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BoredPanda Staff

This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.

“What’s That One Game You Could Play Every Day?”: 34 Gamers Share Their All-Time Favorites

Teen Flies Alone To Meet With His Online GF, Gets Scared After He is Met By Her Dad

Stepson Keeps Ignoring Man For Years, Is Livid When He Refuses To Pay For His Kids’ College

Man Left Baffled As Girlfriend Pushes For Marriage And Kids In Just 9 Months To Make Things ‘Easy’

Woman Deletes Review In Shame After Restaurant Proves Her Wrong, Even Local News Reports On It

Woman Refuses To Entertain Grandparents After Giving Birth, They Ignore Her And Still Plan It Out

Mom Worries About Canceling Family Trip To France After Entitled 17YO Suddenly Decides Not To Go

Ex-Wife Asks Man To Let Her Kid Use Bathroom, His New Wife And SIL Are Livid That He Allowed It

Person Fed Up With Neighbors As They Selfishly Use Both Driveways, Plans To Put Up A Wall

Lady Changes Birth Name At 22 To Forget The Past, BF Finds Out And Starts Using It, She Dumps Him

Dumpster Diver Finds Dozens Of Live Fish Just Tossed Away Behind A PetSmart, Netizens Outraged

Man Refuses To Attend Sister's Wedding To A Digital Character, She Throws Fit, Calls Him A Monster

Woman Wants To Take Over Woman’s Entire Table So Her Injured Friend Can Sit But She Won’t Have It

Person Appalled As GF’s Racist Parents Roast Their Restaurant And Tell Her To Get A “White Man”

"We Did Not Invite Them Again": 33 People Online Bewildered By Their Ill-Mannered Guests

Acpyrus reply
Apparently pumping up their junk since they accidentally left the device in the bathroom.

sick_sadlittleworld reply
A friend from HS came with her boyfriend to visit me for a long weekend. They stayed with my and my husband. We only have one bathroom but they knew this before hand and she said it would be all fine. We made do.
They showered together every day. They [weren't intimate] (our place is small, we would have heard), but to me, that wad wild.
They also left water all over the floor and didn't bother to clean up or ask us for supplies to clean it up.
They lived in a country where downloading stuff on torrent is not illegal nor punishable by law, I do. This dude left his torrent open and a few months later we received a letter fining us for like €1k.
Oh, and when I went to visit, the dude didn't want me to stay with them so I had to get a hotel.
Never ever hosting them again ever.

Revolutionary_Bug_39 reply
When my brothers and I were in high school we would host open door hangouts pretty regularly. One night after my mom sent everyone home, she got up at like 3 AM to get a drink and noticed a glow coming from the office.
She found a girl we marginally knew on our family computer. She had come back after everyone was asleep to chat with her online boyfriend for hours using our internet. She did it because she had been grounded from her computer for being on it night and day. It was super awkward.

Lalakowski reply
When I was about 9, my mother was frequently visited by a friend who I already didn’t like at the time. Once she forgot to lock the bathroom and then I caught her squeezing our shower gel into a plastic bag. When she stole my first Nokia, my mother finally ended the friendship. I guess that’s why I only let a few people in 😅.

shavemejesus reply
Not really weird but rude: my husband’s cousin and her husband visited us for a night one weekend. She’s a doctor he’s a Marine Corps major.
When they brushed their teeth before bed that night they both spit their toothpaste into the sink and didn’t rinse it out, just left it there to dry and get crusty.
Who the hell does that?

Chickadee12345 reply
We have a summer cabin in the mountains. My SO invited his grown up daughter to come visit. She wanted to bring a friend. We were like, great, the more the merrier. This friend went into our bedroom and stole some of my important prescription medications that I had stored in a box in a corner under a couple other boxes. Also a bottle of used nail polish and a handmade coffee mug that had been gifted to my SO which was decorative only.

Squacamole reply
My SIL came to my house for Thanksgiving for the first time. She absolutely gorged herself saying how good all the food was. Then in a lull in conversation at the table she announced "Well, I'm gonna go throw up." and she got up to go to the bathroom. Um, what? We all thought maybe we misheard her and no one said a thing.... She came back a few moments later, and made herself another heaping plate of food and ate it all. Then they left early before dessert. I asked my MIL later if she really did excuse herself to throw up and my MIL just rolled her eyes and said "yep." Like that happens all the time. Oh, and I have emetophobia so I was a mess with someone purposely throwing up in my house. 😩.

