It was interesting comparing Before And After Makeup Photos done by Vadim Andreev but the greatest and the ultimate make-up artist is time. It does its job seamlessly, and we never seem to notice the slight changes in our faces when we look at a mirror every day. Only old photos constantly remind us that we’ve changed.
Irina Werning, a photographer born in Buenos Aires, started an interesting project called “Back to The Future” where she takes someone’s old childhood photo and recreates the same scene with the same person many years later. While the concept of recreated photos might not sound too complicated, she is unbelievably accurate with her photo ideas – it seems that she just found some old and young look-alikes and shot the cool photos on the same day.
I love vintage photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing for them. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me, it’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today… A few months ago, I decided to actually do this then and now project. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their the way, this creative idea made me realise Im a bit obsessive…
Pancho in 1983 & 2010, Buenos Aires
Cecile in 1987 & 2010, France
Nico in 1986 & 2010, Buenos Aires
Nico in 1990 & 2010, France
Damian in 1989 & 2010, London
Matias in 1977 & 2010, Uruguay
Ian in 1984 & 2010, London
Lucia in 1956 & 2010, Buenos Aires
La Negra 1980 & 2010, Buenos Aire
Ato 1992 & 2010, Buenos Aires
Mechi in 1990 & 2010, Buenos Aires
Benn and Dan in 1979 & 2010, London
Tommy in 1977 & 2010, Buenos Aires
Lulu & G in 1980 & 2010, Buenos Aires
Nico in 1990 & 2010, France
Marita & Coty in 1977 & 2010, Buenos Aires
All Photographs © Irina Werning
Continue to Back to The Future (Part II)
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