Names are given to us at birth and are with us for the rest of our lives, so a lot of people would probably agree they're quite important. Before naming their child, parents usually look into the meaning and origin of the name. Some even think about if it's easy to make fun of the name. However, some parents seem like they don't care at all about that stuff and have come up with the most ridiculous ideas.

A Redditor asked fellow internet users: "What baby name immediately makes you lose all respect for the parents and why?" And loads delivered interesting answers. It's hard to believe some parents actually gave their kids these names. From Golden Sagon to Chardonnay or even Tequila, their creativity doesn't cease to amaze us.

Scroll down to see some really interesting choices parents made! And if you want more articles like this, click here or here.


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Nevaeh is the most obnoxious to me (please explain that it's heaven backward again, so clever)

    However, I've met a baby named Felonee and that takes the cake.

    Derp_State_Agent , Daiga Ellaby Report

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    Headless Roach
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Do those parents realise that Felonee will have to introduce herself a million times to other people during her life?

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    We got an interview with baby name expert Emma Waterhouse and she graciously answered some questions for us. To start off, Emma shared some thoughts about whether it's important to have the 'perfect' baby name for your kids: "The 'perfect name' is really in the eye of the beholder! We all come to the naming process with different tastes and requirements, so what is perfect for one family won't necessarily work for another. But I do think it's important to consider how your chosen name will wear throughout a lifetime. Our name is generally the first thing new people learn about us, and whether we like it or not people do make assumptions based on names, often subconsciously. A name is the first gift you give your child as a parent, so of course you want it to serve them well no matter where life takes them."


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Got a student named “Yeyson”. The mom got pissed when I was saying “ Yay-son”. She yells at me “It’s Jason like English!” Well lady, maybe f*****g spell it like English then.

    dopiestsalt , Kenny Eliason Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why When AL Gore was VP, I had a meeting with him. There was a lawyer speaking on the panel. Her name was Baby Girl Smith. She had not let a dumb name hold her back.

    Cesum-Pec , Gabrielle Henderson Report

    Emma W. shared her own favorite and least favorite names: "I have a longer surname and I come from a multicultural family, so my preferred names are generally quite short, simple, and easily pronounceable in multiple languages. I tend to prefer names that are known but not too common – a combination that so many parents are looking for! Some of my personal favorite names include Vita, Caro and Ines for girls; Felix, Caspar and Ivo for boys."


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Any of Nick Cannon's kids' names. They are all so over the top bad.

    Moroccan, Monroe, Golden Sagon, Rise Messiah, Powerful Queen, Zion Mixolydian, Zillion Heir, Beautiful Zeppelin, Legendary Love, Onyx Ice Cole and Zen.


    cinnamongreen , Loren Javier Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mixolydian is the fifth mode of a major scale in music. Let's face it, the guy needs a dictionary what with all the kids he is having

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Worked at a hospital for many years. One of the obstetric nurses had to talk a new mom out of naming her child “Urethra”.

    Farbeer , Jonathan Borba Report

    Bored Panda also asked the expert if it's better to have a common or unique name: "Unique or common is really a matter of personal preference, although you might want to take surname and/or sibling names into account. If you already have a Zephyr and an Artemis, name your third baby John and he might feel a little short-changed! Likewise, if your surname is simple and common, like Smith or Lopez, you can afford to go a little more adventurous in the first name spot. Arabella Smith feels more distinctive and memorable than Anne Smith."


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why My brother once had clients named Jerry and Mary Derryberry. We didn’t believe him so he took a picture of whatever account papers. (Don’t even remember what his job was at the time, who gives a s**t). But the series of events to have a married couple be named Jerry and Mary Derryberry is just so delicious.

    Jibber_Fight , Dương Hữu Report

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    Dan Bexell
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The only way it could be better would be if they had a son and named him Perry.

