Seeing something cringeworthy is like watching a trainwreck. It’s uncomfortable and unpleasant, yet you can’t seem to take your eyes off of it.
If this forgettable mishap happened in the digital realm, it may have been broadcast in the Cringetopia subreddit. As the name suggests, it’s an online group that immortalizes people’s embarrassing situations.
We’ve collected some of the posts that stood out. These may amplify feelings of secondhand shame or induce a headshake of disappointment. Scroll through and see which resonates with you the most.
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W H I T E P E O P L E A M I R I G H T!!!
He's Also 1 Million Times More Useful Than She'll Ever Be
I'd rather have a partner who is generous, earns a steady income, who's concerned about my well-being and at the same time challenges me to become a better me, than some hot guy who only cares about his looks and popularity. Not that all hot guys are that way, but: looks does not the man make. Attitude does.
Keep Your Neck
so marry your stalker that don't accept your borders? Sound like a happy marriage 🙄🙄
We cringe because of vicarious embarrassment (a.k.a. secondhand shame). But according to clinical psychologist Dr. Marielle Collins, there is an upside to it.
“That’s the concept of empathy,” she said in an interview with the Cleveland Clinic. “Our brains are wired to be able to simulate the emotional experiences of other people and feel what another person is feeling.”
Cultural Appropriation
Not only that, the Japanese government made a statement that the man is a revered master and a honored friend of Japan for keeping ancient musical traditions alive. Also of note: Not only was the game and western developer praised by the Japanese for being a great representation of the actual Island and culture, the developers were made honorary ambassadors for setting up a donation drive to repair the islands historical locations after a big storm damaged the island.
The Woman Is The Cringe One Here, In Case Anyone Is Confused
Some people just take things too far. If someone holds a door open for you just say thank you. It honestly doesn't matter if it's male or female because it's good manners. Getting in a s**t about it is bad manners
Gatekeeping... A Language?
I'm Spanish, Spanish is my native language and and very white. And also, there're lots of very white people in Latinoamerica.
But there’s also a reason why seeing something cringeworthy feels like listening to fingernails running down a chalkboard. Here’s an explanation from Dr. Collins:
“A lot of times, these feelings can come with anxiety and a fear of negative social evaluation. Anxiety can be distressing and may get in the way of whatever you’re doing in the moment.”
Cringe Post Followed By A Funny
What Were They Thinking?
Since secondhand embarrassment can be an anxiety trigger, Dr. Collins says it could be problematic if you’re already dealing with the disorder.
“Witnessing someone else experiencing embarrassment could increase anxious thoughts about whether a similar experience could happen to you and activate your body’s stress response.”
$4k Rent
Hysteria Has Always Been Everywhere
Somehow in my mind Satan, Santa, Satin are all mixed up together. And now that we're throwing tornadoes into the mix, I have a very distressing image of flying reindeer in there too.
If vicarious embarrassment puts you on edge, Dr. Collins shared some tips on how to handle it properly. It begins with reframing emotions.
“When we experience emotions that are uncomfortable, we often think they are ‘bad,’ and that makes us even more anxious as we try to get rid of it, increasing distress,” she explained.
“It can help to have a more mindful approach by acknowledging how we are feeling in the moment without judgment and allowing the emotion to pass.”
Dork A** Losers
To be fair, a dress that manages to almost reveal the capillaries, and magically perky booobs; a woman sculptor wouldn't have been my first guess either.
She Is Not The Cringe But Those 6k Neck Beards Are! I Freaking Love Her Idea
Want Another Baby But Your Husband Doesn't? Just Get Him Drunk
Dealing with anxiety is primarily about recognizing when it begins to manifest. This also applies to the distress from feeling secondhand shame. For this, Dr. Collins recommends the STOP technique.
This simple method involves four steps: stop what you’re doing, take a breath, observe what’s happening to your body, and proceed mindfully.
My tale would be "mate, kindly p×ss off I'm having some quality alone time. Now away."
Imagine The Conversation
It’s Actually Quite Sophisticated Stuff
As Dr. Collins explains, the STOP technique makes you effectively take notice when anxiety and self-judgment from secondhand embarrassment begin to creep in.
“When we go down a rabbit hole with our thoughts and emotions, it can all end up being amplified. This STOP technique helps you move in a more helpful direction by pausing for a minute to stop whatever stream of thought you’re having.”
So Much For Independent
Easy Mistake
Those Damn Scorpios
However, some people don’t feel secondhand shame. But does that mean they lack empathy? Psychotherapist James Hartley has an answer to this question.
“It could be that they are on the other end of the spectrum genetically, or their environment didn’t develop their empathy in childhood much, but it could also be that they have learned how to have boundaries with their sense of self,” Hartley told Refinery29.
People Think That Negro Refers To The Racial Slur
Evolution noticed those bits of skin were almost always out of the sun and decided to call it an day when applying the melanin.
Whats The Point Of This
I Hate This Sub But This Fits Here So
I'm convinced that not a single woman alive finds that cringey role play s**t a turn-on.
The Definition Of L
Literal Cringe Face
Oh damn! English is not my first language and maybe I'm missing something... but I'm assuming it was "puberty"?
Cardi B Approves This Message
When You Just Want A Legitimate Business
He Must Not Have Been A Real Man
Just Stop
How Does This Even Happen
Wow Real Help
Gatekeeping Children’s Names?
I think pronouns should be banned. I will never use a pronoun, especially in reference to me.
But I Have 11k Followers!
Instagrammers wanting freebies should be given free time in a cell.
What Is Even The Human Race Anymore
Vegans Forgot To Read Food Chain In Schhol
And tyrannosauruses ate grass. Wait, guess they don't believe in dinosaurs either...
Notice At An Anime Convention
This Is A Classic "Ooof" Moment
When I shaved my hair everyone at my school asked me if it was : cancer, military, my parents forcing me... In their narrow minded heads it just couldn't have been by choice. (I precise that I was in a small countryside school and was previously in an art school so the difference between me and my classmates was WILD)
That Is A Good Question
I swear I just wanna slap up on the underside of her chin and make her bite her tongue.
This Would Haunt Me For The Rest Of My Life
I Can Do It But You Can’t
Better get tested for some other things too if that is the way you handle all your interactions.
Height Of Stupidity
Twitter User Discovers Empathy
Logic Not Found
"Excuse me, Mr. Waiter, sir? Will you please escort this woman out and bring me some pie?"
Seems Legit
Due to new evidence I've recently discovered, I am no longer the dumbest person on earth.
This is one of the ways to boost your self-esteem:D
Load More Replies...Due to new evidence I've recently discovered, I am no longer the dumbest person on earth.
This is one of the ways to boost your self-esteem:D
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