance at surviving without us.”
From Mangy Street Baby To Couch Potato
If I was a couch potato as beautiful as he is I would never leave the couch
Ausra Was Guam Stray That Was Infested With Mange To The Point In Which She Could Barely Walk. Someone Posted Her Pictures On Fb And We Took Her In And Healed Her Up. Now She’s Loving Life With Us In Our New Home In Chicago
A Glow-Up For The Books
Whether you already have another pet at home or this is your first pet and you feel more than ready for this adventure, here are some recommendations of how best to prepare for a smooth transition into the household: “It is best to prepare with love and patience. Oftentimes, people seem to think that if they rescue a former street dog, that dog will be so happy and thankful to have been removed from the streets that it will automatically adjust to its new life. That isn’t the reality of things, and we always make sure to prepare people by letting them know what they should actually expect. Many street dogs are quite happy, and if healthy, safe, and well-fed, they can go on to live long, happy lives as strays. That isn’t the case for all street dogs, however, and that’s where we come in. We focus on the dogs who are injured, sick, paralyzed, blind, and who are suffering. Even though it’s the best thing for them, it takes them a while to understand that they are safe and that we have their best interest at heart. We must gain their trust. It is our job to make sure that people are well aware of everything involved before bringing an animal into their home. We don’t only want to set our dogs up for success, we also want the people welcoming them to be just as happy. This takes time. This takes patience. And New Day is there every step of the way to ensure the smoothest transition possible.”
The Second Day I Brought Kenai Home vs. Now
From Stray To Co-Pilot
This Was My Love, Maya. The Top Is The Day She Was Rescued From A Neglect And Abuse Situation And The Bottom Is The Day I Adopted Her! I Guess This Is More Of A Before And After Rescue
And lastly, Christine added: “New Day was started after I saw a video of a dog with paralyzed hind limbs crossing the road. I had never rescued a dog from Morocco and didn’t know a soul out there, but my determination led me to Charlotte. Once fully vetted and ready to travel, she made her way to Canada and a rehab plan was put into place. A few months later, she was walking and running again! She has been living with me ever since and I officially adopted her!
That was when I, along with Barbara, decided to co-found New Day Dog Rescue, so that we could help so many other dogs just like Charlotte.”
“Our mission is to rescue dogs from some of the toughest streets in the world. We believe that every animal deserves to feel safe and loved, and that every life matters. Fate chose us to make their dreams of a better life come true.”
Please consider donating to New Day Dog Rescue by PayPal or here so that they can continue to successfully save lives.
What A Difference 9 Months Makes
Meeko Before And After Adoption
Kaze The Rescue Pup
Azalea! Followed The Sounds Of A Dog Barking To Find This Poor Thing Living In A Gross Outdoor Kennel. Offered The People $50 For Her. Three Hours Later, She Was Already The “After” Pic At The Vet Being Held By Her New Foster Mom. Who Kept Her
How It Started… How It’s Going
What beautiful coloring. Welcome home! Thank you for stopping to inspect that ball of fluff next to the road.
Almost To Our 2nd Gotcha Day!
She looks so shut down in the first pic and super confident and happy in the second, way to go!!!
Milly, Truly A Remarkable Recovery/Story!
What An Adoption Glow-Up
Brought To The Emergency Vet After A Good Samaritan Watched Him Get Hit By A Car At 12 Weeks, Now An Absolutely Spoiled Rotten Boi
It Has Been Six Years Since We Adopted Monet From A Shelter In Oh, USA. He Seemed Exhausted When I Picked Him Up, But Now He Smiles A Lot! Please Adopt Dogs!
Natasha Has Been With Me For Five Months Today
From Shy And Unsure On Day 1 To Proud And Confident On Her 6 Month Birthday. Good Ol’ Rose
From Abandoned Puppy Covered In Over 100 Ticks To Snuggly Goofball Living Her Best Life
He Was Surrendered To Me For Having Seizures, Now Hes Improved So Much With Good Nutrition And Lots Of Vet Visits!
5 Months After Adoption vs. 8 Years After Adoption :)
From Starved And Packed With Dirt To A Spoiled Baby
From A Jailbird To Princess To This Day And Counting!
1 Month Transformation
It’s Been A Struggle For My Good Boy But His Body, Mind And Spirit Are Almost Healed!
From Foster To Foster Fail! We Love Our 12 Year Old Lumpy Girl
This Is Kobe. Sometimes I Wonder If He Ran Away Or Got Abandoned By Someone. But He Was Found Injured, Malnourished, Sick And Very Afraid Of Men Specifically
12 Weeks, 12 Months, 12 Years. Happy Birthday, Finn!
My Baby Girl, Machi
One Day After Adoption, Then Today. Growing So Fast :')
i love these pictures because it reminds me of my older sister's dog chance. he kept coming by my house and one day she came over and she saw him. she followed him and found out where he was staying. but then the next day the guy who she met sent him over to our house with him in a box and said he caught him. we headed over to my sister's place in tustin and when we got him out he was so skinny and scared of everything. two months later and he's the most spoiled dog in the world
i love these pictures because it reminds me of my older sister's dog chance. he kept coming by my house and one day she came over and she saw him. she followed him and found out where he was staying. but then the next day the guy who she met sent him over to our house with him in a box and said he caught him. we headed over to my sister's place in tustin and when we got him out he was so skinny and scared of everything. two months later and he's the most spoiled dog in the world