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    Rednecks who name thier sons Gauge, Ryfle, Remington, Colt and any other hunting related stupid s**t.

    chilli_cheese_cake Report

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    Con O Cuinn
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Colt doesn't seem so bad. The gun was named after a person in the first place

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    Emma W. also shared what baby-naming trends she completely disagrees with: "Having worked with many families with a wide variety of naming styles over the years, I can honestly say that I can see the appeal in almost any name at this point, even those that I would never choose for myself. The trend that most confuses me is probably the respelling of very common names to make them more 'unique'. There are so many unusual and unconventional names out there – there's more variety than ever before in the American baby name pool right now – that it seems a shame to just respell one of the top names to achieve that. After all, when in the playground or at school, the name will still sound very popular, even if the spelling is different."


    We also wondered if parents should take the meaning of the name into consideration: "For me personally, meaning isn't a priority, but a really bad meaning might put me off. Think Cameron, which means 'crooked nose', or Gulliver, 'glutton'! But many of the families we work with as part of our name consulting service are looking for a specific meaning, which might be something with family or cultural significance, or perhaps something that gives a subtle nod to their journey to parenthood. An example might be the name Iris, meaning 'rainbow', which is often considered by parents who have experienced a previous loss, to represent hope and beauty after adversity."

    And if you're not sure what to name your baby, consider visiting the website Emma works for the perfect baby names!


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why I work in health care so looking at 40-70 charts everyday I see so many ridiculous a*s spellings for normal names.

    You’re not creative you’re an idiot. If you’re creative pick a creative name don’t butcher the spelling of a normal name.

    Example: Avery spelled Aevuhree

    Chuggs400 , snowgloom Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My old name was spelt similar with the igh at the end of **le. I put the first part in "*" because I don't want a bunch of randos to know my old name

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    Candida. Cool, you essentially named your child "yeast infection".

    fattybuttz Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Two little boys drew me a couple pictures while their mother was getting some dental work done. They had signed their names. The names were just so…odd. Even after repeating them and writing them I still couldn’t figure out what the names were.
    When the mother came out and saw them, she ripped them down from where I had taped them, crumpled them up and put the papers in her purse. She told me that those names she gave them were invented by her and copyrighted.

    I wish I were joking. Those little kids looked crushed.
    Edit: spelling

    Swimming_Bowler6193 , Anne Nygård Report

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    Yo-kai Pro
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why When I was working at a motel, I took a phone reservation from a woman for her daughter: Sri Lanka, S R I space L A N K A... is the name of a woman. Me: Oh, like in the country! Woman: What do you mean, country?!

    Beneficial_Donut_998 , Andrew Stutesman Report

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    Marcellus II
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "I'll let you speak to the manager, Ms. Leone. That's Sierra Leone".

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Mike but short for Micycle.

    BurningHuman , Dahiana Waszaj Report


    Renesmee. If you name your child that, I don't trust you.

    Leather_Ad9457 Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why I have seen the rise of Brinlee or Brynlee latelty.. ugh

    ALSO DEN names

    Hayden, Braiden, Kayden, Jayden, Zayden. etc.. The live Laugh Love type names

    One-Butterscotch-786 , Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Any name as alcohol. Chardonnay, Tequila, etc. Saw those a lot as a teacher. Had a male student named Crash Danger. Not kidding.

    Tanyaschmidt , Armands Brants Report

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    Natalie Bohrteller
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's why I'm sometimes kind of glad my country has rules for names you can give your kids 😅

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Horribly misspelled to seem different. The irony is that my boyfriend's name is Krysteffor

    quinnk1n , DontLookatmeNowbrah Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Where I come from these are known as "Bogan names". Khandalyce is one I particularly remember.

    Id row
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Parents who do this stupid sh*t - Why? Why do you do this?

    TV Junkie
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I always assumed the parents didn't know how to spell the name, although I now know that's not true every time.

    Lee Kerr
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I’ve come across Sheryl, whose mother had heard the name but never seen it spelt and Cheryl, pronounced as it’s spelt with a Ch, whose parents had seen it written but never heard it pronounced. Cheryl would get very indignant about people who used “her” spelling but said their name as Sheryl.

