50 People Who Had The ‘Pleasure’ Of Living Next To The Most Horrible People (New Pics)
Ah, the neighbors. We all have them, and not all of them are necessarily our favorites. Especially when they literally invade our personal space, litter in our backyard, and simply don’t know how to act like a decent human being. Such neighbors in our books are listed as terrible, and today, we intend to expose what behavior is strictly a no-no.
If you happen to come across a post that seems to attack you and your past behavior toward your fellow neighbor, maybe it is time to take a moment and self-reflect. And if you are familiar with a neighbor that fits the description, this is a sign to take action and deal with the problem because you deserve better.
To learn more about neighborly disputes, Bored Panda reached out to Dr. Kinga Mnich, a social psychologist, who kindly answered our questions. Read the full interview below.
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Couldn’t Get Out Of My Driveway This Morning. I Had The Car Towed And Now My Neighbor Is Mad
I mean, you can’t really park like this on accident. She either drove home hammered drunk or just didn’t care. Sucks to suck.
That Neighbor Though
Ketchup Critics
What's it f*****g matter,its goddamn ketchup,made from the same kind of tomatoes....Jesus christ
Having an unpleasant neighbor can be challenging, and it is one of the most uncomfortable things about living in a community. The conflicts can range from noise disturbances to property boundaries and even different life virtues. However, if you plan to live where you do for a long time and the neighbor feels the same way, it is probably worth investing your time and energy to resolve the neighborly disputes.
If the case is a milder one, and you haven’t approached your neighbor about the issue yet, the first step is to try and engage in open and respectful communication. The main key is to share perspectives with one another and try to understand the reasoning behind their actions. You never truly know what the other party is thinking of unless you ask.
Neighbors Just Ditched Their Doggo At Our House And Moved. Sadly We Can't Keep It
They’re Completely Over Neighbors Not Picking Up Their Dogs’ Poop
Our Sweet 7-Year-Old Dog Has A New Fireworks Phobia, Thanks To The Neighbor Who Just Had To Shoot Illegal Fireworks Off Above Our House
Dr. Kinga Mnich explained how being part of a group, like a neighborhood, affects the way we view and interact with our neighbors, especially when there are problems: "Biases and cultural differences, also even the cultural differences play a significant role and how we judge our neighbors actions."
She also added: "This can make us hesitant and having open conversations, asking questions, or even how we set up our security system."
Our New Neighbor. He's As Lovely As He Is Considerate
Australia is starting to get these huge utes (trucks) now, they're obnoxious.
Neighbor Put Nails Into My Cat's Favorite Spot To Sit On The Fence
My Neighbors Keep Stealing My Pumpkin Decorations. Let The Games Begin
Not every neighbor agrees to settle disputes over a cup of peaceful tea with cookies. Sometimes the tension is too high between the neighbors for one reason or the other. Therefore we asked Dr. Kinga Mnich to share a practical advice that could improve relationships with difficult neighbors and promote a more harmonious community.
"Sometimes it is unclear if the neighbors are difficult right from the start and just unfolds overtime. Keep your conversation cordial and polite,” shared Dr. Kinga Mnich.
Neighbor Is Throwing Used Diapers Into Our Window. What Are My Options?
They have repeatedly thrown trash into the window wells, but this is egregious. They scream, yell, and constantly get into fights and arguments, but every time they are confronted they just deny it.
My Family Is Displaced From A Hurricane And A Neighbor Left A Letter
My family (not myself) basically had their house wrecked by a tree during Ian and neighbors who can still live at their houses have to add on to the stress with this stuff.
When Your Neighbor Doesn't Dig Out His Own Path To The Street And Just Uses Mine And Decides To Park In Front Of It So No One Else Can Use It
Spray bottle containing water, walk by and spray the door handle, build up a nice thick layer
And though sometimes it seems impossible, the goal should always be to find a friendly solution that benefits both parties. Neighbor disputes can become emotionally draining, yet by approaching them with patience, empathy, and a willingness to compromise, you can work toward a resolution that preserves the peace and harmony of your community.
Parents Left For Vacation For A Week And Left The Neighbor’s Daughter In Charge Of Feeding Them
She must’ve dumped the entirety of the food because both filters in there were completely filled with food and weren’t running. Water became clouded and nasty and as a result, almost all of the fish suffered casualties.
Neighbors Called The Police On Us Because Of Our "Tall Grass"
My Neighbors Leave Their Dog Outside But Bring Their 2 Chihuahuas Inside Everytime It Rains
There's nothing I can do about it since our area doesn't have Animal Control, and it saddens me to see him like this every day.
