Those of us who know what it’s like to do shift work understand the importance of punctuality. By showing up on time, not only can we better prepare ourselves for what lies ahead, but we also avoid managers breathing down our neck—which they will if they notice us “slacking”, no matter what has caused it.

However, when they’re late themselves, suddenly all excuses become valid.

A few days ago, Reddit user Waddiwasiiiii submitted a story to the popular r/AntiWork community. In it, the bartender describes a period when their restaurant became short-staffed and their boss couldn’t get anyone to join the team. A big part of the problem was that the lady constantly made her interviewees wait for up to an hour without giving much of a reason why.

Since she was too self-absorbed to figure out why she can’t fill the vacant positions, Waddiwasiiiii came up with a plan on how to secretly teach her proper etiquette.


    Image credits: MART PRODUCTION (not the actual photo)


    Image credits: Waddiwasiiiii


    Image credits: Waddiwasiiiii

    Of course, nobody’s saying that the candidates would’ve definitely ended up joining the restaurant’s team if the boss would have arrived at every meeting on time.

    “There are many things that can go wrong during a job interview,” Margaret Buj, who has 13 years of experience recruiting for a variety of positions at all levels across Europe and in the US, told Bored Panda.

    The job interview and career coach said some of them are out of the applicant’s control and in the hands of the recruiter, for example, the company might fill the role internally, put the whole hiring process on hold due to some unforeseen circumstances, cancel the position altogether because of reorganization, etc.


    But there are ways in which the applicant can mess up their chances too, like “You aren’t prepared, you can’t answer some of the most common questions, and you aren’t good at selling yourself; you didn’t dress in a professional manner, you had poor body language (no eye contact, no firm handshake, slouching in the chair), you didn’t ask any questions,” Buj named some of the most common ones.

    People thought OP executed their plan flawlessly