Woman Cancels Baby Shower After Friends Ridicule The Name Of Her Unborn Child

BoredPanda staff
Momentous occasions can bring out the worst in people, from weddings to baby showers, things can get ugly quick. Recently one mom-to-be took to Facebook to publicly shame her “fake a** family” and friends who were stunned to find out her future baby boy’s name. Accusing them of ridiculing her decision the post announced that all of her baby shower ideas would be canceled.
If you thought that Abcde was a unique name, wait until you read what this mother chose to go with for her baby name, as well as the harsh message she had for her loved ones. Don’t forget to tell us what you think about this whole situation and the interesting names in the comments. (Facebook cover image: ljubaphoto)
Image credits: Joe Shlabotnik (not the actual photo)
Unfortunately for her commenters sided with her friends and family
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I'm a Visual Editor at Bored Panda since 2017. I've searched through a multitude of images to create over 2000 diverse posts on a wide range of topics. I love memes, funny, and cute stuff, but I'm also into social issues topics. Despite my background in communication, my heart belongs to visual media, especially photography. When I'm not at my desk, you're likely to find me in the streets with my camera, checking out cool exhibitions, watching a movie at the cinema or just chilling with a coffee in a cozy place
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Ilona Baliūnaitė
Author, BoredPanda staff
I'm a Visual Editor at Bored Panda since 2017. I've searched through a multitude of images to create over 2000 diverse posts on a wide range of topics. I love memes, funny, and cute stuff, but I'm also into social issues topics. Despite my background in communication, my heart belongs to visual media, especially photography. When I'm not at my desk, you're likely to find me in the streets with my camera, checking out cool exhibitions, watching a movie at the cinema or just chilling with a coffee in a cozy place
Why are parents condemning their kids to a life of misery just so they can get attention? If you want undivided attention for an unusual name, then trot your body down to the courts and have YOUR name changed legally. Stop using your kids to get attention. They're going to have a rough enough time with life without you adding misery to it. I can't imagine what this kid is going to go through growing up with such a selfish mother.....
Everytime a parent chooses, shall we say "exceptional", names for their offspring, I think of the song A Boy Named Sue. In that story, the dad names the son Sue to make him tough. Unfortunately, for these kids, the motive is pure parental narcissism.
Load More Replies...There are 100+ year old records of kids being named "Right Arsehole" and "Disappointment" We've been both bad and boring at naming since the beginning of naming. The REAL reason so many kids got named after their parents was because the "unique" ones got too out of hand, and this way was just easier.
The child is named as such because mom wants to be Special. It's all about mom. It's the narcissism of the day.
I think you guys hit the nail on the head... hey there's a good name Nail Head..... or better yet just add a bunch of letters together and make a fake pronunciation that no one will ever be able to say. I'm sorry as someone who has a "unique" name (thankfully not too terrible) it sucks. No one pronounces it correctly, you will NEVER get a Disney keychain or necklace with your name on it and kids will come up with horrendous things to call you even if you have a "normal" name. Why the fluff would you submit your child to a lifetime of torture because YOU want to be revolutionary
@danielw That reminds me of the line in Beverly Hills Cop 2..."I got twin girls.....Monique and Unique..."
We decided that if we were ever going to have kids (we weren't and we didn't), our firstborn son would be named "Vermin".
If they really need a special unusual name that no-one else will be called go back to history, and literature - plenty ro be found.. It will at least show you have a modicum of intelligence rather than just making something ridiculous up.
Oooh my favorite is when you take a "regular" name and totally f up the spelling...for example: instead of Erica it's spelled Airwrecka...(I did not make this up I saw it on a news station)
I had a normal Southern name but it was five syllables and over the years at times when I was in crisis of confidence, I'd do anything to be called something more manageable. No nicknames? This mom will find she has very little control over that, nor should she.
My name is by no means weird in my country, but I still dislike it for being overly long and hard to pronounce in most languages, and people already spell it wrong just for having one extra letter. I can only imagine having such ridiculous "unique" names...
I was going to log in to write exactly this. You spoke my mind perfectly! :) If she has such a strong opinion, she should be the one carrying the load. Not throw it over to the child to push her own opinion through. Not sure that the child will want to push the same agenda but he'll have to carry the load for 18 years before he can free himself and legally change it to something down to earth. Like forcing the child to take a pilgrimage lasting 18yrs, because of the parents beliefs. And the "no nickname allowed" is like rubbing salt in the wound and saying "nobody is even allowed to offer him water on that pilgrimage" :( *edit for typos.
