Many experience a strange, uneasy feeling walking out of the store empty-handed or stopping at a red light with a police car in an adjacent lane. You know you've done nothing wrong, yet feel like a criminal about to get caught red-handed. These are just some of the things that feel illegal but aren't. The irony is that on some occasions, you might actually do things that are illegal, yet be utterly unaware of it. This is when something considered mundane in your place of residence makes it to the list of things banned in other states or countries.

We are all aware of standard or normal things that are banned around the world (or in most places), such as stealing, kidnapping, crossing at a red light, driving over the speed limit, etc. We are aware that these things are punishable. However, what about the many weird laws and weird things banned around the world or parts of it that we literally have no clue about? Because how else would you know that flip-flops are prohibited on the island of Capri, in Italy, unless your travel itinerary warned you in advance? Or that you can't bring any shaving brushes made in or exported from Japan to St. Lucia? That's right, Japanese shaving brushes and flip-flops are just two of the odd banned things around the world. There's a big difference between being ignorant about the laws and being unaware of very peculiar, strange things that are banned in other countries. However, as they say, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Hence, if you are lucky, you might learn about the law with just a warning and no fine or, even worse, imprisonment.

Below, we've compiled a list of strange things that have been banned around the world for very peculiar (often not for our understanding or judgment) grounds and reasons. Were you aware of any of these weird things that are illegal in some places around the world? Let us know by giving those an upvote. Also, are there any strange banned things (there must be) that we've missed and should have included in the list? Let us know in the comments!


High Heels In Historical Sites (Greece)

Woman With High Heels On Floor

Since 2009, Greece has outlawed wearing heels at any historical site. Apparently, the pointy heels apply too much pressure to the ground and can chip away at architectural structures. Report

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wearing heels to historical sites also seems like a great way to break your ankle

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    Goldfish In A Glass Bowl (Rome, Italy)

    A Person Holding A Fish In A Bag

    Although it is legal to own goldfish in Rome, keeping them in a glass bowl is not. It is regarded as harsh since the bowl restricts their oxygen intake and could render them blind. Report

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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In Switzerland there's a long list of animals that are not allowed to be kept on their own. These include Guinea Pigs and other rodents as well as various Parrots. They're considered to be social animals and there must be two or more in order to keep them stimulated.

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    Flip-Flops (Capri, Italy)

    Flip Flops And Feet In Sand

    Apparently, flip-flops are prohibited on the Italian island of Capri since they are “excessively noisy,” and residents want to enjoy their “peace and quiet.” Tourists may, however, bring “loud” shoes and wear them in the rest of Italy. Report


    Eating Durian Fruit In Public (Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, And Singapore)

    Durian Fruit Hanging On String

    Although the durian fruit may be a favorite among many Singaporeans and visitors, the government and private sector were obliged to ban it due to its pungent stench. Due to the numerous “No Durian” signs found almost anywhere, travelers to Singapore shouldn’t anticipate seeing durian fruit on the city’s public transportation or in major public areas. Durian has also been outlawed on various forms of public transportation in Thailand, Japan, and Hong Kong. Report


    Baby Walkers (Canada)

    Baby In A Baby Walker

    In 2004, the Canadian government banned baby walkers to protect kids since they were moving too fast, and parents or caregivers simply couldn’t respond quickly enough. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm just imagining a bunch of babies with nitrous, drifting and speeding around their parents...

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    Chewing Gum (Singapore)

    Man Playing With Chewing Gum

    Singapore forbids the import and trading of chewing gum, except for a few varieties allowed for medicinal reasons. The country also takes prohibition very seriously; the importer might face jail time and huge fines.

    Elle Metz Report

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    Frando Bone
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's actually only illegal to sell and import. You can have it for yourself, you just can't spit it on the ground.

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    Noise (Victoria, Australia)

    Woman Screaming To Megaphone

    In Victoria, Australia, residents are prohibited from making any loud noises during set hours, which are Monday to Friday before 7 am and after 8 pm. and on weekends and public holidays before 9 am and after 8 pm. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    DONT DOWNVOTE PEOPLE SAYING REASONABLE THINGS JUST BECAUSE U DISAGREE!! This ain't Reddit, too many downvotes can get u banned on BP.

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    Blue Jeans (North Korea)

    Multiple Pairs Of Blue Jeans

    Blue jeans are prohibited in North Korea because they are viewed as a symbol of American imperialism. The same applies to other Western items, such as skinny jeans, lip and nose piercings, and branded T-shirts.

