When it feels like the world is against you, a few things can make it somewhat better. A bucket of choco chip ice cream is one, binge watching Community with your therapy dog is another. But the most potent antidote known to man is a bittersweet one, and it’s knowing that someone is having a day even more vile than you are.
Whether it’s a spilled coffee or “as luck would have it” moment, get ready for a barely legal therapy list down below as compiled by Bored Panda. Be sure to check out our previous posts with bad, worse, and 100% evil days here, here, and here and don’t forget to let us know how your day is going so far in the comment section.
Even if there’s no skip button for those 24-hour hell on earth benders, at least we can all have a laugh at them.
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I Am An Asian That Finally Used The Iris Recognition Technology On His Phone
I hope you seek justice. That product software needs to go all the way back to the drawing board!!
Door Was Jammed Form Inside So Phoned A Guy To Repair It. He Managed To Open It, Left His Tools Outside, Came Inside And Shut The Door. Now We're Both Stuck
Previously, Bored Panda reached out to Vasia Toxavidi, a counselor and accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), to find out about ways of dealing with mishaps and developing psychological resilience.
According to Vasia, even the smallest mishaps like “throwing our morning coffee on us or even getting a text or an email we don’t like can affect the rest of our day.” A typical reaction is “Oh, great start to the day!” but according to the counselor, the negative bias can directly affect the course of events.
Scientists say that the reason we are all wired for ‘negatively biased’ thinking is because negative events and emotions have a greater impact in our brains than the positive ones. Even the smallest things that generate negative reactions can snowball into the forecast for the rest of the day, or even the week.
I Spilled 50,000 2mm Glass Beads On The Ground And I Now Have To Sort Them By Hand
When The Tiger Shark You're Photographing Swims Off With Your Camera Rig
According to Vasia, we end up creating a self-fulfilling prophecy because we look at the world through lenses triggered by anger, fear, or the expectation that something will go wrong. And in that sense, the reality is only how we perceive it.
So as humans, we tend to not only forecast things to go badly because of otherwise meaningless mishaps, we tend to fixate on virtually any negative moments. Whether it’s recalling insults better than praise, reacting more strongly to negative stimuli than to positive, thinking about negative things more frequently than positive, it all contributes to our behavior.
Just Lost Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Product At Work. Most Likely Getting Fired
UPDATE: It's bell pepper, about $250 a kilo and we lost 20 kilos in total. What happened was I was discharging the product inside the container and I thought I was completely done because none was coming out. I undo all of the screws, lift it up, and a shit ton poor's out. It turned out that the valve closed due to the vibration of the pump motor and there was a lot of leftover. No one will see it, hopefully. Most of the employees only use Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
UPDATE: I didn't get fired! But I do have to go back to that order and make another 20 kilos which will be a long day. They were really understanding and forgave me for my mistake. Thank god I didn't lose my job!
Are We There Yet?
My Boss Didn't Realize That There Was An Envelope Of Cash On Her Desk Before Using The Shredder
My Mom Accidentally Printed Her Divorce Papers On Stickers
This bias toward the negative leads you to pay much more attention to the bad things that happen, making them seem much more important than they really are.
It is thought that the negative bias comes from our ancestors who’d pay attention to bad, dangerous, and negative threats in the world. It was literally a matter of life and death. Those who were more attuned to danger had higher chances of survival.
Oh No
Someone Accidentally Set Off The Fire Suppression System In A Military Hanger
I Just Found Out This Isn’t Me. My Parents Never Took Out The Stock Photo And It’s Been There For Like Ten Years
I Got This Bread From Whole Foods. More Like Hole Foods
Went Camping, Set A New Bug Bite Record
But that doesn’t mean that we cannot escape the negative bias trap. On the contrary, once you are aware this is how your brain works, you can make a conscious effort to stop it.
For example, a great start is cutting down on negative self-talk, which we all secretly are into. Instead of fixating on your past mistakes, consider what you have learned and ways to apply your newly acquired knowledge. In this way, you approach the same situation from a positive outlook.
My 12 Year Old, Allergic To Nearly Everything
OMG, I have had this test and it is awful. What is worse is mine was done on my back so I couldn’t reach around and scratch and I too am allergic to an insane amount of stuff.
Good Morning
You Ever Mess Up Burgers So Bad That Even Your Grill Is Surprised?
Don’t Leave Your Kayak Out In The Sun
My Multi-Million Dollar Health Care Company Said They Were Getting Us A Present For Being Essential Workers. We Got A Baggie Of Masks
I know one hospital gave their essential workers a banana as a thank you gift. https://au.sports.yahoo.com/hospital-mocked-for-strange-gift-for-frontline-workers-091103282.html
Secondly, make sure you catch yourself drifting into negativity. At this moment, you may want to go for a walk, do other things that make you happy, and listen to your favorite song. In this way, newly established patterns will not let you fixate on negative emotions.
When Your Cabinet Decides It’s Time To Break Lose And Come Crashing Down The Day You Install Your Brand New Glass Top Stove
Prepared Cinnamon Toast Crunch In The Dark. It Was Cheez-Its
So Much For Changing The Battery
This Vet Trip Is Off To A Bad Start
When You Come Home And Your House Doesn’t Smell Like Pot Roast
Oh nooo, I would have been devastated. I have done similar but instead of the slow cooker, I forgot to turn the oven on.
In a previous interview with Vasia Toxavidi, a counselor and accredited member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), we found out that psychological resilience is also key in dealing with negativity.
