‘Awful Everything’ Online Community Shames World’s Worst People And Here’s 50 Of Their Most Hated Ones
When you’re scrolling through social media or reading the news, it can start to feel like there’s no good left on this planet. Hearing about terrible and devastating events can sometimes become a little overwhelming. But instead of keeping these feelings to ourselves, we can start a conversation online.
Awful Everything is a subreddit where more than 1.4M members share pictures about the worst of the worst. From stories about the healthcare system and financial troubles to abusive police officers, this community is shining a light on the struggles people face every day.
Bored Panda has collected some of the top-voted images from this online group, so continue scrolling. And if you’re feeling up to it, share your own experiences and thoughts in the comment section below.
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I Wish ...humanity Changes
Aaron Tucker
Since 2014, the subreddit has been steadily growing and bringing our attention to the devastating things happening around us. From gruesome crimes to minor injustices, the community is dedicated to showing how bad our world can get. As the moderators say, “Lament with us as we view all things that are just genuinely awful.”
Sadly, we have a tendency to dwell on the things that go wrong and use stronger words to describe them. When it comes to the positive or neutral incidents, they seem to be not as important. Just think about negative stereotypes—humans are quick to form bad impressions and often have a hard time changing their views.
Poor Guy :(
These stories break my heart, they really do. So many people, SO MANY, are just one illness away from this happening to them. Our government has utterly failed us.
The Fact That This Is So Common Is Heartbreaking
Even if some of us have a rather optimistic view of life, people still remember more details about their unpleasant experiences. “The brain handles positive and negative information in different hemispheres,” Clifford Nass, a professor of communication at Stanford University, told The New York Times.
He said that negative emotions generally involve more thinking, and the information is processed more thoroughly than positive ones.
Psychologists refer to this as the negativity bias. Picture it: you’re having a pleasant day at work until your coworker throws you an inconsiderate comment. When you come back home, what will you remember more—the overall good day or the remark?
We Are All Spolied
Richest Country
Roy Baumeister, a social psychologist and co-author of The Power of Bad: How the Negativity Effect Rules Us and How We Can Rule It, said that it’s one of the most basic psychological principles that seems to be true everywhere.
“A mind is prone to overreact to negative things relative to positive things; so people can use this to manipulate us, or we can use this to manipulate other people,” he explained. “If we understand this, we can prevent some of the negative effects and improve the quality of our social life.”
Rest In Peace, Acab
I just don't understand how it is considered justified if he was shot in the back! How can someone be a threat with their back towards you? I really hope this case is properly handled and the officers are not only terminated from their jobs but also sent to prison/death row! May Darrien rest in peace.
The Power Of Hate
There are so many great folks left out of history. Leprosy used to be a disease that would kill or maim so many people through history until a 23-year old black chemist named Alice Ball came up with a cure in 1915. Unfortunately she died the next year due to an accident. Who knows what she could have accomplished? https://scientificwomen.net/women/ball-alice-121
John Tierney, a journalist and the other co-author of this book, mentioned that the reason why we focus more on bad news is probably that it is aimed at the general public. “And the things that affect everyone tend to be negative—we’re all afraid of dying; we’re all afraid of being hurt. Focusing on those shared concerns is the easiest way to reach a mass audience.”
However, people on social media tend to share stories that are more pleasant. “That’s because the positive things we’re interested in—our hobbies, our cultural interests, the books we read—are more idiosyncratic,” he added. “Curating your news feed so that you’re not seeing so many negative stories can be good.”
Everything About This
A Running Top
Understanding and noticing our tendency to dwell on the negativities in life should help us to recognize that things are usually not as bad as we think. While it is important to share and discuss the problems we face in today’s world, it’s also vital to balance it out with the good stuff. So if you’re feeling a bit down, we’ve got you covered. Just take a look at some of our most recent wholesome posts here and right here.
One Of Reasons People Riot
Jim Carrey Is The News Now I Guess
Sometimes, When People Get Depressed, They Smash Their Own Face In, Pour Acid On Their Genitals, And Shoot Themselves. Apparently
A suicide? More like someone is covering up a rape and a murder. This breaks my heart! I hope one day we can truly tell her story and convict her attacker to life without parole or even the death penalty. May this beautiful woman rest in peace.
Why Are The Kardashians Famous In The First Place
Poor Orcas
Omg, sue them for animal abuse! That tiny enclosure for things that way over 2,000 pounds!
