There are plenty of fish in the sea! But as you might know, many of them are taken. Some refuse to be in a committed relationship, and others are incredibly rude when they don’t get exactly what they want from potential romantic partners. So while there are plenty of fish out there, there are many that you’ll want to avoid as well.
Below, you’ll find a list of screenshots featuring interactions with people who should definitely remove themselves from the dating pool. From messages that make no sense to remarks that are outright mean, these posts might make you relieved to be single. Be sure to upvote the messages you can’t believe people actually sent, and keep reading to find conversations with dating coaches Rachel New and Amie Leadingham!
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Dating/Hookup Apps Are Serious Trash Sometimes
The person who replied sounds like a really good person. Far more patient and polite than I would be, that's for sure.
To learn more about the wild world of dating nowadays, we reached out to dating and relationships coach Rachel New, who was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda. First, we wanted to hear Rachel's perspective on how the internet has impacted the dating world.
"Online dating has opened up opportunities for more people to connect with more people," the expert shared. "This has lots of good and bad consequences. Shy or socially anxious people get to connect without having to go to parties, people who live in remote areas can connect with people further away, and everyone gets to see profiles of people from different walks of life, a greater range of ages, ethnicities, levels of education, and so on."
"Research shows people mix more through dating apps and that this is good for breaking down barriers of prejudice and making us more open to different cultural norms," Rachel added.
Put Your Children Up For Adoption
Wow, it's a good thing we don't get attached to our children or anything. lol
Yeah, Why The Hell Are You On A Dating App Anyway?
who hurt him, indeed. if he's so afraid of an "agenda", why the hell is he trying to meet a stranger online?
But there are downsides to the internet's impact on our dating lives as well. "Some negative consequences of dating apps are that now we are connecting with people who might have very limited experience of connecting with others, and if we have a few bad experiences, we can start to believe the majority of people are like that," Rachel shared.
"There are lots of reasons why people can’t connect in the offline world that don’t make them evil or mean: it could be poor social skills, a lack of experience of mixing with others who are different from them, trauma, lack of good role models and attachments growing up, mental health challenges, neurodivergence, or other life challenges," the expert explained, adding that certainly not all people with those challenges will send problematic messages.
cheating is one person having two partners who do not know about each other. polyamory is three or more people in a relationship (how everyone is connected to each other varies) with lots of communication and consideration of each other. there is a difference. they are not the same. hate it when people say they're polyamorous, but really they're cheating and don't want to admit it
Happened To A Friend Of Mine Today
My Now Ex Boyfriend Has Been Sending Me Texts Non Stop. I Sent Him A Message Saying Me Moving Out And Us Breaking Up Is For The Best, And This Was His Response
"We may judge that a message is inappropriate, offensive, aggressive, sexist, or defensive - like many of those illustrated here," Rachel continued. "But it’s possible that some of the people sending them may actually be unaware that their messages violate the rules of social interaction. In the offline world of people who have good social skills, they would be told immediately or socially ostracised – in other words, punished for not playing by the rules of safe, kind social interaction."
Ngvc: “Fruit Of My Lions”
The Absolute Gall
"But if they are not part of [the offline] world [of people with good social skills] – perhaps in their lives they have only experienced people getting angry and aggressive, or putting others down, or sulking – they won’t be familiar with other ways of doing things," Rachel explained. "A simple example is that of the person who thought going to a café for a first date was weird. To many of us, that is completely normal, but it wasn’t part of this person’s world, and so they equate unfamiliar with weird."
Just Started Talking To This Guy
Went to the bar and ended up running into a guy friend. Guy I agreed to go on a date with saw that and got upset I was talking to him. This is what he’s been texting me
This Is What I Get For Not Answering My Phone…
If that was meant as dark humor it's pretty funny. If she's serious... run.
A Girl I Use To Date Reinsuring Me That I Made The Right Choice
We also asked the dating expert if she had any advice for people who simply want to date the "old fashioned" way. "Research from YouGov shows that most people in the UK still meet in real life – about 66-76%, depending on age," Rachel told Bored Panda. "This can be at work, through friends, in a bar, or at a social event/group activity such as volunteering, a choir, a language class, a sport, or a Meetup."
"I recommend that people try to meet people both online and offline, to get a healthy balance, especially as we use different parts of the brain when we meet in real life, for example being less likely to judge people by appearance," the coach says. "Having a short video or phone call to cut down on the messaging before you arrange an in-person date is a good idea too. More people are meeting through social media such as Instagram now, because people’s posts and videos are thought to be more authentic than dating profiles."
He Asked What My Favorite Food Was. I Said Pizza. This Was His Response
He practiced his flirting skills with his waifu pillow before trying it out in real life obviously
We Spoke For About A Week When I Asked Her What Red Flags She Has.. Here’s The Note She Sent Me 🚩
Are Low-Key Dates Not A Thing Anymore?
No. It's the new "I'm too special and important to go anywhere but a Michelin restaurant for a first date" attitude.
But Rachel also says that many people can enhance their online dating experiences with some expert input and support. "This includes tweaking their dating profiles, messaging skills and arranging a first date," she noted. "There is lots of research on what works best, particularly when it comes to creating that warm connection and becoming attuned to each other, as well as judging when someone isn’t right for you to date. I especially enjoy dissecting people’s unsuccessful online conversations with them and making suggestions about how they could have said something differently or avoided a misunderstanding!"
My Friend Matched With This Guy On A Dating App
A Friend Got This From A Guy She Went On A First Date With
She Proposed A Different Meeting Place For Their Date
When it comes to the posts on this list that feature people responding poorly to rejection, Rachel says that, "Sensitivity to rejection or feeling 'disrespected' is often a trauma response, where someone has experienced abandonment or ridicule, most likely in childhood, and not processed it."
