50 Toxic Teachers Who Deserve To Be Called Out For Their Unprofessionalism (New Pics)
Teachers can be extremely influential people in their students’ lives. Even if they don’t realize it, one meaningful conversation might alter the trajectory of a child’s educational career. And while the educators that we love are remembered as saints for decades to come, the ones that we despised are never forgotten either…
Bored Panda has scoured the internet and found some of the most disturbing and disappointing images calling out teachers for displaying toxic behavior in their classrooms. From refusing to let students use the bathroom to writing heartless comments on assignments, these educators give the profession a bad name. And they deserve to be held accountable.
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Teacher Taking A Child’s Hearing Aid As Punishment “Cause She Wasn’t Listening Anyway”
Not Only Did He Not Let Her Use The Bathroom, He Gave Her A Detention For Asking
While I Am Glad She Was Corrected, That's Such A Terrible Accusation On Her Part
Just because one student lies doesn't mean they all lie. I'm sure if the teacher showed some empathy at first , she would have found the truth either way and she would have saved face.
Looking back on my time in school, my memories of most of my teachers are a blur. I might slightly remember how they look, what subjects they taught and how much I struggled or excelled in their classes. But we tend to never forget the teachers that made us feel strongly, whether that was positive or negative.
I vividly remember having conversations with educators who empowered and encouraged me. And I’ll always appreciate how much they believed in me. But I also remember word-for-word the cruel comments that I received from other teachers that left permanent scars on my self-esteem. Unfortunately, not everyone is cut out to be a teacher.
That Isn’t How You Pronounce It?
That Was One Lousy Art Teacher
It's beautiful. Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. That teacher sounds like someone who's lost the passion in teaching, if they ever had it. They are there to motivate, to encourage and to bring out the best in their students. Unless the critiques are about form, or method, then it's just vitriol and that teacher should probably be fired.
Penguins Are Mammals Now
So what exactly makes a great teacher? Southern New Hampshire University notes on their site that the best teachers are strong communicators and excellent listeners. They know how to get through to their students, and they take the concerns of their classes seriously. Wonderful teachers also prioritize collaboration and are real team players, which sets a great example for their students too.
These teachers are flexible and accept when they need to change with the times. When it comes to lesson plans, they also find a way to make sure that both they and their students are engaged. Teachers that truly make an impact on their students’ lives are empathetic, patient and value real-world learning.
The Difference Between This And A Business Meeting Is That A Business Meeting Is Actually Important
Just Gross. And So Many Stories Like This Of Terrible Boys And Equally Terrible Teachers
Why Would This Be Me
Clearly, the teachers on this list could use a lot of lessons in the best practices described above. But sadly, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find amazing teachers nowadays. Low wages, long working hours, extremely high expectations and pressure to go above and beyond have many teachers feeling burnt out when they’ve barely even begun their careers. In fact, the West Virginia Education Association published a piece discussing why many teachers are walking away from the classroom permanently.
The Power Of Words
Long story short, I had an art teacher who failed me because the circle I drew wasn’t good enough. The drawings I did looked ‘deformed’ and ‘sloppy, poorly done.’ I have fine motor skill issues and hand problems. It’s very hard for me to grip a pencil while drawing or writing. She also failed most of the SPED students for similar reasons; to her, the art they produced wasn’t good enough.
What A Weird Thing To Assume
Uninspiring Teacher Comment
Frustrated teachers note that they’re fed up with budget cuts, violence in their classrooms and salaries so low that many have to take on extra jobs during their free time. Many educators also complain about being expected to work during every hour of the day, even when they’re sick. They tend to spend at least 40 hours a week in the classroom, but that usually doesn’t account for time spent grading papers, planning lessons and meeting with parents.
