We all know the stress of going to get a drastic haircut. A high reward cut requires taking high risks. But what if the stylist cuts off way too much? What if they misinterpret your vision and give you a mullet? What if the trendy bob you asked for ends up being a bowl cut? What’s even worse than the pre-haircut anxiety is the sinking feeling of leaving the salon knowing you’re stuck with an unsalvageable hairdo for the next few months. But what about when animals get bad pet haircuts?
As people, we have the chance to speak up when a haircut starts going awry, but our pets don’t have the same luxury. We drop them off at the groomer, just praying our babies will not return with bad pet haircuts. A great way to prevent terrible haircuts is by bringing in photos of what you want. In the case of animals, however, maybe it’s best to bring in examples of what you don’t want. We’ve gathered photos of some of the worst pet haircuts ever to make you laugh (and maybe to be cautionary tales as well). Below, you can also read our exclusive interview with Jess Rona, Los Angeles' most popular celebrity dog groomer.
Enjoy this list, and when you think you’ve seen it all, check out two other Bored Panda pieces featuring funny pet haircuts here and here.
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I Asked For The Can I Speak To Your Manager Haircut. I Almost Peed Myself
What Are the Essential Benefits of Pet Grooming?
Haircuts can be extremely emotional experiences for us. According to a survey, one in five American women have burst into tears immediately after leaving a salon. (I may or may not be part of that group…) The Daily Mail also reported that “One in five [women] have been so disappointed they have withheld a tip, one in ten have refused to pay the bill, and one percent have even threatened to sue a salon after a bad haircut.”
Given how concerned we are about our own hair, it’s no surprise that we are particular about our pets’ fur. While it may be tempting to skip a trip to the groomer for fear of a bad animal haircut, Alpha Paw breaks down some of the facts of pet grooming, including its importance for your animal’s health and hygiene.
I Made A Mistake. She Won't Let Me Clip Anymore. Will I Be Arrested?
No, you won't be arrested. Institutionalized, sure, but not arrested. If this was a human child CPS would be called to remove them from custody
Alpha Paws explains that giving your dog a spa day at the groomer “aerates your dog’s coat, which ensures healthy growth and evenly distributes your dog’s natural oils”. They also are likely to notice things you could accidentally miss. “Your groomer will look over, feel, and check every area of your dog, so they will likely discover any problems. They may discover lumps, skin issues, seeds, infections, or injuries that the owner has missed. Groomers are professionals intent on giving their canine charges the best possible appearance, hygiene, and health.”
It’s also important to make sure your dog’s coat doesn’t become matted. It’s not only a really bad pet haircut but matting also traps moisture and can lead to a host of issues, including skin inflammation and infections. So professionals recommend getting your dog to the groomer every 6-8 weeks, depending on the breed and what their fur is like.
“If your dog has a short coat, most groomers recommend bathing no more than twice a month, with once a month being optimal. Bathing more often will strip your dog’s skin and coat of essential oils. Dogs with medium to long coats should have a full groom every four to six weeks. A dog with a long coat will benefit from monthly “tidying” to shave off any matting.”
This Cat Fully Shaved... Except For Its Face
Thanks I Hate It
Similarly to human haircuts, there is a wide range in the cost and quality of pet grooming. A $7 haircut from Walmart is not going to yield the same results as a $300 styling at a high-end salon. So naturally, the business of luxury pet grooming was born. High-end pet products have hit the market, and pet spas are becoming increasingly popular. And that’s for the better: fewer animals with bad haircuts!
One such business marketing to the most glamorous pets is Les Pooch. Based in New York, Les Pooch’s website says they are “dedicated to developing the finest professional dog grooming tools, luxurious fragrances & gentle bathing products”.
Y'all. This Is My Cousin's Dog Henry, Who Was Given A Mohawk Haircut From Groomer. We Have Been Laughing For 2 Days
Either a grumpy man or a posh gentleman in one of those old pictures
"Gave Him A Shave"
I thought that somebody did terrible photoshop when I first saw this
The concept of Les Pooch is pretty sweet; they just want the best for our animals and none of that bad pet haircuts business. “Les Pooch was founded on the concept of providing the best care for your best friend. We recognize that your pooch is more than a pet. He or she is a beloved member of your family. That love is not one-sided. Your pooch loves you, too. You can see it in his or her eyes, the crook of the head, the wag of the tail. As the human caregivers for these lovable companions, we want to shower them with affection and show how much we care.”
