40 Times People Revealed What Ridiculously Hilarious Misconceptions They Have About Women’s Bodies And It Got Immortalized Online
Turns out, it's not just the mysterious, elusive G-spot men have a hard time locating on a woman's body.
Some of them are so oblivious, so misinformed about the female reproductive system, you can't help but wonder what they had been up to during their biology classes. Maybe reading the memoirs of an 80-year-old grumpy alien virgin? I don't know.
But there's even a subreddit dedicated to their ignorance. It's called r/BadWomensAnatomy. This online community, which already has 460,000 members, collects pictures of some of the dumbest things men have said about the clitoris, vagina, and pretty much every other body part you can think of.
Here are the most popular posts from the subreddit.
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Props To Historical Women
"Just how little men know about women's bodies is shocking," general practitioner, medical researcher, and founder of PrimeHealth Clinical Research, Iris Gorfinkel, M.D., told Bored Panda. "A YouGov study in the UK conducted in 2019 asked British men to label a diagram of female genitalia. The results were actually abysmal. Well over half of the men surveyed could not label the vagina or labia, and the majority could not point out where it is that urine comes out."
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"There may be a perception from some men that they can get away with not being able to name visible parts of a woman's body, and still understand enough to know what has to go where. But that sets the goalposts pretty low," Gorfinkel said. "Things were made a whole lot better with just a bit more know-how whatever the starting point may be, there's always more that can be learned."
The Eternal Burn
I am a woman and I personally can't stand the look of men with ripped abs, it's a complete turn off but that is MY personal taste. Doesn't mean everyone feels the same.
What A Time To Be Alive
To make that a top priority, Gorfinkel gives the following reasons: "First on the list is, of course, sex because sexual characteristics define what genders are, and knowing more about a woman's body is the bedrock to great sex. [For example,] the vulva is on the outside and that's the part that touches clothing. The vulva actually has four parts. The mons (that's where the triangle of hair grows), the hairy outer labia and the hairless inner labia, and finally the clitoris. The vagina is simply a tube. It's a tube that connects the vulva to the opening of the uterus, the cervix, and the cervix can be felt actually when fingers are deep inside the vagina. And what is the clitoris? Its sole function is sexual pleasure. There is actually no such thing as a G spot and vaginal orgasms for the most part do not exist. The clitoris has twice the number of nerve endings that a penis does, and it is critical to the way most women will experience an orgasm."
Guess I Should Be Slathering My Whole Body In Foundation Then
Girls Can't Orgasm Apparently
Gorfinkel also pointed out that another reason to know a woman's body is for a man to better understand his own risks of sexually transmitted infections. To understand this, the doctor offered to look at the most common STI, the human papillomavirus or HPV. "Most sexually active women will actually contract this at some point in their lifetime, and nearly all of them are not going to have symptoms from it. But men can get this HPV and it can cause men to develop cancer, including cancers of the penis, cancers of the anus and rectum, mouth, tongue, lips, esophageal and laryngeal cancer. Basically anywhere where there's a mucosa, a wet surface, it can result in HPV."
"There are other STDs, such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes simplex, HIV, syphilis, hepatitis, and it's important for a person to see a doctor for regular checkups because so many of the diseases have no symptoms, at least half the time."
And the third reason why men should know more about a woman's body is reproduction.
Yeah, Sure Uncle Bob
What The Hell Does That Even Mean? What Is She Supposed To Do?
Truth be told, the same study we mentioned at the beginning of this text found that some women have problems navigating their body too. For example, 43% of them could not label the labia.
The only part of the female genitalia which the majority of both genders got right was the clitoris, identified correctly by two-thirds of men and women (71% of women, 69% of men).
That’s Sex Ed For You
How Does This Guy Handle Wiping His Own Ass?
"As well as asking Britons to identify body parts, we also surveyed women about their understanding of their own bodies," the researchers wrote. "We discovered a worrying lack of knowledge among women about how their genitalia works."
For instance, the vagina contains a large amount of bacteria, but the good kind which keeps the area healthy. Washing inside the vagina - even just with water - damages the natural balance of bacteria and is highly likely to lead to infections.
This Explains A Lot
What's A Uterus?
Why Do Some Men Think They Have The Right To Explain Women's Bodies To A Woman?
However, nearly half of the women (46%) they surveyed did not know that you shouldn't wash the inside of your vagina. A third (33%) thought it should be washed on a daily basis, and one in six (14%) said with water and soap, and one in five (19%) with water only. One in fifty (2%) think it should be washed with water after sex, rising to 7% of those aged from 18 to 24.
On A Thread About The Stupidest Comments Redditor's Significant Others Made
Can You Imagine?
This Is Doing The Rounds On Facebook. The Comments Are As Expected
Don’t Let Them Get Away With An Easy Birth
Found This Two-Fer On An Askreddit Post About The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard Someone Say
The Hole Closes Up
Menstrual Pain Is A Myth!
Nicole Kidman Is A Man
"Wait, You Still Get Periods?"
I Just.... I Just Can't
On A Post About A Funny Tampon Story
Yeeterus. Some Of The Guys In The Comments Were Very Concerned
In Reference To A Post I Made About My Female Funkopops Always Falling Over Because Of Their Tiny Bodies
You Get A Period! And You Get A Period!
Figured Y'all Would Appreciate This
I was holding the hand of my wife when she gave birth to our two children, an experience I would recommend to all men
Bad anatomy lesson
Ink Squids
She Just Got Pregnant By Herself, Like The Virgin Mary
Just Push It All Out
That's Not How This Works
...uh No
Pack It Up Ladies
No More Bottled Water Ladies, You'll Thank Me Later
Literal Woman's Anatomy?
This reminds me of when someone gender swapped the Avengers poster to make a point... avengers-6...bc0537.jpg
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First I was cringy, then I was laughing.. hard, and eventually I get pissed off at the lack of education.
I totally agree, but people still can't differentiate between they're/their/there, so how will they fully grasp uterus/vagina/urethra?
Load More Replies...This is why sex ed should be mandatory andnot conected to any religion
First I was cringy, then I was laughing.. hard, and eventually I get pissed off at the lack of education.
I totally agree, but people still can't differentiate between they're/their/there, so how will they fully grasp uterus/vagina/urethra?
Load More Replies...This is why sex ed should be mandatory andnot conected to any religion