“Although there has been a debate whether resilience, mental and emotional, is innate or something that can be developed, for me, it’s an innate condition that all humans have but needs to be developed and modeled well for it to come to the surface," she explained.
“All humans are wired for survival, so resilience must be an innate trait for everyone for this to happen, but if it’s never developed, then it may not come out as a trait for someone."
Just Set Up New Monitor, Chair Slipped Under Me And I Hit The Desk, And Monitor Fell And Broke. Happy Friday
Long Story Short, I Saw A Cockroach
No Explanation Needed
Dropped My Full Can Of Tuna In The Drain
Someone In Australia Was Tying Their Shoe When A Fire Bombing Plane Had To Drop Their Load Due To Turbulence
She added that humor can help us reframe problems that we would otherwise interpret as "overwhelming and damaging." Not only that. Toxavidi told Bored Panda that humor can loosen you up, energize your thinking, help you take hardships less seriously, and manage disappointment better.
"Another important key to resilience is to be part of a community and have external support from family, friends and others. As humans, we’re social animals so without having a strong sense of belonging, we cannot thrive or be resilient," she concluded.
We Spent Two Hours Walking To A Famous Cave Expecting It To Go Underground And Everything. This Is The Cave
2020 In One Picture
I would say that is the result of an extremely disgruntled employee or an earthquake.
Didn't Realize One Of My Glove Fingers Broke Until I Was Done Dyeing My Hair
I Found Out Someone Cut Through The Convertible Top Of My Unlocked Car, Then It Rained Inside. I Was Let Go From My Job An Hour Later For Some Extra Spice
My Friend Forgot To Check His Underwear Before Putting It On
I Do Calligraphy. I Misplaced The Circled In Character, Which Is Part Of A 300 Word Scroll That I Almost Finished After 5 Days Of Work, 200 Characters In
My Tenancy Ends Tomorrow After 2 Years In This Flat. Today, While Cleaning And Getting Everything Ready To Move Out, I Hit The Oven's Door And Broke The Glass
After Losing 1/3rd Of My Weight, I Finally Didn't Feel Too Fat Anymore. The Toilet Disagreed
I Got This Question Wrong
Is this a test? If so, then your teachers should check the paper themselves and not rely on AI.
Gas Station Toilet Paper About The Width Of An iPod Shuffle
Last Week, I Asked A Local Bookstore To Add The "Local Author" Section. They Did. Everybody Made The Shelf But Me
A while ago, I published a kid's book and talked the local book store into their first EVER book signing. Many other authors followed since then <...>
So I Found Out That My Shoes Have A Hole In Them. At The Urinal At Work
So, How's Your Day Going?
My Bathroom Cabinet Gave Up On Life At 5 Am This Morning And Nearly Gave Me A Heart Attack
Lamborghini Huracan Flooded Due To Rain In São Paulo. It Was Not Insured
Why, why, why would you have such an expensive car and not have insurance. That is just stupid.
My Mom Is A Beekeeper, And She Accidentally Spilt 10kgs Of Honey On The Floor
When You Are From Arizona And Think 70 Degrees On The Beach In Cali Doesnt Require Sunscreen
Often people who get burnt on cloudy days etc are not actually wind burnt as some suggest. It can be a cool day and you can still get sunburnt so always best to check the UV rating for the day and if you are in the elements all day then it is always best to protect yourself.
My Mom wanted to Surprise Me With A Delivery Of My Favorite Pizza & Ice Cream From Ohio To LA For My Birthday. UPS Lost The Package For 2 Days And Delivered On The 3rd - Refused Refund
She packed it in a cooler on ice & shipped via UPS for $350+ so it could be delivered next day during my birthday party.
My Girlfriend Opened Her Jewelry Making Box Upside Down
Put the lid back on and flip it, most of the stuff will end up in the correct place and you will only have to sort some of it out.
The Worst Pain Imaginable
Graduating Today
I downvoted your comment... it's just getting worst MUUUAHAHAHAHAHA (Just kidding, upvoted)
Load More Replies...Love and sympathies to all of you!! This post has made my day/week/month. Maybe even the whole of 2021. Laugh out loud funny and helps bring some perspective to a miserable 18 months, courtesy of Covid! Thank you!!
I ordered my new smartphone.. after a week , the day they should deliver it , I received an email, the phone was out of stock .. I receive a refund, order it from Amazon.. another week of wait.. yesterday the courier rang the door bell and shout "I leave here your parcel!!!" And run away..I couldn't check the box with his presence and say something. The box is smashed..the phone screen is in thousand pieces! I closed the box and sent back at postal office within 30 minutes.. i don't know if it's my destiny saying "don't buy this model!change!"
I downvoted your comment... it's just getting worst MUUUAHAHAHAHAHA (Just kidding, upvoted)
Load More Replies...Love and sympathies to all of you!! This post has made my day/week/month. Maybe even the whole of 2021. Laugh out loud funny and helps bring some perspective to a miserable 18 months, courtesy of Covid! Thank you!!
I ordered my new smartphone.. after a week , the day they should deliver it , I received an email, the phone was out of stock .. I receive a refund, order it from Amazon.. another week of wait.. yesterday the courier rang the door bell and shout "I leave here your parcel!!!" And run away..I couldn't check the box with his presence and say something. The box is smashed..the phone screen is in thousand pieces! I closed the box and sent back at postal office within 30 minutes.. i don't know if it's my destiny saying "don't buy this model!change!"