The Internet Is Cracking Up Over This Bear’s Reaction To This Couple Getting Married At The Zoo (3 Pics)
This couple decided to have their wedding ceremony held at the Minnesota Zoo and ended up with some genuinely spectacular wedding photographs, including getting hilariously photobombed by a Russian grizzly bear.
The wedding pictures, taken by Chris and Kristy Photography, have since gone viral as people can’t get enough of the bear’s outrageous facial expressions, the funny animal looks thoroughly unimpressed with the situation unfolding in front of it! “The pictures were the photographer’s idea,” the groom explained. “They said it was very fortunate to get a picture with one of the local zoo animals; the animals typically go in for mealtime when we’re allowed to wander before the ceremony. This Russian grizzly bear was the only one kind enough to give us his ‘blessings.’”
Perhaps this will start a new trend of zoo weddings? The groom understands people’s concerns about the way some zoos operated and made it clear that Minnesota Zoo satisfied his concerns about animal welfare at the venue. “There are some less than amicable zoos’ in the world that are like prisons,” he explained. “But I’d like to think that our chosen venue, the MN Zoo, is not among them since it’s state-owned and not a Zoo for the sake of profit. If I’m not mistaken, they also perform many functions critical to wildlife rehabilitation and preserving species approaching extinction.”
If you are thinking of doing likewise and getting married at a zoo to get some amazing wedding pictures, please choose carefully! Scroll down below to check out the hilarious animal pictures for yourself, as well as some other occasions when animals decided to get involved in people’s perfect moments.
“So we got married at the Zoo”
Image credits: Chris and Kristy Photography / Caters
“And this bear had an interesting first look reaction”
Image credits: Chris and Kristy Photography / Caters
Image credits: Chris and Kristy Photography / Caters
The hilarious pics reminded us of other animals ruining ‘perfect’ moments
Image credits: mrshatnertoyou
Image credits: hayley_roll
Image credits: Mana4U
Image credits: BDFK-Photography
Image credits: Charle McCarthy/Weefan Photography
Image credits: Caroline Tran
Image credits: Pass_the_lolly
Image credits: FishMcBite
Image credits: Stewart Hunter
People found the bear extremely amusing
Share on FacebookEvery wedding should have a ring bear....*cricket noises* (I'll let myself out)
Every wedding should have a ring bear....*cricket noises* (I'll let myself out)