That’s Not It, Professor
i had an anxiety attack in my acting class because of my severe performance anxiety. im in college classes at 17 with actual adults and so i was embarassed. i was like, ugly crying in front of all these 20 something year olds and my teacher made me continue my monologue. when i was physically incapable of speaking she said "what?? what is wrong with you??" very clearly angry with me. i kinda muttered that it was personal and she rolled her eyes and said "leave it at the door" and made me continue, she assumed i didnt know my lines but the joke's on her. i did continue my monologue and i did it through tears (the monologue was a mother recounting her dead son's funeral so i think it was appropriate). many people still dont know that my tears were genuine haha. i dont like my teacher :3
Why Would You Incentivized That?
my middle school did this too! the teachers just started ignoring the policy after weeks of complain tho
That Is A Despicable Thing To Say To A Child
While many teachers don’t want to say goodbye to their careers in education, they all have to put food on the table. And at a certain point, it’s not worth it to struggle to make ends meet when you’re working one of the most stressful jobs. Not to mention the fact that teachers have very little creative control in their classrooms. The lesson plans are typically created by the state or school district and designed to ensure that students pass exams, regardless of whether or not they truly master the material.
I Feel Horrible For This Child, Its The 4th Time The Teacher Would Not Allow Him To Go The Nurse For His Insulin
My Little Sister's Notebook Checking
She's in the third grade and the teacher doesn't know the spelling of about?
Did the teacher 'correct' "about" to "aboute"? Is she living in the 1400s?
This Is Why I Hate Telling People I Have It, And I'm Actually Medically Diagnosed
No, we don't ALL have ADHD. Different people have different problems and there's no "one size fits all" solution to fixing, or at least ameliorating, the effects of the problem.
According to Teachers of Tomorrow, some of the biggest challenges educators face today are: limited access to funding, drowning in endless paperwork, struggling with time management, adapting to educational trends, helping students with various learning preferences and difficulties, disciplining students, lacking effective communication, trying to meet the standards of school administrators, burning out, keeping their lessons inclusive and dealing with socio-emotional challenges students face.
It Was Pretty Upsetting. I Never Had A Problem With My Name
Had an similar issue like that with a long term substitute teacher, kid in class was named Ocean he literally got told “that’s a girl name that isn’t your real name.”
What A Horrible Man
This Is Insane
Teachers are often expected to juggle many roles at once without complaining at all or asking for higher wages. And unfortunately, this drives many great educators out of the profession, while leaving room for terrible teachers like the ones on this list. Educating the future generations is one of the most important jobs a person can have, so it’s crucial that we call out this toxic behavior in classrooms and ensure that it doesn’t continue.
The Perfume Industry Begs To Differ
What if they were lemon scones? For heaven's sake, most perfumes, colognes, lotions, etc. are made up of different ingredients that create the fragrance. The fragrance may have only one name, but that doesn't mean it's composed of one singular scent.
Was Told I Wasn’t Allowed To Write My Math Test Unless I Put My "Vape" Away
If This Is How The Teacher Behaves In Public, People Should Be Questioning Their Behaviour To Students Behind Closed Doors
We know this isn’t the most fun list in the world, pandas. But it is an important reminder to value the great teachers out there, because I promise, there are still plenty. Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly infuriating, and let us know in the comments below what the worst thing you’ve ever seen a teacher do was. Then, you can check out another Bored Panda list featuring awful teachers right here!
No You Didn’t
I had a biology teacher in HS that owned a limo company. He was more into that! He wanted us to copy (write out) paragraphs from our text book. We knew he didn't read this c**p, so my friends and I put down lyrics to our favorite songs, mine being DANZIG.. Passed the class with flying colors!
This Is Disgusting And The Teachers Should Be Punished
Ma’am My Lips Are Cracked What Do You Want From Me
Education Is Important
What kinda question is this? If you expect people to say "no that is impossible" just ask them "Is this possible" not "How is this possible."