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In Denmark there's this joke or perhaps it was a real thing, whatever, about a couple who wanted to have Kristoffer as their son's name but they wanted it to at least look special (Kristoffer and Christoffer are common spellings) so they named their son Christophpher. Because we all know that ph makes an f-sound. 🤦‍♀️

    Ghislain Godon
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    2 years ago

    This comment has been deleted.

    Umi chan
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I don’t like the name at all but i will be polite about the name of that person and not say oh poor you with that name for I am a fan of frozen..

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a friend in Uni whose dad had to register her birth. Melanie is apparently spelled Meline.

    David Martin
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I choose to blame George Carlon for this one; "Your name could be spelled S-M-I-T-H and you can pronounce it Jenoffski if you want to" (kidding, I blame Carlon for nothing, the man was a treasure)

    Cara G
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also, last names are capitalized in the English speaking world. Why did you spell davis with a lower case d while attempting to position yourself as superior to others? Are you that lazy that you couldn't hit the backspace key and fix it? Or did you simply not notice in your excited haste to post a series of racist comments?

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    Tom, but it’s short for Tomothy. And Tim, but it’s short for Thimas.

    HamilWhoTangled Report


    Personally…I’ll never understand how someone can look a baby in the eye and decide their name should be Larry

    kindalosingmyshit Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why All the names with X thrown in the middle or even two. Jaxxtley. Braxxton. Braxley. I hate them.

    WorkRedditUsername69 , LadyMirkk Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why When I were younger, I had a girl in my class named Cookie. Only to find out she had younger siblings named (I kid you not these are their real names) Candy, Honey and Skippy.

    Gullible_Eggplant_67 , Tanya Dusett Report


    Caillou. I hate that kid

    BadAsianDriver Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why I knew a girl just out of high school, her name was dymond, her daughter was safire (diamond and Sapphire for those playing along at home). This is the result of multiple generations of teen pregnancy, and non participation in spelling bees.

    I respect the attempt, but maybe if daughters didn't become mothers until they were out of their teenage years they might've reconsidered their name choices.

    Off subject, but my wife is friends with a teen mom who became a grandma at 33. 4 generations of teen moms with all daughters, no sons, no boyfriends, no brothers, or fathers living under one roof. Great great grandma was 67 at the time.

    turningfoodintopoop , Emma Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Naming girls after stones. Here is my daughter, Coprolite.

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Anything spelled unconventionally. My cousin named her kid Micaiah. It’s pronounced like Micah, but the kid’s going to have to spend his whole life telling people it’s not “Mike-ay-uh”. Or he could just go by Mike.

    UnderwhelmingAF , Marina Abrosimova Report

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    Crunchy Swiffer Wetjet
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When picking names, parents should always consider how it will sound in attendance at school or in a government office

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Reighfyl, pronounced "rifle"

    KickNo2069 , Caroline Hernandez Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why I used to be on tumblr back in the day of Supernaturals glory, and someone named their poor child "Destiel". I get it, you like the ship. But you have an actual child that is TOTALLY gonna be pissed you named your kid after a fictional relationship on a show about demons and other supernatural things. The lack of respect or forethought like???

    Niburu-Illyria , vagueonthehow Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Uhm well yeah, that's like the Mazikeens born today ... Edit: this turned out to be a fun conversation! The name Mazikeen was a bad example, I realise that now. She's definitely a cool and badass character, in fact, I liked her a lot!

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Joaux (Joe) is a personal favorite 🤣

    Themissrebecca103 , Silvana Carlos Report

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    Crunchy Swiffer Wetjet
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I definitely read that as "wox" looks like the person tried for Joaquin and didn't quite get there

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    Relatively benign names spelled like a cat puked on the keyboard and keys got stuck..

    Sorry, Axchleeigha, I f*****g hate your parents..

    Relevant-Avocado5200 Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Anything that’s way off from a traditional spelling. I still hold a grudge about having been a child who was never able to find a souvenir with her name on it.

    Ally_F , Anis Rahman Report


    Anything having to do with royalty or religious hierarchy titles. Lord, King, Queen, Saint, etc...

    cihojuda Report


    Any name after a car or luxury brand.