Had To Have The Vet Shave My Cat To Treat A Skin Issue, And He Looked So Fake No One Believed These Photos Were Real
What Happened?
I Asked The Groomer To Cut Her Paw Fur Shorter This Time
Their website features lines of fragrances, shampoos, and brushes for the world’s most fabulous dogs. Well, the most fabulous and the most affluent. One of the scents available for purchase, Michel VIP Parfums, sells for $4,000 per 4-ounce bottle. Here is the product's eloquent description:
“A diffusive unisex fragrance with top notes of Mandarin Blossom and Pink Grapefruit, Michel VIP Parfums are the ultimate expression of art. The light, fresh, elegant scent dries down to the perfect accords of Sandalwood, Vetiver and Orris which, when combined with the rare Essence of the Osmanthus flower, creates a soft, warm, and unique harmony. Only once every two years can enough petals of the rare Osmanthus flower be picked and distilled to create this truly distinctive ‘living’ fragrance that soothes the olfactory senses.”
"Give My Dog A Slinky Look" "I Gotchu Fam"
This Dog Looks Like It Is Wearing A Mask
Just Shaved My Newfoundland. Look At His New Hair Style. What A Dude
Even celebrities need to take their dogs to groomers too, so it was only a matter of time before their trusted groomers gained a bit of fame as well. After all, celebrity pets should never walk the streets with funny pet haircuts! One of the most popular pet groomers in Hollywood is Jess Rona. Insider published a piece featuring her in 2018, referring to her as “the celebrity dog groomer who makes up to $6,000 a week”. Jess, whose client list includes Katy Perry, Nina Dobrev, and Zooey Deschanel, went viral on Instagram a few years back for featuring dramatic slow-motion videos of her freshly groomed clients.
We reached out to Jess to hear her opinion on why dog grooming is so difficult and why there are so many bad pet haircuts around, and she told us, "It’s actually not difficult when you’re a professional! I think it’s just because most dogs don’t love getting groomed. But if you are a professional like me - you learn how to communicate with dogs through gentle touch and calm energy, I look for behavioral clues to respond to through gentle touch so I am able to communicate with them. If you’re a pet parent, dogs know they can get away with a lot more. So just make sure delicious treats are involved! As well as professional grooming once every month or so."
A Lady Posted This On A "DIY Doodle Grooming" FB Page And Said They Think They Messed Up And I Cannot Stop Laughing
Looks like the dog tried to trim their own bangs—-and you know how THAT always goes…
I Picked My Dog Up From The Groomer's And Burst Out Laughing. The Groomer Apparently Didn’t Understand My Request Very Well And Gave Him This Monstrosity Haircut
I Thought I Was Having A Rough Day. Then I See This Poor Bastard And Know Others Have It Worse
We also asked Jess about the importance of proper grooming, and she explained that, "Grooming is important for the health and well-being of your pet. Groomers can catch things like skin growths, overgrown nails, dental issues, skin infections, ticks/fleas and matting before they become larger problems that require a vet. Dander and oils build up on your dog’s skin and coat. Getting your dog groomed or even just bathed professionally monthly is best."
Given how luxurious Jess' treatments are, we asked her if dogs love getting pampered as much as we do. "Yes totally! I know my dogs feel better after they get a bath. They prance around and I know they feel happier and more comfortable in their skin."
Lastly, Jess just wanted to add that we should be cautious with our pups in the heat. She keeps "seeing [dogs] at flea markets and farmers markets: during the hot summer months". "Please don’t walk your dog on hot asphalt. As a groomer, I see hurt pads from heat, and since dogs are much lower to the ground, they can overheat."