What A Nasty Thing For Him To Say
I Sincerely Hope They Became An Egyptologist
A Teacher In Texas Asking Students To Rate Their Book 5 Stars In Order To Get A's
Racist Teacher Gets 3 Day Suspension After Telling Exchange Students To "Go Back To Working On Rice Farms"
That's Horrible
I Hope He Got Fired
Whe Didn't You Tell Me
Had A Project In Art Class And I Put It In My Art Journal Without Thinking. I Turned It In With A Bookmark And Asked Her Not To Go Through It. I Got It Back With This On Every Page
No way. That's really crossing many lines. If someone looked through my non-school notebooks I would be so upset. And writing on it too.
Why Did Teachers Always Do This?
It's always been second nature for them to be grammar pedants. Even in ancient times, people were upbraided for writing "Romanes eunt domus"
The teachers who complain about "can I" instead of "may I" don't seem to understand the difference between grammatical correctness & common language
The correct answer is "I sure can" and go ahead and leave the room.
So your Teacher, taught you a memorable lesson. And did their job. That's why Teachers 'always do this'. At least the good ones.
Sometimes I think this reaction to things is funny and even educational, but let the kid go to the d*mn bathroom, you don't need to give them a full grammar lesson first
I was a victim of this in my younger days. My Mum's cousin was a teacher and pedantic. No big deal, because he was right.
I read this response on the internet a while back: When I said 'can', I was using its secondary modal form as a verbal modifier asking for permission, as opposed to expressing an ability. I thought that, since you were a teacher, you'd know that.
A _very_ long time ago a teacher did that to me (for the last time), and I finally had the presence of mind to reply 'But sir, i couldn't possibly go without your permission!". Used that every time thereafter until I was old enough that teachers stopped caring about c**p like that.
Teacher In My School Never Cleans His Bin Nor Asks Anyone To Empty It, There's Even A Half-Eaten Pie On The Floor
My Professor's Handwriting
Teacher Wrote My Son’s Name On His Blanket In Sharpie. The Blanket Has His Name All Over It
My Professor Is Blatantly Using Chatgpt To "Give Feedback" And Grade Our Assignments
All of my professors including this one emphasize the importance of not using ChatGPT for assignments and how they will give out 0’s if it gets detected.
So naturally this gets under my skin in a way I can’t even explain, some students like myself put a lot of effort into the assignments and spend a lot of time and the feedback isn’t even genuine.
I’m not even against AI, I use all the time and it’s extremely helpful to organize ideas, but never do I use it in such a careless manner that’s so disrespectful.
Should hand the assignment back, marking the feedback as zero. Well, fair's fair, right?
How Is This Even Possible
TA Forgets To Remove The Part Of The Email Where The Prof Mocks My Question Before Responding
This Is Mean
Teacher Doesn’t Hide His Use Of AI
I went to my daughter's middle school introduction assembly and it was basically about all the ways ChatGPT can help us at home and how it is incorporated into education and used all the time. I was so pissed what a waste of time
The Question Was What Was The Relation Between Kant's Critique Of Judgment And The Weekend Trip To Connecticut The Professor Had Just Taken
My Kid's Teacher Said "Gnome" Begins With N
My Professor Doesn’t Show Powerpoint Slides In Full Screen
I've lost count of how many meetings I've been in where people fail to use the "Start Slide Show" command
I Would Literally Run
Not supporting the teacher, but was this for a physics lesson. I had a project for physics where we had to use our weight in kg in order to use it to create a unique problem. We could remain anonymous.
Sorry, Was That A Threat?
Poll Question
Do you think toxic teachers are a widespread issue in education systems?
Yes, very common
Somewhat common
Rare, but notable
No, not a major issue
I have never encountered such a toxic group of teachers and administrative workers as at my daughter's elementary school. They should not be around children. Every time I go in there I see an adult towering over a cowering child and screaming at them. I walked in on the PE teacher screaming at my daughter as she was coming out of the bathroom for "giggling" and the look on her face when she saw my irate a*s storming towards her was priceless. I am usually quiet and don't like confrontation but it's like a "red red red fire anger" button is pushed when you see a teacher bullying small children
I had my share of bad teachers from elementary school through grad school, but not sank to the level of most of these.