    I see a girl name Lexus and imagine IS300 tattooed on her lower back.

    OneExhaustedFather_ Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I used to be the other way around. Cars named after women, like Mercedes,

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    I used to work data entry & once entered in a patient name J’Adore. My only thought is the parents were watching tv & the perfume commercial came on & they were like “oh that’s a fancy name for our daughter”

    Ok_Conversation1223 Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why There's a kid who goes to a daycare near where I work named "Stone Blaze" but answers to "Hunter." The worst part is that he's a junior; his father has the same name.

    ShindigJohnnyPunk , Kelli McClintock Report

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    David Martin
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If your name is Stone Jr, I reserve the right to nickname you Arkansas...because Little Rock

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    The quirky/cutesy spellings of names like Bryttanee, Mykayleigh. Or the names that will get their sons beat up during recess: Ryeful, Hemi, Leaf, Forrest.

    Interesting-Yak9639 Report

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    G R
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Leaf and Forrest are lovely names. By the time those kids are in school, "weird" names will be so commonplace that kids named Matthew or James will be in the minority.

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why My neighbors named their new baby, Master. They are white.

    VinkyStagina , Guillaume de Germain Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why I know someone who named their kid Chozyn. The kid wasn’t adopted either.

    Stabyouup666 , Caroline Hernandez Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well, to me, 'Chozyn' would be in the same category of names like Desiree, Diletta, Dieudonné, and there are undoubtedly many more that have this kind of meaning. "Chozyn" is just a little too obvious for me, and with an obnoxious spelling. But names of that kind are definitely around, and not uncommon either.

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why A guy running for some office near me is named Rocky Rhodes.

    How does one look at their tiny newborn and think…. “Rocky! Looks like a Rocky to me. And you know how much I love ice cream!”

    nahteviro , Heidi Fin Report

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    Misha Writer
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The driver for a chartered bus taking high school seniors on the senior trip to NYC in 1992 was named Campbell Soup. We didn't believe him until he showed us his ID.

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    Any name that ryhmes with Tragedeigh

    Technicolor_Reindeer Report


    Gonna go against the grain here, the names that really irk me are the double names. Like “Susie-Ellen, or Martha-May” like middle names already exist, you don’t need a hyphenated first name. I used to work with a summer camp and so many girls had double names.

    cobaltaureus Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My grandmother apparently had a name like that. The reason why I can't remember what it was is actually twofold: a) She died before I was born, and b) No-one ever called her by it because her parents changed their minds as soon as they got home from the hospital. They decided to just call her by the new name they had picked, and screw what it said on the birth certificate.

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why The only one I've witnessed in real life was some woman yelling at her daughter in the grocery store: "Starlet"

    It makes me predict endless beauty pageants, forced auditions, and her mother living her dreams vicariously through her.

    Symnestra , Senjuti Kundu Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe because I am old and ruined but I have seen newcomers to a certain industry called Porn Starlets.

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    Jermaine Jackson named one of his sons "Jermajesty". Poor kid.

    1491Sparrow Report


    I know of a girl who named her baby Kevlar. And if I'm not mistaken she had the baby in prison where she was serving time for being the getaway driver in a robbery/shooting. Classy af

    Inevitable_Bad1548 Report


    I met a girl named Anita. The problem is that her last name was Bath. She got married as fast as she could.

    TomoyoHoshijiro Report


    Adolf was okay before 1940. Now not so popular

    Yeezsus2 Report


    Parents who essentially give their kids the same first name as their last name. Robert Roberts, William Williams, etc. (I know one of each in real life). It seems purposefully cruel.

    bwilson525 Report

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    Katie Lutesinger
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One of my tattoos was done by a guy named Carl Carlson. I wonder if he knows he has the same name as one of Homer Simpson's coworkers?

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    I’m sorry but Chastity

    oonei028 Report

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    Lee Banks
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Posted before, but my middle school friend group was Chastity, Precious, Princess, and Tequila.