    Abhishek Bansal Report


    The Word “Jasmine” And Jasmine Flowers (China)

    Jasmine Flowers

    After the 2011 Chinese pro-democracy protests, also known as the Greater Chinese Democratic Jasmine Revolution, the word “jasmine” was blocked by China Mobile and China Unicom, suggesting that one can’t use the word “jasmine” on the internet in China. According to a report in The New York Times from May 10, 2011, selling jasmine flowers at flower marketplaces had also been prohibited. Report


    Reincarnation (China)

    Coffin With Flowers

    Since 2017, only with Chinese government approval may Buddhist monks in Tibet undergo reincarnation. Many believe the law was simply implemented to defame the Dalai Lama and lower public opinion of him.

    Preeti Aroon Report

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    M O'Connell
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The intent was for the Chinese government to hand-pick the next Dalai Lama.

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    Mullets And Ponytails (Iran)

    Woman With Ponytail

    In 2010, Iran outlawed mullets, ponytails, and long, gelled hair for men but allowed quiffs or floppy fringes in the style of the 1980s. Apparently, the ban included "homosexual" and "devil worshiping" hairstyles, tattoos, sunbed treatments, and plucked eyebrows for males since they are all considered against Islamic law.

    Phil Daoust , Saeed Kamali Dehghan Report

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    M O'Connell
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've been looking for a good "devil worshiping" hairstyle, does Iran have a style guide I could look at?

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    Running Out Of Gas In Autobahn (Germany)

    Filling Up The Car's Fuel Tank

    Running out of petrol is a big no-no since stopping your car on the Autobahn in Germany is also forbidden. Moreover, walking is not allowed on the Autobahn too. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not quite right. There is an emergency stopping lane, hard shoulder, whatever you want to call it, for use if you break down. If this causes a problem and can be shown to be due to a non-roadworthy vehicle or the driver's negligence then it may be prosecuted, but in general it will not be.

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    Certain Baby Names (Denmark, Iceland, And Portugal)

    Mom Holding Baby's Feet

    Foreign names are not permitted to be used for Portuguese infants, so Aiden, Ashley, Bruce, Charlotte, Dylan, and Jenny are all prohibited. A law also forbids giving a kid a nickname as their legal name. For example, the name Tom cannot be used, but Tomas is permitted.
    Any name with C, Q, or W in it would be disallowed in Iceland because these letters do not exist in the Icelandic alphabet.
    Denmark has a list of around 7,000 baby names that are allowed, and, like in Germany, gender-neutral names are off the list.

    George Harrison Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Spend enough time in a maternity ward in the US and you'll start to understand why some countries limit what you can name a child. Looking at you, Elon.

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    Yellow Clothing (Malaysia)

    Woman Using Phone Standing Next To The Wall

    As thousands of protestors in yellow t-shirts stormed the streets of Kuala Lumpur and demanded the resignation of the Prime Minister in 2016, the Malaysian government outlawed wearing yellow clothes. Since then, anyone seen wearing yellow has been subject to arrest on the grounds that they are participating in a protest. Report


    Anonymous Blogs With Over 3,000 Daily Visitors (Russia)

    Woman Typing On Laptop

    A regulation limiting social media users was enacted in Russia in 2014. That meant bloggers with more than 3,000 daily readers had to register with the country’s mass media regulator, Roskomnadzor, and follow the rules that apply to the nation’s major media outlets.

    Michael Birnbaum Report

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    That emo Girl
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Please can someone explain please 🤔 Edit: thanks to the ppl who explained to me what this meant!

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    Online Video Games After Midnight Under The Age Of Sixteen (South Korea) - Abolished

    Guys Playing Video Games On PC

    In 2011, the South Korean National Assembly passed the Youth Protection Revision Act, sometimes referred to as the "Shutdown Law" or "Cinderella Law," which made it illegal for kids under sixteen to play online video games between the hours of 0:00 and 6:00. However, the legislation was repealed in 2021. Report


    Gambling At The Casino, If You Are A Citizen Of Monaco (Monaco)

    Men Playing Roulette

    Monaco residents are not allowed to gamble. Nonetheless, just 8,000 out of the 38,000 population, or around 21%, are citizens. A few publications said it was a moral policy that dates back to the establishment of casinos in the 1850s as to why those 8,000 residents are not allowed to bet. Report

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    Pedantic Panda
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So they know it's a bad habit but happy to make money from the misery of others?