I found junior school boring because I was way ahead of the other kids. As an example, I was reading teenage and adult level science fiction (John Wyndhams, JG Ballard, HG Wells) before I was ten when the other kids were reading large print books with pictures on every facing page. So there I am reading a book (Chocky) and this idiot teacher is "no you aren't, you can't". Come on lady, ask me what it's about. A few times of stuff like that, and me asking what she considered inappropriate questions (like me wanting to know more about the topic) and she decided that I would spend my days at the back of the room facing the wall and not allowed to participate in the lesson at all. After a while of doing that, I would be present for role call and would then wander off. The teacher didn't care. The 💩 really hit the fan when mom had to pick me up early and nobody knew where I was.
The police found me about a quarter of a mile down the road, sitting in the local library reading. Which the librarian had told the school a few times before but nobody cared and I kept turning up so they just pointed me to interesting books and discreetly kept an eye on me. That random librarians had more sense than an entire school was quite something when my mother brought social services into it. I don't know what happened to that teacher, I was moved into a different class with a teacher who would recommend books. And, like mom, was smart enough to gloss over the nutty stuff in Ballard's books that I didn't understand until I reread them as an adult and...whoa...little Rick really missed that!
Load More Replies...My youngest daughter had a grade 2 teacher full on confiscate a hair clip she was using to keep her hair out of her eyes because it was "not school uniform", Now before people ask yes there is a uniform and yes there is a small section about hair accessories, but even the Principle thinks and has openly discussed and advised that hair accessories (Hair ties, Clips etc) are fine in whatever colour as they're usually to small to worry about. What's worse about this is that this one teacher would only target the girls in her class, every other girl in the school was fine to wear anything in their hair no matter the colour, My only thought for her reason behind this power trip behaviour was that she herself had very thin hair to the point she appeared to be going bald. I'm sorry lady it's not my little girls fault that you're loosing your hair.
It saddens me to read things like that. I'm a high-school teacher since 25 years now (non-US) and luckily I've never encountered colleagues like these. Or at least not that I know of (you never know exactly what happens behind closed doors). That said, the job did become more and more difficult in the past - let's say - 10 years. The kids did in general get a bit more aggressive (we've had damages in our two high-schools in town of 60'000 bucks alone last year) and some parents did get more difficult and over-protective. Still, I wouldn't wanna do anything else. Being part of the teenagers lifes for a few years and guiding them into the right direction and into the grown-up world is a rewarding thing to do. Salary is fine (though not as high as many suspect), but being a teacher is not just a job. It's a calling I'd say. Your heart has to be in it 100%. If it's not, better make way for others... (I do understand that some days are toughter than others of course...but in general).
I had a male teacher corner me alone after class in an off main campus trailer to yell at me for not calling him "Sir". Asked how the hell my father had raised me without respect. The entire class was from a nearby domestic violence shelter. He knew. Didn't see him after that.
The teachers are between a rock and a hard place with the whole bathroom pass thing. My husband says "yes" to every bathroom request, and most of the time they never come back to class, or they come back reeking of weed.
That is still not an excuse. If a child asks to use the bathroom, YOU LET THEM GO TO THE BATHROOM.
Load More Replies...Really? They said they let them go everytime and you still got upset?
According to the teacher I had in Primary 2 (equivalent to 1st Grade) I was both "stupid and lazy". I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was around 9. This same teacher once got me so upset about a tiny trivial thing, that I puked on my desk. I was just six years old.
Every single one of these teachers, and every administrator who condoned their behavior, should be fired and banned from teaching for life.
See, my Mom was not afraid to go to the school, get in the teacher's faces, and read them for filth. All 5"4" 98 lbs of her. In the middle of class so that they're publicly humiliated in front of their own students. My Dad looks tough, but Mom was always the one who'd rip your face off and beat you with it.