I Feel Like My Dog Looks Way Too Cute. Barber - I Got Chu Fam
Yeah I Don’t Think He Likes The Haircut
Work Cats Got A Close Crop For The Summer And Now They Look Like They’re In A Community Theater Production Of “Cats”
Gees Sid, what the heck did they do to you. Your cut is ridiculous.
Jess’ business is thriving today, with her website listing unique services offered for her furry clients including blueberry facials, argan oil face masks and therapy baths. Dogs can also receive a “splash of color” with a variety of fur dye options including one or multiple colors on a tail, all over color, color designs (leopard, hearts, etc.), nail painting and even earrings, and no animals with bad haircuts to be seen nowhere near! I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty jealous that I can’t make an appointment with Jess now.
I've Been Cutting My Dog's Hair To Look Like A Person
My Mom Just Ruined My Dog And She Literally Said "He Wanted To Keep It Long On The Top" I Am Devastated
I Got My Girl Groomed. This Is Not What I Was Expecting. I Can’t Stop Laughing
Another celebrity groomer and author of the best-selling book “DIY Dog Grooming, From Puppy Cuts to Best in Show: Everything You Need to Know, Step by Step” is Jorge Bendersky. Based in New York, Jorge’s client list includes Ralph Lauren and Gisele Bündchen. His rates start at $300 an hour, but he makes house calls and notes that his “clientele is very exclusive”. According to Jorge, “grooming is not a wash and go; it's a luxury”.
My Dad Is Shaving My Dog But He Took A Break At Her Head. Business Up Front, Party In The Back
The Groomer Has My Dog Looking Like He Has A Disease
"What Have They Done To Me?"
Public curiosity with extravagant dog grooming and intentionally funny pet haircuts has grown in recent years too. At least two reality competition shows have been produced to provide platforms for the best groomers on the globe. Groomer Has It ran on Animal Planet for 2 seasons from 2008-2009, and more recently, Rebel Wilson's Pooch Perfect was broadcast on the Seven Network in Australia. They both featured skilled groomers competing to demonstrate their expertise and provided excellent publicity for the businesses of the winners.
My Boyfriend Wanted To Cut My Cat's Hair For Once And Totally Failed. It's So Sad But A Little Funny At The Same Time
She always looks angry so it is probably not because of the weird hairdo
Mom Thought It Would Be A Good Idea To Cut Our Pony's Hair Cause It Couldn't See
Mistakes Were Made
I know that when I have a pet, they will be treated like a member of my family. And while I won’t be able to afford $4,000 cologne for my future pup, I do plan to spoil them with a level of extravagance that does fit into my budget. Just because they’re an animal doesn’t mean they can’t be humiliated by the worst pet haircuts like the animals featured on this list. And if I do accidentally trust the wrong groomer one day, my dog will have every right to burst into tears upon leaving.
Have your pets ever had a traumatic experience at the groomer’s? We’d love to hear about it in the comments section, and don’t forget to upvote all of the bad animal haircuts that you feel the most sympathy for!
Took My Dog To Get Groomed (Trim And Undercoat Brushed Out) And The People Decided To Shave Him
I thought it was common knowledge to not shave a dog with fur like this? Especially for a dog grooming service. He looks so bald.
She Looks Wonderful
Yesterday I Was A King, Today I Am A Rat
Probably The Last Time I'll Be Allowed To Give My Dog A Haircut
Skip the hair cut, go with a mani-pedi. Those babies are looking snagly.
That's Horrible
Poodles must have the hair between their toes cut. Its vital. All our poodles paws are cut like this. They are water dogs and the fur doesn't fall off like most dogs.
