Two Years Ago I Took These 13 Photos Of My Daughter Doing Sports
You may have recently seen Baby Ryan Doing Manly Things. Two years ago, his big sister Ella was doing sports as a baby. Normal baby pictures are rather boring so I figured I’d use Photoshop to spice them up.
More info: Instagram
Ella grabs some big air at the local skate park
The judge from China is a little harsh
A little toe grab on this dive
Practicing those penalty kicks
Denying all shots on goal
Playing cornhole with Ella (no I did not actually throw her)
Textbook batting stance with her eye on the ball
She’s not sure if she likes catching
Dropping back in the pocket for a deep ball
Protecting the rock at 4 months old
She’s got a fierce game face
Pulling off a nosegrind on the rail
Couldn’t quite pull off the grab on this lip trick
Here’s the process of each photoshoot. I set the camera on a timer, taking a picture every second and hold Ella in the different positions I need. Later, I photoshop all the parts together and remove myself from the picture to make a final composite photo.
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