"Such people develop survival strategies to protect them from the pain of rejection, such as denigrating the person rejecting them so that their opinion doesn’t matter (like number 24 and 30), or bigging themselves up so they feel less disempowered (like number 8), or having strict deal-breakers (like number 12 and 22)," the expert explained. "They may already feel bad about themselves but keep it buried by treating people badly or getting angry with them."
I Went On An Awkward Tinder Date With This Guy About Two Years Ago. I Had Been So Relieved After He Finally Seemed To Stop Texting Me About A Year Ago. He's Back!!!!
Asked A Girl On A Date A Week Ago, She Said Yes. Text Her Today, This Was Our Conversation
A Girl I Dated For 2 Months Calling Me Off Of Different Numbers After I Broke It Off And Blocked Her
Looks like they're really having trouble reaching you about your cars extended warranty
I have dealt with someone like that and we never dated. It was just one date and then we became friends. Or so I thought. I'm not saying anything about the person in the OPs post but in my situation the woman had severe Borderline Personality Disorder and would do the same thing among other worse things. It is best to cut these people off.
at this point... change your number. and move somewhere new if possible.
well there are ligid persons who calls without an id, e.g. I think the police does it, when they call from an office line, to avoid some lunatics calling them back all the time.
"When I work with people who have suffered this kind of trauma, I use a variety of therapeutic approaches that include somatic psychology, mindfulness and self-compassion to process the trauma," Rachel told Bored Panda. "I help them to understand that their survival strategy has been keeping them safe for a long time, but now it’s become counterproductive. Then the person learns to tolerate dates not working out, people not being attracted to them or asking them to behave differently without getting triggered. Rather than seeing it as rejection or criticism, they can learn to tell themselves, 'This person isn’t right for me' or, 'We weren’t in tune with each other' or, 'I can learn something from this.'"
"If you are the recipient of a string of aggressive or inappropriate messages, it can help to understand it as the person desperately attempting to avoid feel bad about themselves," Rachel added.
If you're looking for more wise words and dating advice from Rachel, be sure to visit her website or purchase her dating workbook!
Can't Think Of A Creative Title For This
dude i did not need to hear about your fake scenarios you make up to say that you have a busy sex life
Could Anyone Of You Afford To Match With Her?
Two Kinds Of Date
Medjoul or Deglet Noor? Because that’s the only dates I’d get that excited about (and would get both in one day).
We were also lucky enough to get in touch with dating coach Amie Leadingham to hear her thoughts on the topic. "I do believe that dating apps/texting/online dating has made the dating landscape suffer as people have lost the ability to create in-person social connections and many have lost basic social skills," Amie told Bored Panda.
The Amount Of Men Who Message Me Expecting Me To Hang Out With Them, A Complete Stranger, Immediately And Are Unwilling To Take Even A Second To Get To Know Each Other First
Idfk, Maybe Because You Matched With Me?!
And if anyone out there hasn't had much luck with dating apps, Amie's advice is to diversify the way you connect with singles. "Get outside of your house and meet actual people," the expert says. "Maybe work at a coffee shop, or don't wear your headphones at the gym. Start up conversations with people in person. The old-fashioned way of meeting people still works! Don't give up on online dating; keep doing that while making in-person connections."
Ngvc: “Being Nice To You Made Me Look Like A Chump”. Nice Guys Response To Getting Rejected After A Single Coffee Date
So Infuriating
“well you did say on tinder like a year ago that you’re keen for anything 😉 “ yeah, A YEAR AGO.
Finally, Amie shared some wise words for anyone struggling with rejection. "Rejection is protection. If that person wasn't into you, let them go," she noted. "It doesn't mean you are not worthy. It just means you weren't a good fit. Take the higher road and wish them well on their dating journey. Take all that energy and move it into something productive, and look for someone who is actually into you, too!"
If you'd like to gain some advice for your own dating life from Amie, be sure to visit her website!
This Dude Slept Thru Our Lunch Date And Blames Me (Because I Don’t Exchange Numbers Until Meeting/Vibe Check). Because Apparently I Should’ve Woken Him Up And Waited
uh yes hello sir, have you perhaps heard of this fantastic new invention called an "alarm"?
Ah The Joys Of Online Dating In Your 20s
Poll Question
After reading the interactions, what is your biggest turn-off when using dating apps?
People who are rude or mean
Individuals who ghost or suddenly stop communicating
Those who are overly persistent or don't respect boundaries
Anyone who misrepresents themselves or lies
I've deleted all dating apps. I came to the conclusion that the emotionally mature dudes don't use them.
Nobody emotionally mature uses dating apps for long anymore. they're all just a hook up. when I was on my own using them the amount of nutcases i got from the woman who accused me of living a double life because i saw my kids on the weekend, to my own personal stalker (to be honest she was more lonely than anything and i hope she's okay). To the 24 year old who complained i never took her out for a meal when she helped with my profile when i specifically asked first if 'this is your way to start talking and ask someone out' and she said. No I just like to help ??????? That was over a few months, i dread to think how the woman have it.
I've deleted all dating apps. I came to the conclusion that the emotionally mature dudes don't use them.
Nobody emotionally mature uses dating apps for long anymore. they're all just a hook up. when I was on my own using them the amount of nutcases i got from the woman who accused me of living a double life because i saw my kids on the weekend, to my own personal stalker (to be honest she was more lonely than anything and i hope she's okay). To the 24 year old who complained i never took her out for a meal when she helped with my profile when i specifically asked first if 'this is your way to start talking and ask someone out' and she said. No I just like to help ??????? That was over a few months, i dread to think how the woman have it.