Another good reason not to have kids: some of these would have me gone violent. I'm not saying that to be 'cool' - I hate it that I wouldn't be able to restrain myself. But when a teacher supports a boy who sexually harasses a girl, it would be over. And schools would hate me for the letters they'd get about teachers not knowing how to spell "about".
Gradeschool in the 1970's would have shocked most people. Teachers could openly hit children. My 5th grade teachers threatened to kill me in front of the class...and it wasn't a joke.
I had an 3rd grade teacher who hit a developmentally challenged girl with a yardstick for not knowing who Jesus was. She then went on to explain that anyone who had not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior was going to hell.
I could write a book about all that has happened at my youngest son's high school. He graduates this year and I cannot wait to be done with that place. In 10th grade they were studying the holocaust and he felt the teacher was making it a joke. He was upset by some of the material. They had to write a paper and he sent an email to her saying "I'm going to this this one out." Her response was, "Okay. Less work for me." I found out about all of this after the fact. I was livid. An A student, never misses work, and he suddenly sends an email saying he isn't doing the assignment and instead of showing concern, or maybe reaching out to the parent--THAT is the response?
Same teacher the following year accuses him of using AI to write a paper. She tells him it is a serious offense and he gets a zero. It's such a serious offense that she doesn't bother to reach out to his parents? We found out because he came to us, upset. He'd written her an email explaining it was not AI, and told her his process and resources he'd used to write the paper. She responded, "I'll let it slide this time." This upset him more because she didn't believe him. AI checkers are notoriously unreliable. I reached out the school and was put in touch with the VP. He was a complete a*s. He informed me that all students cheat. He informed me that whenever they see students improving their grades, they have to assume they're cheating. I asked if they had one AI checker all teachers used. He said teachers could use whatever they wanted. He put my son's paper into a checker and it came back as NOT AI. This was after he smugly assumed my son was lying to me.
Load More Replies...Why would he lie? HE was the one who told me what was going on. Otherwise, I'd have never known. I feel bad for students who are trying to improve their grades since the admin at that school just assume they're cheaters. That SAME teacher taught a mythology class and would ask questions like "What do you think...." and then mark answers wrong that didn't agree with her. They were subjective questions. She was booted from teaching that class. They got a different teacher for the next semester. All of that is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more. I shouldn't be surprised. Our state is near last--if not dead last--in education.
When my youngest was about 7, he was going through a churchy phase (thankfully a short phase) and didn't want to celebrate Halloween. The teacher called me in to lecture me that he was refusing to draw a face on the paper jack-o-lanterns she handed out, and was instead writing "I love Jesus", and it was wrong and I needed to make him celebrate Halloween. I told her in very blunt terms that if my son wanted to write "I love Jesus" on his jack-o-lantern and skip the holiday, then I was absolutely going to support him. And if she ever squashed his artistic expression again, and called me out of work for something like this, she'd be looking for a new job, and maybe some dentures.
My horrible teacher was Ms Sophie (6th grade). This was back in the 70s: she was blatantly racist; would make fun of the exchange students for their "accents" - told them it makes them sound stupid; and (it seemed) that all the kids she held back from going to recess were always the minorities. She accused the black kids of stealing things (they didn't) and the Hispanic kids for bad attitudes. She was very vocal that she didn't like the kids from Laos (that was when they came over by the boat loads, literally) and lumped all the Asians (that's me) into the group - I was born in the state. The biggest thing for me, I found out I had a form of dyslexia that wasn't discovered till the 7th grade. She told me I was an idiot, and don't ever bother trying to go to a college, as I was too stupid. I was 11 years old. Ten years later, she did die at 41 (I admit, I was not sad) and I did go to college and even got my master's degree. The latter was due to teachers that actually cared.