Fluffy Corgi When The Groomer Shaved Her By Mistake
Had My Cat Shaved
The Groomer Told Me Not To Laugh At Him. I've Failed
His Groomer Called Me To Come Get Him Because She Was Done Trying
My Significant Other Owns A Dog Grooming Facility And This Guy Came In Today. Meet Freddy Fender
Wait Until The Professionals Are Back
"I Got A Haircut Today. I Am Undecided If I Will Hate My Humom Forever Or Just Until My Hair Grows Back"
I Should Have Known When I Went In, And The Earlier Appointments Were Coming Out All Looking Like This
Vet Recommended Haircut
"I'm Not Fat It's The Way I'm Sitting"
I Had The Groomer Try A New Clip On My Dog
My Friend's Husky After The 3rd Time She Had To Be Shaved Down For A Tick. She Refuses To Take The Vet's Treats Now
When You See It
My Poor Dog Came Back From The Groomers Looking Like This
Ever Seen A Shaved Husky? Now You Have
My Boy Ended Up Freaking Out At The Groomer's And His Trim Ended Up Being A Buzz Cut
I have a question: why people shave these dogs that normally shed their fur, and therefore do not need shaving? Is it only because they have a skin condition, or is it because the dogs are too hot in a warm climate? This dog looks like it is a Finnish lapphund. (I have one too)
Mom Took Me To Get A Buzz And The Groomer Sent Me Home Lookin Like A Peeled Chicken Nugget
When That "Play In Pond, Roll In Wood Shavings" Life Is Too Legit To Quit
Seriously? Half of this is bordering on animal abuse. If you have a long haired cat, brush it daily. If you life in hot climate, don't get a husky. Then you don't have to butcher their fur like that.
OK, I'm glad to realise I'm not the only one looking at these pictures, and thinking they are just cruel.
Load More Replies...A summer puppy cut for a dog who doesn’t shed is one thing, but shaving down a dog or cat for a non-medical reason is simply unnecessary. It’s either owner vanity, or groomer incompetence and or “creativity”. And, FFS, NEVER dye their hair, especially at home! Groomers have special non-toxic animal hair dye, you don’t. Human hair dye has chemicals in it that can be toxic to animals, if not to humans, and should never be used on a pet FFS.
Yes, dyeing is another issue, but we don´t know how filthy and full of knots the fur of most of these furbabies was BEFORE they were groomed/shaved. We simply do not know.
Mostly not funny. Only dogs that have hair (which continually becomes longer) require haircuts. This doesn't include Huskies, Goldens, and any dog with a double coat. If you shave a dog with a double coat, you risk ingrown hairs and you will disrupt the balance between how each layer grows (and they grow at different rates). The result is that the double coat will not be able to provide the insulation and protection it's supposed to. Brush your double-coated dog every day to distribute the fur's natural oils and prevent matting. It literally takes 10 minutes to do this.
We used to vacuum our Husky mix twice a day during shed season. He didn't really car to be brushed - he was ticklish, go figure - but try to sweep the floor without spending ten minutes sucking out that shedding undercoat first, and he'd call PETA on your behind.
Load More Replies...Seriously? Half of this is bordering on animal abuse. If you have a long haired cat, brush it daily. If you life in hot climate, don't get a husky. Then you don't have to butcher their fur like that.
OK, I'm glad to realise I'm not the only one looking at these pictures, and thinking they are just cruel.
Load More Replies...A summer puppy cut for a dog who doesn’t shed is one thing, but shaving down a dog or cat for a non-medical reason is simply unnecessary. It’s either owner vanity, or groomer incompetence and or “creativity”. And, FFS, NEVER dye their hair, especially at home! Groomers have special non-toxic animal hair dye, you don’t. Human hair dye has chemicals in it that can be toxic to animals, if not to humans, and should never be used on a pet FFS.
Yes, dyeing is another issue, but we don´t know how filthy and full of knots the fur of most of these furbabies was BEFORE they were groomed/shaved. We simply do not know.
Mostly not funny. Only dogs that have hair (which continually becomes longer) require haircuts. This doesn't include Huskies, Goldens, and any dog with a double coat. If you shave a dog with a double coat, you risk ingrown hairs and you will disrupt the balance between how each layer grows (and they grow at different rates). The result is that the double coat will not be able to provide the insulation and protection it's supposed to. Brush your double-coated dog every day to distribute the fur's natural oils and prevent matting. It literally takes 10 minutes to do this.
We used to vacuum our Husky mix twice a day during shed season. He didn't really car to be brushed - he was ticklish, go figure - but try to sweep the floor without spending ten minutes sucking out that shedding undercoat first, and he'd call PETA on your behind.
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