Barbie Released 10 New Dolls To Make Black Girls Feel More Represented
When it comes to toys, every child wants to feel like they matter and that they have role models to look up to. It’s really no surprise that when playing with dolls or action figures, we prefer them to look like us, no matter our race, ethnicity, or background. It helps with immersion. It helps foster a sense of belonging and inclusivity.
In order to make black girls feel more represented, Mattel has created a line of 10 new Barbie dolls. And it just so happens to coincide with Black History Month which is celebrated each February in the United States.
Barbie’s parent company Mattel collaborated with talented costume designer Shiona Turini to create a new line of realistic dolls with different skin tones, hairstyles, and even body types. In other words, Barbie dolls just got a whole lot more inclusive.
More info: ShionaTurini.com | Instagram | Twitter | YouTube | Instagram (Barbie Style)
Costume designer Shiona Turini partnered up with Barbie to create the new line of dolls
Image credits: shionat
The dolls have different hairstyles, skin tones, and body types
Image credits: shionat
According to the designer, this made her childhood dreams come true
Image credits: shionat
Image credits: shionat
Designer Turini was over the Moon that Barbie approached her for this project. She noted that her “childhood dreams” came true.
“My vision was to style diverse and realistic Barbie dolls in bold looks with themes seen throughout my work, like contrasting snakeskin and leopard, challenging traditional uniformity. I grew up obsessed with Barbie and while she was one of my first fashion icons, I clearly remember searching shelves for girl’s toys that looked like me and coming up empty-handed,” she wrote on Instagram.
Barbie recently brought back the very first black doll they made for its 40th anniversary
Image credits: barbie
What most inspired her was the very first black Barbie which was released in 1980. The doll wore a sparkling red dress and had an Afro. Mattel recently brought this doll back for its 40th anniversary.
Mattel has been doing more and more inclusive Barbie makeovers. Recently, it released a gender-neutral doll, created the Barbie Wellness line, and created Judge Barbie.
Back in 2018, in time for International Women’s Day, Mattel unveiled a line of 17 dolls from diverse backgrounds to celebrate extraordinary women, aka ‘sheroes.’ Among the women that Barbie looks up to are Amelia Earhart and Frida Kahlo.
Some people shared their thoughts about Barbie dolls and inclusivity
What is wrong with some of you people? You want representation, Barbie give you representation but still complain about the representation not being good enough? Good lord, stop!
Don't "you people" me! I am one black person and I represent only myself. Those dolls are fine as far as I'm concerned. But just like some white people, some Asian people and some of every other group people, there are some black people who complain no matter what. It's on you if they are the only ones you're listening to.
Load More Replies...Honestly, economically motivated or not, it's about time for this. I never saw myself in my blonde/blue-eyed Barbie dolls when I was a kid (which might be a good thing since I could never keep them intact), but I guess there's just... something about being recognized as a valid type of human being.
What is wrong with some of you people? You want representation, Barbie give you representation but still complain about the representation not being good enough? Good lord, stop!
Don't "you people" me! I am one black person and I represent only myself. Those dolls are fine as far as I'm concerned. But just like some white people, some Asian people and some of every other group people, there are some black people who complain no matter what. It's on you if they are the only ones you're listening to.
Load More Replies...Honestly, economically motivated or not, it's about time for this. I never saw myself in my blonde/blue-eyed Barbie dolls when I was a kid (which might be a good thing since I could never keep them intact), but I guess there's just... something about being recognized as a valid type of human being.