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    Lip-Syncing (Turkmenistan)

    Microphone To Record

    To protect “true culture,” the former president of Turkmenistan banned lip-syncing in 2005. Also, he outlawed opera and ballet, calling them superfluous. According to the former president’s order, lip-syncing isn’t permitted at cultural events, concerts, television, or private gatherings like weddings. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The President of Turkmenistan is a nut. Last Week Tonight did an episode on him.

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    Time Travel Movies And TV Shows (China)

    Lights On Traffic Road

    China’s government attempted to limit TV’s “bad” effects out of concern for how it would affect its residents’ perceptions of the world. Hence, in 2011, officials decided to outlaw time travel plots because they were worried about the rising popularity of time travel programs that alter history.
    However, the directive from China’s Bureau of Broadcasting issued in 2012 might have been more of a guidance and not strict rules since several movies and TV shows, including time travel plots, have been shown in China since. Filmmakers are still allowed to create TV shows that do not follow the rules, but there may be a long delay before those shows may be broadcast.
    In addition to broadcasting, a TV series’ screenplay must be approved by the censorship board. Even if a film or television series is made, it cannot be broadcast or streamed in China if the censorship board does not approve of the plot. Hence, filmmakers often won’t take the chance to produce a movie or television series that likely won’t be shown on the big screen. , Report

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    Hugh Cookson
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    'China bans something to restrict it's population's perception of the World' , No, really ? What about that bastion of openness and free speech, Russia - oops, maybe not .... We in the West really don't understand how lucky we are !!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Jogging In Groups (Burundi)

    Man Running On Beach

    Apparently, jogging groups were prohibited from Burundi’s capital in 2014 because opposition parties used them as a pretext for organizing “uprisings.” However, individual jogging is allowed. Report

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    That emo Girl
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok is this country so corrupt that they're scared that a group of ppl jogging is an uprising!?

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    Photos Of The President’s House (South Africa)

    Woman Taking Photos Surrounded By Sunflowers

    In 2013, the South African government threatened legal action against media sites that published images of President Jacob Zuma’s home. The photo ban came after a lengthy dispute about Zuma's house in Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal — a massive property with a mini-football field, a gym, and helicopter pads. A controversy broke out after it was learned that more than £12 million in public funds were spent to renovate the property, leading various media sources to publish aerial pictures of it.

    Salma Abdelaziz Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don’t forget the swimming pool the public funds installed… which was labelled as a “Fire Pool” for an emergency water source. …And a chicken coop.

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    Creating Memes (Australia)

    Man Laughing

    Lawfully, memes cannot be created or distributed in Australia because of the country’s strong copyright laws. “Distributing an infringing article that prejudicially affects the copyright owner” is prohibited, according to Section 132A Part 2 of the Copyright Act. Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Importing Ballpoint Pens (Nigeria)

    Three Pens Placed On Paper

    In addition to ballpoint pens, so are prohibited all types of footwear, live or dead birds, spaghetti or noodles, carpets, and cocoa butter. Report


    Using More Than 25 Pennies (Canada)

    Manny Pennies

    Since 2013, using more than 25 pennies in a single transaction has been prohibited in Canada. This was one of the laws set to place to gradually phase out coins. Report


    Wheelbarrows And Carts (Lagos, Nigeria)

    Wheelbarrow In Park

    The Lagos State Government banned the use of carts and wheelbarrows in 2018, claiming that their activities were detrimental to the state’s environmental cleanliness. According to a former secretary to the state government, investigations have shown that the majority of the unlawful dumping of rubbish into canals and road medians at night that results in floods was done by cart pushers. Report

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    Haggis (USA)

    Haggis In Tin Foil

    Haggis’s importation from the UK into the US was outlawed in 1971 due to a restriction on products containing sheep lung. All lungs are prohibited because, during slaughter, bodily fluids like mucus and stomach acid might seep into the lung. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's very tasty. History of haggis goes a long way back - Just don't understand why it's banned in the USA when AR-15 rifles aren't, bizarre

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    Japanese Shaving Brushes (Saint Lucia)