Couldn’t Imagine
The Us Justice System
Don't forget the people who knowingly voted twice for Trump and only got slaps on the wrist. And wait for it......shocking reveal.....They're WHITE! And as a white person, I'm tired if this s**t happening to black people and other minorities, it's complete and utter bullshit. 'Murica, am I right?
Wtf U.S.
This Man R**ed Then Killed A 10 Yrs Old Girl Named Katie , When One Of His Inmates Heard The Story He Tattooed " Katie's Revenge " On The Rapist's Forehead By Force
I Didn't Know About That
The System Is So F**ked
If Someone Told Me Not To Smile; I Would Smile Uncontrollably
OK, it's good you spoke up but sitting through every class? That sounds stressful for the daughter.
Sighs In American
They look like some sort of evil high-class bitches from a Tim Burton film....Oh, wait
That's Terrible...
Ryan Whittaker
Only A Few Bad Apples
It almost seems like American cops would rather work with rapist, abusers, murderers, corruption, and brutality in their force. Than becoming those who fight against it. People like in the pictures above should be celebrated and become the norm. But hey.. what do I know.
Just Awful
Sadly female upon male abuse is rarely seen and even worse, rarely stopped because not many believe it happens. I have a friend with lasting brain damage from being abused by his wife and daughter. He ended up having part of his brain removed. It does happen, but not many believe, let alone catch it. Most think the woman is the victim.
A Racist Hateful Idiot
Is he the one that said the queer community was the most dangerous group in America?
When You’re Harassed For Trying To Expose Criminals
It's Sad How True This Is
Beyonce's Pseudo-Feminism Is Letting Her Keep The Evil Practice Under The Shroud
Her lyrics literally say things like " I know when you were little girls, you dreamt of being in my world, don't forget it... respect that. bow down, bitches. " Who talks to others like that? It's not respectful, and she certainly isn't my feminist idol.
Calling Homeless People “Animals”
Everyone Should Just Work 937% Harder
Using The Market To Hurt The Rich
Yo, This Hurts A Lot !!!
All this stuff about the. price of insulin makes me so mad because the insulin patent from was originally sold for $1 with the understanding that cheap insulin would become available to all. For a long time the price of insulin was reasonable, retailing for $24 a vial in 1996. But due to no price controls the price has skyrocketed in the U.S. in the past couple years, because apparently the thought process is ‘why not gouge sick people?’ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5001219/
8 Year Olds Have To Go Through This
Food should be free in schools, people are paying with their taxes anyway
Entitlement 101
Don’t Go To Seaworld
I probably would have killed those people if I was there at that time.
Only Twats Mess With The Homeless
Damn That’s F**ked Up
The Only Way There's A Chance The Louisville Police Department Will Pay For Their Crimes Is If We Shine So Much Light On This That There's No Way They Can Sweep This Under Yet Another Carpet
Bill - you couldn’t be more wrong. The proof is that the city was ordered to pay $12 million to her mother in a wrongful death suit. Maybe read the whole story before saying “false”
Not Suspicious At All A Weed User Trying To Buy That Many Drugs...the Police Killed Her In More Way Than One
The only reason they banned marijuana in the first place was so they could pull bullshit like that
Special Privileges
Dramatic Photos From Around The Globe Record Mankind's Destruction Of The Planet
In Egypt A Girl Escaped Her Home Because She Was Beaten Everyday, The Police Found Her And Returned Her Back To Her Parents, Thats How She Look Like When They Pictured Her Reunited With Her Abusive Parents
We're All In This Together, The Struggle For Liberty Will Continue
Well, I'm more thoroughly depressed now than when I started, so thanks for that.
If it helps you to feel better, in 2021 there have been great medical breakthroughs and treatments to help beat cancers, alzheimers, diabetes. Plus there have been great strides in ocean cleanup recently. It's a hard pill to swallow, but helps to be aware of horrific things in order to stop it. Progression in humanity isn't always beautiful and quite a dirty job.
Load More Replies...Humanity sucks - but there is often a lot more good stuff that doesn't get covered by the news
Indeed. Bad news always sells, so why put anything different?
Load More Replies...Well, I'm more thoroughly depressed now than when I started, so thanks for that.
If it helps you to feel better, in 2021 there have been great medical breakthroughs and treatments to help beat cancers, alzheimers, diabetes. Plus there have been great strides in ocean cleanup recently. It's a hard pill to swallow, but helps to be aware of horrific things in order to stop it. Progression in humanity isn't always beautiful and quite a dirty job.
Load More Replies...Humanity sucks - but there is often a lot more good stuff that doesn't get covered by the news
Indeed. Bad news always sells, so why put anything different?
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