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    Names of foreign countries. A guy at my school had three sisters. Named Russia, China and Montana and I wish I was joking. We are all from Canada.

    TheC4bbageman Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Brantley, Bentley, Brittleigh, Braxton, Bella, Kayden, Xaden, Zayden... and any of these f*****g teen-mom names that abound now.

    While I give OG "Aiden" a break, it was the precursor to a lot of the shite names we have now-a-days.

    Oh, almost forgot... Keith.

    Quixotegut Report


    Shadynasty (pronounced Shuh-dynasty). My brother and I had a real falling out in the sixties over her.

    Historical_Pie3534 Report

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    David Martin
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You can claim that's pronounced however you want, but I'm sorry, your name is Shady Nasty, period

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    My job is in ancestry and I saw that someone named their kid Burden once. Maybe they’re super religious. Feel bad for the kid.

    tuivae Report


    The parents who named that poor kid "Gaylord"

    Coastal_wolf Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Gaylord is a sound historic name, certainly in use in Victorian times. Maybe not suitable for use now, what with shifts in language.

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    I know a woman who named her daughter She-Ra

    Mysterious-Region640 Report


    Made up names or made up spellings of names.

    JKMNOP (Pronounced “Noel”)

    La-A (Ladasha)

    The parents are setting these kids up to fail.

    CarryTheFire2984 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never realised how normal my name was compared to some of these….I’ll never complain again about not being able to find souvenirs with my name on them…

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    Parents that name their children after their fandoms or favourite fictional characters. It’s obviously fine if they pick a ‘normal’ name like Luke or Ben, but please don’t call your kid Khaleesi or something that is going to literally rob them of their own identity.

    miz_moon Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah. I’d name my kid Sophie or maybe dex, but not hermione or anything

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    Personally, I can't stand names that represent some virtue, value, or state of being.

    Chastity, Destiny, etc.

    Also, Anna and Elsa trigger me in a post-frozen world.

    FourHeffersAlone Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    I found out today that the Kardashian babies are not just North, but also Chicago and Psalm. There's another one I forgot, but it's also just as dumb as the poor kid's parents.

    Jypahttii Report


    My wife and I joke that, Sarah is short for Triceratop.

    Tera is short for Pterodactyl.

    OnePieceTwoPiece Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Isn't Sarah a hebrew name meaning princess? (could be mistaken here though)

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Frank Zappa named his daughter Moon Unit which probably sucked for her in school.

    Radiowave2k , EddieBerman Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    His son is called Dweezil and Frank said that their surnames would cause them more problems than their first names.

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    Kash. The name of a car manufacturer/model are some for me

    BeenjaminTampaBay Report

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    Heather Rhoades
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So, I was a foster parent, now a proud adoptive parent. We changed my son's name when the adoption finalized. Because his name was... Drumroll... Kashmonie. They probably thought long and hard about whether to use a 'y' or 'ie'. The nurses at the pediatrician said not to feel too bad about his birth name because they had another patient named Gr8ness. Another foster parent told me to not feel bad as a child she had was named 'Sh*t II'. She said the first time she had to attend a court date for the poor child, the judge asked the bio-mom why she named her kid that and the woman replied 'Because his father was a sh*t and he is too.' The kid was a week old. Judge changed his name right there in the court that day to Michael. Not making this up. If you want to see an absolutely eye watering list of awful baby names ask any foster care case worker. I haven't found one yet that does not keep a running list of awful, awful names removed children were given by their bioparents.

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    virgilreality Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is from Addams Family Values. Their third child is called Pubert. Fun Fact Pubert grew up to be Jimmy Carr.

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    Any name that ends in ayden. It's just so tacky and overdone.

    Adventurous_Yak_9234 Report


    Journee. I know a kid named that and all I can say is- the f**k?

    DiscoBiXXch Report


    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why So I have a friend (American) who was born in Saudi because her dad and mom were there for work. Because they didn't let the mom do any of the paperwork and because the dad panicked when doing the paperwork, her name is Meggan. Because her dad legit didn't know how to spell Megan.