I have never encountered such a toxic group of teachers and administrative workers as at my daughter's elementary school. They should not be around children. Every time I go in there I see an adult towering over a cowering child and screaming at them. I walked in on the PE teacher screaming at my daughter as she was coming out of the bathroom for "giggling" and the look on her face when she saw my irate a*s storming towards her was priceless. I am usually quiet and don't like confrontation but it's like a "red red red fire anger" button is pushed when you see a teacher bullying small children
I had my share of bad teachers from elementary school through grad school, but not sank to the level of most of these.
I found junior school boring because I was way ahead of the other kids. As an example, I was reading teenage and adult level science fiction (John Wyndhams, JG Ballard, HG Wells) before I was ten when the other kids were reading large print books with pictures on every facing page. So there I am reading a book (Chocky) and this idiot teacher is "no you aren't, you can't". Come on lady, ask me what it's about. A few times of stuff like that, and me asking what she considered inappropriate questions (like me wanting to know more about the topic) and she decided that I would spend my days at the back of the room facing the wall and not allowed to participate in the lesson at all. After a while of doing that, I would be present for role call and would then wander off. The teacher didn't care. The 💩 really hit the fan when mom had to pick me up early and nobody knew where I was.
The police found me about a quarter of a mile down the road, sitting in the local library reading. Which the librarian had told the school a few times before but nobody cared and I kept turning up so they just pointed me to interesting books and discreetly kept an eye on me. That random librarians had more sense than an entire school was quite something when my mother brought social services into it. I don't know what happened to that teacher, I was moved into a different class with a teacher who would recommend books. And, like mom, was smart enough to gloss over the nutty stuff in Ballard's books that I didn't understand until I reread them as an adult and...whoa...little Rick really missed that!
Load More Replies...My youngest daughter had a grade 2 teacher full on confiscate a hair clip she was using to keep her hair out of her eyes because it was "not school uniform", Now before people ask yes there is a uniform and yes there is a small section about hair accessories, but even the Principle thinks and has openly discussed and advised that hair accessories (Hair ties, Clips etc) are fine in whatever colour as they're usually to small to worry about. What's worse about this is that this one teacher would only target the girls in her class, every other girl in the school was fine to wear anything in their hair no matter the colour, My only thought for her reason behind this power trip behaviour was that she herself had very thin hair to the point she appeared to be going bald. I'm sorry lady it's not my little girls fault that you're loosing your hair.
It saddens me to read things like that. I'm a high-school teacher since 25 years now (non-US) and luckily I've never encountered colleagues like these. Or at least not that I know of (you never know exactly what happens behind closed doors). That said, the job did become more and more difficult in the past - let's say - 10 years. The kids did in general get a bit more aggressive (we've had damages in our two high-schools in town of 60'000 bucks alone last year) and some parents did get more difficult and over-protective. Still, I wouldn't wanna do anything else. Being part of the teenagers lifes for a few years and guiding them into the right direction and into the grown-up world is a rewarding thing to do. Salary is fine (though not as high as many suspect), but being a teacher is not just a job. It's a calling I'd say. Your heart has to be in it 100%. If it's not, better make way for others... (I do understand that some days are toughter than others of course...but in general).
I had a male teacher corner me alone after class in an off main campus trailer to yell at me for not calling him "Sir". Asked how the hell my father had raised me without respect. The entire class was from a nearby domestic violence shelter. He knew. Didn't see him after that.
The teachers are between a rock and a hard place with the whole bathroom pass thing. My husband says "yes" to every bathroom request, and most of the time they never come back to class, or they come back reeking of weed.
That is still not an excuse. If a child asks to use the bathroom, YOU LET THEM GO TO THE BATHROOM.
Load More Replies...Really? They said they let them go everytime and you still got upset?
According to the teacher I had in Primary 2 (equivalent to 1st Grade) I was both "stupid and lazy". I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was around 9. This same teacher once got me so upset about a tiny trivial thing, that I puked on my desk. I was just six years old.
Every single one of these teachers, and every administrator who condoned their behavior, should be fired and banned from teaching for life.