Found Out My Neighbor Sleeps With A Loaded Firearm Today. The Corner Of My Computer Desk Right Behind My Monitor
The Neighbors Cut Down The Shade Trees In My Yard Without Permission And Now I Have To Look At Their Ugly Garage Which Was Not Visible Before
I am a renter in this house. Last week the neighbors (whom I have a good relationship with) told me they were having some people come by to do some yard work/trimming and asked if they could access my yard if they needed to. I said yes, but I had no idea they were planning to cut any of the trees down. This morning I came outside and it looked like this.
Chopping down other peoples trees needs to have bigger legal penalties. It takes decades to replace a shade tree.
Imagine Having The Audacity To Walk Barefoot In Your Own Apartment
Sorry, You Got To Sue The Bees Directly
"Bees stealing pollen or nectar"! This is hilarious! The neighbour is stealing your air, go get him!
Neighbor's Friend Decided Last Night That This Apparently Was The Best Place To Park, Making Both My Significant Other And Me Late For Work
Whats that sound? Oh, i think thats the sound of a tow truck hooking a car up to be towed.... but wjo can be sure now-a-days ;)
Neighbor Won't Share The Cost Of A Fence, And Did A Repair
He moved and rented out the house next door to us. We asked if he wanted to replace the fence and we would split the cost and he refused. This was his solution and our dogs suffered injuries before we noticed.
Nuh uh, reported and booted, no one hurts the doggos!! Make him pay the poor puppos vet bill too!!
My Neighbor Is A January 6th Participant And Is Currently In Prison. This Is The Flag Above His Garage
Neighbor Broke Into My Yard And Stole A 20-Foot Tree. It Had A Swing Hanging From It. The Swing Was Left On The Ground
This one just make me more sad than angry. So I had to do a bit of research "Trees usually take 20-30 years to reach full maturity, but the growth rate depends on the species, where you plant it, and several other factors." - Quote from https://8billiontrees.com/ This one also reminds of my childhood home. We had a huge cherry right in front of our porch (at least it seemed big as a kid). Every fall my sister and i would get a bucket each and climb up to collect and prepare cherries for marmelade and fresh cherry juice. After we moved i hadn't been there for a year or two but came back to visit the some of the neighbor kids from the street i saw that it had been cut down by the new owners ... I assume the shade was to much for them those 3 months it's summer in Denmark .. sorry for the long post
Neighbor Keeps Parking In The Handicapped Parking Spot. Even After Several Warnings From Management
My Neighbors Constantly Allowing Their Dogs To Run Loose In The Neighborhood. They Breed Pits And Can't Contain Them. They Run Into The Streets, Harass People And Other Pets
CALL ANIMAL CONTROL!! my husband and a neighbor were both mauled by 2 pitbulls owned by a neighbor. Both were airlifted as trauma patients. Both would have been killed if neighbor finally got them. Imagine if they were kids??!!?! It's illegal to let dogs roam free...ESPECIALLY vicious breeds! They need to be stopped!!!!
My Neighbor’s Patio That I Can Smell From My Patio. I Don’t Have Words For The Smell
My Neighbor Drove Into Part Of My Back Fence 2 Months Ago And Hasn’t Cleaned It Up
That’s his garage on the left being partially blocked. Maybe he thinks it’s a crime scene and he won’t get the insurance claim if he cleans it up I don't know.
Neighbors Had A Party, And Some High-Schooler Tagged My Daughter's Playhouse
As a high school myself, if i was there id repaint/clean up ur daughters play house than teach those punks a lesson :D... any ideas on the "lesson" fellow pandas?
One Of My Neighbors Stole My Bike And Left The Scraps On Their Patio
100% call the police. Bike thieves deserve no mercy. For some people a bike is the only transportation they can afford, if they lose that end up homeless fast.
My Neighbor Began To Cut Down One Of My Trees Yesterday Before I Caught Him. Is It Possible For This Tree To Be Saved? Or Does It Need To Come Down?
First, you should be reporting this to the police. Just because you caught him this time does not mean he will not try again later.
My Neighbor Moved In A Week Ago, And I Have Never Seen Someone This Uncivilized
Neighbors Above Me Threw Trash Off Their Balcony Onto My Car
Neighbors' Teenage Daughter Won't Stop Parking On Our Side Of The Driveway
Never again will I rent a house with a shared driveway.
Stop pulling your car all the way up and leaving her room to park behind you!