    JL9berg18 , lilartsy Report

    See Also on Bored Panda

    Any "Junior". The child spends the rest of their life having to deal with bureaucracy confusing them with their father.

    I see it all the time at my job. Tickets, accidents, collections calls, misapplied payments, bankruptcies all being put on the wrong person because they have the same name.

    Ok-Cheetah-9125 Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If I was Nathaniel Jnr, I would name my child Nathaniel Snr.

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    Malibu Barbie

    Touro_Leite Report


    A girl I know, her name is Baby Sasha. She said we can call her baby.. Her parents were clearly lazy to come up with a proper name.

    saltyy_spitoon Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sascha is a male name here. Ever time I see Sasha as a female name I do a mental double-take. (same for Robin)

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    40 People Share What Baby Name Immediately Makes Them Lose All Respect For The Parents And Why Here in Brazil people like to name their kids with a portuguese version of common US names. For example, we can find a lot of Brians written as “Braian”. Or Jasons written as “Jeison” or “Jeisson”.

    aa1997112 , Mateus Campos Felipe Report

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    Ni Rosa ;)
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Michael - Maicon it's my favorite. We also have Washington - Uashinton, and so much others. Usually mothers end up screwing up male names, we don't have many strange female names.

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    I hate when parents name a child a big long first name and then say "but we are going to call him bubba" why didn't you just name him that?

    Helix1322 Report

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    Jake B
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would call him “Shrimp” and hope he is 6’7 and footballer material


    Princess, Queen, etc.

    LittleWallFlowers Report

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    T'Mar of Vulcan
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I dare you to come to South Africa and tell Zulu people with spears they can't do that. I DARE you.

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    LaTrina. I honestly saw that name somewhere.

    Lowasasnakesbelly Report


    Who names their child “sea land” when a) they have never been to New Zealand and b) didn’t even realize this was a country in the world. And c)they have nothing that relates to being a sea farer, boater, navy personnel, have not lived by the sea, nothing to connect them with the sea. “We just love how it sounds…” No.

    Also. The name Razzabella….no explanation needed.

    Ok-Income1556 Report

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    HairyTackle3748 Report

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    Youandi. It stands for you and i :( horrible.

    NathalieDV90 Report


    Kayden and they're usually chavs

    Several_Show937 Report

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    Maverick. They always have Mohawks too.

    AcadiaLow4488 Report


    Ichigo, Naruto, Sasuke, Saitama or any popular anime character names

    PrioryOfSion14 Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think Rebecca would be a good work around (at least for fans of at least two animes)

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    CryingQuentinMain Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I imagine the kid to be Hyper-Hyper activ and to like it loud (Scooter is a german techno band)

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    So much anxiety reading this comments and PRAYING my kid's names aren't listed by anyone.

    But to answer the question, any name ending with -leigh. That's an immediate red flag that I don't want to be friends with those parents.

    YELL0Wvj Report


    Anything -den/dan/don. Even worse: -dyn

    ISomehowThinkImEpic Report

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    Themed names.
    My sister has run her list of baby names by me before. She's not pregnant, but intends to have children one day.
    "River, Sailor, and Ocean"
    Absolutely f*****g not.
    I will not let my sister's children get bullied relentlessly for being named after a theme.
    It's up there with people who name multiple children of theirs after characters from the same franchise.
    Alright you can name your kid after a character that meant a lot to you. But don't have three kids and name them after other characters in the same show, alright, thats just f****n weird.

    Junior_Cress2828 Report

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    Jan Rosier
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Again, DUTCH speaking country... distant acquintances of mine have (in order birth) Rain, Storm and Cloud. Followed by a run-of-the-mill Flemish familyname...

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    In Sweden (and I’m guessing around scandinavia), we have a girl’s name called Barbro. Barbro. In English it’s weird, and in Swedish it’s always the name of an old lady. Don’t name your daughters Barbro, it’s just not cool.

    KaffeMumrik Report


    Just Why

    Crakaman8E2 Report


    Skylar or Brooklyn.

    Ghostman-TX Report