People Are Destroying This Sexist Dude Over His 12 Rules For ‘Beautiful Women’
For the unlucky in love women searching for their perfect match on Tinder, perhaps the problem is not the men out there but you. But don’t worry self-proclaimed “trainer,” “writer,” and “speaker,” Alexander J.A Cortes has all the answers with his 12 tips on ‘How to be a beautiful woman.” The most recent tweet from the controversial Tweeter, known for his open misogyny, stirred up outrage among women across the internet after Cortes laid out detailed dating rules and instructions on superficial ways they could make themselves more appealing to men – and this was not the first time.
Image credits: aja_cortes
The Twitter thread storm began with laying out a 12 point outline that listed the tips: be thin, be able to cook, have long hair, wear make-up, be feminine, be graceful, be sensual, shave (should go without saying), be fashionable, wear pink and feminine colors, love men, listen to men,” followed up with a simple, “stay classy ladies!” What can we say, it couldn’t be further from any kind of gender equality and is filled to brim with double standards.
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Bored Panda previously reported on internet backlash from Cortes after he tweeted out about the dangers of women with “unnatural hair colors,” which he stated was a “warning signal to stay away.” The writer has made a name for himself by publishing misogynistic instructions on “how to be a feminine and beautiful women,” which he publishes on his website’s newsletter page.
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
In the thread, Cortes writes that the tips were not just intended for women but for other men as a way to “vet women,” and states, “If you show them this list and they become angry, that lets you know they are harpies* that you never want to breed with.”
(harpy: a grasping, unpleasant woman)
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Unsurprisingly, women across the internet found the tweets offensive
Image credits: mirandoch
Image credits: DeborahJaneOrr
Cortes took the opportunity to brag about himself in thread, writing, “I see a lot of you women are desperate for my validation and attention,” attaching a selfie along with the tweet. According to Psychology Today, this behavior falls under the signs of a narcissist: “Some narcissists have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, believing that others cannot live or survive without his or her magnificent contributions.”
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Other traits include stirring negative emotions i.e via tweets: “Many narcissists enjoy spreading and arousing negative emotions to gain attention, feel powerful, and keep you insecure and off-balance. They are easily upset at any real or perceived slights or inattentiveness.”
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
But Cortes is not one-of-a-kind, there are many men out there that share his high expectations. One of them created a list that mimics his own, which he re-tweeted with the caption, “one day you might want to get married, your wife value will matter, there is a roadmap for this as well.”
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
The man he re-tweeted is Hunter Drew, who describes himself as a “husband, patriarch, veteran, speaker and writer.” His list variation included things that Cortes hadn’t written such as, “ditch b*tch friends, love your family more than job, care for your kids and listen to your husband.”
Image credits: HunterDrewTFA
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
Image credits: AJA_Cortes
As you can imagine people in the comments had plenty to say
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Image credits: OfficeofSteve
Image credits: MidniteMadwoman
Image credits: TheBrofucius
Image credits: didjital73
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Image credits: fancypantsnurs
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Image credits: HedgehogClown
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Image credits: ManInTheHoody
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Image credits: SnuSnuDungeon
Image credits: C_Effin_Rex
Image credits: Eldritchipster
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And even created lists of their own for men
Image credits: AmandaZZ100
Image credits: JeetoCheesus
Image credits: MaxKennerly
Image credits: hellagoeseast
Share on FacebookI agree, but I also really enjoyed reading about the studies...I'm torn
Load More Replies...This guy is such a twit. I don't understand why the hell people think this is acceptable. You're right- he IS a total douchebag.
Load More Replies..."People Are Destroying This Sexist Dude Over His 12 Rules For ‘Beautiful Women’, Sorry this should read "People are making Sexist Dude famous Over His 12 Rules For ‘Beautiful Women" do people really not get how this works by now? None of your "burns" are bothering him.
Yeah, I think he enjoys the outrage he has generated.
Load More Replies...I agree, but I also really enjoyed reading about the studies...I'm torn
Load More Replies...This guy is such a twit. I don't understand why the hell people think this is acceptable. You're right- he IS a total douchebag.
Load More Replies..."People Are Destroying This Sexist Dude Over His 12 Rules For ‘Beautiful Women’, Sorry this should read "People are making Sexist Dude famous Over His 12 Rules For ‘Beautiful Women" do people really not get how this works by now? None of your "burns" are bothering him.
Yeah, I think he enjoys the outrage he has generated.
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