    Man Shaving In Front Of The Mirror

    These innocent-looking shaving brushes are forbidden in the Caribbean island of Saint Lucia. After a scandal involving anthrax contamination in the early 1900s, the island outlawed all imports of shaving brushes made in or exported from Japan. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I found this on pubmed - "During the First World War, anthrax cases in the United States and England increased greatly and seemed to be associated with use of new shaving brushes. Further investigation revealed that the source material and origin of shaving brushes had changed during the war. Cheap brushes of imported horsehair were being made to look like the preferred badger-hair brushes. Unfortunately, some of these brushes were not effectively disinfected and brought with them a nasty stowaway: Bacillus anthracis. A review of outbreak summaries, surveillance data, and case reports indicated that these cases originated from the use of ineffectively disinfected animal-hair shaving brushes. This historical information is relevant to current public health practice because renewed interest in vintage and animal-hair shaving brushes has been seen in popular culture."

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    Curvy Mannequins (Iran)

    Mannequins On Top Of The Car

    Since 2009, Iran’s shopkeepers have been prohibited from using mannequins without headscarves or exposing body curves as part of a government campaign against Western influence. Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Valentine’s Day (Indonesia, Pakistan, And Saudi Arabia)

    Dog With Hat On Valentine's Day

    Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, or Pakistan residents cannot celebrate Valentine's Day. Since it is not a Muslim practice and because it emphasizes love that isn’t aimed at God, Pakistan outlawed the holiday in 2017.

    Spriha Srivastava Report


    Electronic Games In Public Places (Greece) — Abolished

    Man Scrolling On Mobile Phone In Dark Train

    The Greek government approved the controversial Law 3037/2002 in 2002. However, it was eventually repealed in 2012. The law effectively outlawed all electronic games related to gambling, including those running on computers, consoles, and mobile phones, to combat unlawful gambling in the country. Report

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    Benita Valdez
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok but this seems reasonable since it's to reduce/prevent illegal gambling

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    Lacy Underwear (Russia, Belarus, And Kazakhstan)

    Perfume Cream And Lingerie

    Sales of lacy underwear are prohibited in Kazakhstan, Belarus, and Russia. Garments in contact with your skin must include at least 6% cotton, according to standards approved in 2013. This was implemented due to health concerns because lace is not a skin-breathable fabric.

    Ivana Kottasova Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Lace can be made of cotton, silk, wool, bamboo..... There are so many breathable, natural fibres that can be used.

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    Police Whistles (Guatemala)

    Man Holding A Whistle

    Among things such as arms, cremated remains, feeding bottles, Gardenia plants and seeds, Guatemala’s conditions for mailing also prohibit mailing police whistles. Why? Unfortunately, we couldn’t find any reasonable explanation. However, apparently, police whistles can be used as weapons and break the eardrum, which causes pain, loss of balance, and possibly even unconsciousness. Report

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    That emo Girl
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ouch. That must hurt but seriously!? There are much, MUCH more dangerous weapons that ppl are more likely to use

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    Google Earth, Skype, And Youtube (Morocco)

    Youtube On Mobile Phone

    According to reports, Google Earth, Skype, and YouTube have all been intermittently blocked in Morocco since at least 2006. However, tests carried out in the middle of 2013 revealed that they were all usable. Still, it is impossible to determine the status of a specific website because the blocking is not systematic and constant in time and place, and Morocco’s primary ISP disputes that they intentionally block particular services, blaming technical difficulties. Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Import Of Pencils (Tunisia)

    Colorful Pencils

    Most nations have a standard list of prohibited things, such as weapons and explosives. Yet, some countries have stronger laws than others. For instance, pencil imports are forbidden in Tunisia. Why? Not quite sure. However, items such as crayons, baby feeders with tubes, raisins, and soap are also prohibited. Report


    Candy Eggs (USA)

    Kinder Chocolate Egg In A Birds Nest

    Kinder Surprise Candy Eggs have been classified as a choking hazard since these chocolate sweets have a little toy within them. Attempts to import this Canadian sweet have resulted in people being detained in airports. Report

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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    10 children (worldwide) have died as a result of swallowing the toy in the Kinder Eggs. After one particular death, there was a debate in Parliament. It was said, "The child’s tragic death was caused by the ingestion of a small part of the egg’s contents. Many other products and toys with small parts are available in the market place. If we were to start banning every product that could be swallowed by a child, there would be very few toys left in the market". Also, the company is Italian, not Canadian.

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