Thanks, you said even more that is also on my mind, selfish mother should change her name, Godzilla perhaps !!!
Will he change his name to Knight Sebastian Senator once he graduate? Will he change it to Knight Sebastian President if he gets elected? Too many questions!
Who would even vote to elect anyone with such a ridiculous name into office to begin with.
Well when I was a teen..we had a senate race between Brock Adams and Slade Gordon..so there ya go....
It dosent matter what you are named, it matters who you are at heart.
Someone has named their kid Burger King before, and then we have blue ivy and North West
...why is she judging her unborn child? There’s zero guarantee that this child will be special, famous, wealthy or carry a sword. What you can teach is how to be humble, open, loving. I feel bad for this future family.
She gonna have to teach him how to fight also!
Load More Replies......or maybe how to ride a horse while waiving a sword... He's got just the name for this after all...
Why are parents condemning their kids to a life of misery just so they can get attention? If you want undivided attention for an unusual name, then trot your body down to the courts and have YOUR name changed legally. Stop using your kids to get attention. They're going to have a rough enough time with life without you adding misery to it. I can't imagine what this kid is going to go through growing up with such a selfish mother.....
Everytime a parent chooses, shall we say "exceptional", names for their offspring, I think of the song A Boy Named Sue. In that story, the dad names the son Sue to make him tough. Unfortunately, for these kids, the motive is pure parental narcissism.
Load More Replies...There are 100+ year old records of kids being named "Right Arsehole" and "Disappointment" We've been both bad and boring at naming since the beginning of naming. The REAL reason so many kids got named after their parents was because the "unique" ones got too out of hand, and this way was just easier.
The child is named as such because mom wants to be Special. It's all about mom. It's the narcissism of the day.
I think you guys hit the nail on the head... hey there's a good name Nail Head..... or better yet just add a bunch of letters together and make a fake pronunciation that no one will ever be able to say. I'm sorry as someone who has a "unique" name (thankfully not too terrible) it sucks. No one pronounces it correctly, you will NEVER get a Disney keychain or necklace with your name on it and kids will come up with horrendous things to call you even if you have a "normal" name. Why the fluff would you submit your child to a lifetime of torture because YOU want to be revolutionary
@danielw That reminds me of the line in Beverly Hills Cop 2..."I got twin girls.....Monique and Unique..."
We decided that if we were ever going to have kids (we weren't and we didn't), our firstborn son would be named "Vermin".
If they really need a special unusual name that no-one else will be called go back to history, and literature - plenty ro be found.. It will at least show you have a modicum of intelligence rather than just making something ridiculous up.
Oooh my favorite is when you take a "regular" name and totally f up the spelling...for example: instead of Erica it's spelled Airwrecka...(I did not make this up I saw it on a news station)
I had a normal Southern name but it was five syllables and over the years at times when I was in crisis of confidence, I'd do anything to be called something more manageable. No nicknames? This mom will find she has very little control over that, nor should she.
My name is by no means weird in my country, but I still dislike it for being overly long and hard to pronounce in most languages, and people already spell it wrong just for having one extra letter. I can only imagine having such ridiculous "unique" names...
I was going to log in to write exactly this. You spoke my mind perfectly! :) If she has such a strong opinion, she should be the one carrying the load. Not throw it over to the child to push her own opinion through. Not sure that the child will want to push the same agenda but he'll have to carry the load for 18 years before he can free himself and legally change it to something down to earth. Like forcing the child to take a pilgrimage lasting 18yrs, because of the parents beliefs. And the "no nickname allowed" is like rubbing salt in the wound and saying "nobody is even allowed to offer him water on that pilgrimage" :( *edit for typos.
Thanks, you said even more that is also on my mind, selfish mother should change her name, Godzilla perhaps !!!
Will he change his name to Knight Sebastian Senator once he graduate? Will he change it to Knight Sebastian President if he gets elected? Too many questions!
Who would even vote to elect anyone with such a ridiculous name into office to begin with.
Well when I was a teen..we had a senate race between Brock Adams and Slade Gordon..so there ya go....
It dosent matter what you are named, it matters who you are at heart.
Someone has named their kid Burger King before, and then we have blue ivy and North West
...why is she judging her unborn child? There’s zero guarantee that this child will be special, famous, wealthy or carry a sword. What you can teach is how to be humble, open, loving. I feel bad for this future family.
She gonna have to teach him how to fight also!
Load More Replies......or maybe how to ride a horse while waiving a sword... He's got just the name for this after all...