Dad-Of-Six Turns His Baby Into Adorable Elf On The Shelf
Utah’s dad-of-six Alan Lawrence decided to take the famous Elf on the Shelf Christmas tradition to the next level by turning his own 4-month-old baby boy Rockwell into the cutest elf ever. He made up a whole story about his own little elf and started documenting his mischievous adventures on his That Dad Blog. Lawrence’s wife helped him by making Rockwell’s costume.
“All of our friends do the Elf on the Shelf and I’ve always thought it was sort of creepy, but sort of fun — this idea of an elf coming to live in your home and moving around to different places,” Lawrence told TODAY. “And I’m like, what if it was a real elf? And of course, being parents, we already have the cutest little 4-month-old. So we decided to make a fun series.”
Lawrence plans to post new pictures until Christmas. Some of the photos feature the little elf in seemingly dangerous situations, but you shouldn’t be worried because his daddy, being an art director, is quite skilled at photo editing. Lawrence has already made a well-received public appearance with his photo series featuring his son with Down syndrome.
More info: thatdadblog.com | Facebook | Instagram (h/t: today)
Utah’s dad-of-six decided to transform his 4-month-old baby boy into an elf on the shelf
His wife made the costume and he started documenting the elf’s mischievous adventures
The tiny elf has been caught wrapping the Christmas tree in toilet paper
He has also been noticed enjoying syrup a little bit too much
“He’s just a good-natured kid, he’ll be laughing and looking up at me, exactly what we need for the shot”
“It’s almost like he knows what we’re trying to accomplish”
These adorable adventures will keep going up until Christmas, so be sure to get your daily cuteness intake!
Rockwell with his brother Wil who was previously featured on Bored Panda
Share on FacebookAdorable. I had to go back and read the article because I couldn't figure out what was holding the baby up. Figured it was photo shopped but he sure is good at it. It looks so real.
Adorable. I had to go back and read the article because I couldn't figure out what was holding the baby up. Figured it was photo shopped but he sure is good at it. It looks so real.