See, my Mom was not afraid to go to the school, get in the teacher's faces, and read them for filth. All 5"4" 98 lbs of her. In the middle of class so that they're publicly humiliated in front of their own students. My Dad looks tough, but Mom was always the one who'd rip your face off and beat you with it.
Another good reason not to have kids: some of these would have me gone violent. I'm not saying that to be 'cool' - I hate it that I wouldn't be able to restrain myself. But when a teacher supports a boy who sexually harasses a girl, it would be over. And schools would hate me for the letters they'd get about teachers not knowing how to spell "about".
Gradeschool in the 1970's would have shocked most people. Teachers could openly hit children. My 5th grade teachers threatened to kill me in front of the class...and it wasn't a joke.
I had an 3rd grade teacher who hit a developmentally challenged girl with a yardstick for not knowing who Jesus was. She then went on to explain that anyone who had not accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior was going to hell.
I could write a book about all that has happened at my youngest son's high school. He graduates this year and I cannot wait to be done with that place. In 10th grade they were studying the holocaust and he felt the teacher was making it a joke. He was upset by some of the material. They had to write a paper and he sent an email to her saying "I'm going to this this one out." Her response was, "Okay. Less work for me." I found out about all of this after the fact. I was livid. An A student, never misses work, and he suddenly sends an email saying he isn't doing the assignment and instead of showing concern, or maybe reaching out to the parent--THAT is the response?
Same teacher the following year accuses him of using AI to write a paper. She tells him it is a serious offense and he gets a zero. It's such a serious offense that she doesn't bother to reach out to his parents? We found out because he came to us, upset. He'd written her an email explaining it was not AI, and told her his process and resources he'd used to write the paper. She responded, "I'll let it slide this time." This upset him more because she didn't believe him. AI checkers are notoriously unreliable. I reached out the school and was put in touch with the VP. He was a complete a*s. He informed me that all students cheat. He informed me that whenever they see students improving their grades, they have to assume they're cheating. I asked if they had one AI checker all teachers used. He said teachers could use whatever they wanted. He put my son's paper into a checker and it came back as NOT AI. This was after he smugly assumed my son was lying to me.
Load More Replies...Why would he lie? HE was the one who told me what was going on. Otherwise, I'd have never known. I feel bad for students who are trying to improve their grades since the admin at that school just assume they're cheaters. That SAME teacher taught a mythology class and would ask questions like "What do you think...." and then mark answers wrong that didn't agree with her. They were subjective questions. She was booted from teaching that class. They got a different teacher for the next semester. All of that is just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more. I shouldn't be surprised. Our state is near last--if not dead last--in education.
When my youngest was about 7, he was going through a churchy phase (thankfully a short phase) and didn't want to celebrate Halloween. The teacher called me in to lecture me that he was refusing to draw a face on the paper jack-o-lanterns she handed out, and was instead writing "I love Jesus", and it was wrong and I needed to make him celebrate Halloween. I told her in very blunt terms that if my son wanted to write "I love Jesus" on his jack-o-lantern and skip the holiday, then I was absolutely going to support him. And if she ever squashed his artistic expression again, and called me out of work for something like this, she'd be looking for a new job, and maybe some dentures.
My horrible teacher was Ms Sophie (6th grade). This was back in the 70s: she was blatantly racist; would make fun of the exchange students for their "accents" - told them it makes them sound stupid; and (it seemed) that all the kids she held back from going to recess were always the minorities. She accused the black kids of stealing things (they didn't) and the Hispanic kids for bad attitudes. She was very vocal that she didn't like the kids from Laos (that was when they came over by the boat loads, literally) and lumped all the Asians (that's me) into the group - I was born in the state. The biggest thing for me, I found out I had a form of dyslexia that wasn't discovered till the 7th grade. She told me I was an idiot, and don't ever bother trying to go to a college, as I was too stupid. I was 11 years old. Ten years later, she did die at 41 (I admit, I was not sad) and I did go to college and even got my master's degree. The latter was due to teachers that actually cared.