Next Door Neighbor Took Down His Deck And Put The Old Wood With Rusty Nails Sticking Out In The Woods That My Kids Play In
There’s a lot more that is mildly infuriating like his two-foot-long grass or his collection of pallets and old grills in his yard or his neglected dog that howls all day alone in his house (we’re attached, townhomes)… But this one really got me. We’ve got a little patch of woods behind our house that my young kids play in all the time and he dumped all this stuff back there with the nails sticking straight up. Of course, this is what separates my kids from a fun little creek back there so they’ll want to find a way around it. I already caught my 5 year old trying to climb the pile once.
Anyway, just felt annoyed and needed to vent. Carry on.
As a kid this would have been a treasure trove of fort building material.
When My Mom Passed Away A Few Years Back The Next-Door Neighbor Wrote This In The Sympathy Card
The card says:
"Wally + Sons,
According to our tax bill information, garbage totes should not be placed at curbside before seven (7:00) o'clock p.m. on Sunday, the day before our garbage collection day on Monday.
Pls. follow this rule.
Thanks! -E."
Our New Neighbor Has Parked Like This Every Day Since They Moved In
My Neighbor Set Our Apartment Building On Fire
My roommate and I luckily lived in the unit farthest away from the source of the fire so we had plenty of time to evacuate. 95% of our stuff is fine, it just stinks.
Just Caught A Neighbor "Walking Their Dog" By Car
The only time I could see this being even remotely okay is if the dog owner is recovering from an injury or illness and has nobody else who can or will walk the dog. Even then, they'd have to seriously know their dog well to be sure they won't dart in front of or under the vehicle, stay in an area with little to no traffic, and just barely press the accelerator. Even then, it's still risky because $h1t happens.
My Neighbor Asked To Park His Truck By The Garage For A Couple Of Weeks. It's Been Almost Two Months, And Yesterday He Removed The Wheels
If you have six cars in your front yard and only one of them runs. You might be a redneck.
Jerk Neighbors Blocked Off The Street To My House So No One Could Get Through
Our Neighbors Are Awful, They Constantly Throw Things Into Our Backyard. But This Takes The Cake
My mom texted me that she found a snake skeleton while cleaning out my brother's fireplace (long unused). A couple of days later she informed me that she and her houseguests from Belgium all agreed it was actually a bird. So...she gathered up the bones and brought them home to show her houseguests? Of course! Who else taught me to be super disturbing to others.
My Neighbor Smokes Cigarettes On His Side Yard And Flicks Them Into My Driveway
Too Bad There Isn't A Garbage Chute Nearby
Our Neighbor's Solution To A Newly Poured Driveway On A One-Lane Road
Nope. Highly illegal to block access for emergency vehicles. Call the cops.
Neighbors Moved Out And Left All Their Lights On (Including The Spotlight Shining Into My Bedroom)
My Neighbors Have Ripped Garbage Bags Consistently Every Week, And I Never See Them Do Anything About It
Inconsiderate Neighbors
Fire hazard, so far it’s been apartment buildings, wonder if anyone put in a complaint to property managers or landlord
My Neighbors Use The Communal Hallway As Storage
Nice stuff they have there. It sure would be a shame if any of it went missing.
Neighbor Beggar
We Left 7 Months Ago. Came Back To This. The Upstairs Neighbor Had A Leak And Never Fixed It
In my neighborhood summer means it's time to play dueling stereo systems. One family is Hispanic and the guy next to him works swing shift. When the Hispanic family gets too loud swing shift guy opens his windows an plays country music...old school country music. Works better than calling the cops and fun too.
I lived in an apartment for a couple years near Kansas City, MO. My next door neighbors fought every day. Like, full blown screaming matches. When I overheard the man threatening his girlfriend with a tire iron, that's when I called the police. My upstairs neighbor had extremely loud sex everyday. As crazy as it sounds, it wasn't the worst place to live in. I was gone at work all the time and just basically passed out from exhaustion when I came home so the noises didn't bother me too much. I kinda had to laugh at that point.
In my neighborhood summer means it's time to play dueling stereo systems. One family is Hispanic and the guy next to him works swing shift. When the Hispanic family gets too loud swing shift guy opens his windows an plays country music...old school country music. Works better than calling the cops and fun too.
I lived in an apartment for a couple years near Kansas City, MO. My next door neighbors fought every day. Like, full blown screaming matches. When I overheard the man threatening his girlfriend with a tire iron, that's when I called the police. My upstairs neighbor had extremely loud sex everyday. As crazy as it sounds, it wasn't the worst place to live in. I was gone at work all the time and just basically passed out from exhaustion when I came home so the noises didn't bother me too much. I kinda had to laugh at that point.