VirginiaGecko1911 reply
S**t themselves, then get it on the bathroom rug, the sink, the back of the toilet and bathroom towels.
We'd had moved in about 2 weeks earlier after having the house built.

FapDonkey reply
Not my house, but a friend was hosting a big annual holiday cookout thing they do every year. At some point someone goes into the garage to get beer out of the garage fridge. Immediately slips and falls. Looking at the garage floor, there is something very slippery sprayed ALLLLLLLLL over the whole floor. We pretty quickly find a big can of WD-40 sitting there, and someone apparently thought it would be a good idea to cover the entire f*****g garage floor in a skimcoat of it. The floor was epoxy-coated cement, so it was like an ice skating rink. Luckily we had a good group of friends and we all pitched in to clean it up for the homeowners, took us a few hours. It was a huge f*****g mess.
We never figured out who the f**k did that, and what their motivation was. Absolutely bonkers.

RatTeeth reply
My uncle, who was visiting, spilled a pop on the coffee table and used a throw pillow to mop it up.

HuuffingLavender reply
My cousin and her new hippy boyfriend drove from Arizona to my place in New Orleans. It was a small apartment, when I opened the door he said, "Nice to meet you," and pushed past me to the bathroom.
Where he delivered one of **the** smelliest dumps I've ever experienced. The smell was pure rotten and quickly filled my entire apartment. Mind you, there was a window in the bathroom, as well as a vent, matches, candles, poo-pourri, and room sprays. Then he asked me to find him "an old oak tree that would hold him like a mama." It was all downhill from that *literally* s****y first impression.

YourMomsNippleClamps reply
My sisters ex/baby dad would openly go through our stuff. Drawers, closets, etc. He knew it was a weird thing to do but shrugged it off bc he's "just curious".
It honestly didn't bother me too much until he told my niece and nephew it was okay to go in my basement (which is also my bedroom) after me explicitly saying no. He just kept saying "no it's fine" and then went down with them.
The fact that he knows it's wrong / weird / impolite and then turns right around and teaches his kids it's okay to completely ignore people's boundaries and snoop through their things? Whack.

bzsbal reply
An old coworker I haven’t seen in years came over with her toddler son. She came over because her teenage daughter was looking to make some money cleaning house and/or yard work, and was going to give me an estimate. My husband and I are child free, and therefore our home is not child proofed…at all. We collect antiques. She let her toddler run in our house. It was like she was just completely checked out and this was her “me” time to not deal with her kid. He was an absolute terror. I had to tell him no about 50 times, guide him out of our different rooms, tell him to not pull our dogs tails (we have 3 senior dogs, so I’m very protective of them). She didn’t even give me a quote for her daughter. I finally, in a nice way, kicked them out. If she would have parented her child, I wouldn’t have a problem. I get toddlers are a handful, I just don’t want to deal with an acquaintances child who has zero direction from his parents in my own home. F**k that.

neinta reply
Had some college friends from out of town over for a weekend camping trip. They had never been camping. I got called into work for an emergency and told them I would be back in 2 hours. During the 2 hours I was out, they moved a bunch of stuff from my bedroom to the living room and from the living room to the shelves in my bedroom. I thought it was odd but didn't worry about it. Once we get back from the trip I notice they all quickly came up with reasons to leave. After they left I realized I was missing several cd's and dvd's, a digital camera, several books, a portable speaker, and other random stuff they apparently didn't think I'd miss. They couldn't figure out why I never talked to them again.

BMagni reply
Use the laundry machine more than 50 times in a single month after we told her she used it too much after one week and 20 uses.

Initial-Web2855 reply
She ate all my food within two days. I'm talking 24 pack of sodas, 2 bags of chips (with dip!) a loaf of bread, three sticks of butter, all my dessert cereals. I didn't have the heart to say anything about it; I think she has a very serious eating disorder.

webesmart reply
When I was in pharmacy school (3rd year) a student in the year above asked if she could spend the night at the place I was renting (close to school) so she could have a place to stay while taking a NAPLEX prep course (big exam after graduating to become a licensed pharmacist) and I agreed because I had met her a few times previously and was on friendly terms.
It was a small place with only one bathroom basically in the living room area. She went to pee but I never heard anything which is fine, except when I went to use the bathroom the rug in front of the toilet was drenched…. I guess she didn’t want me to hear her peeing so she tried to do it silently but ended up basically pissing on the floor.
I didn’t say anything at the time but maybe I should have, I was just so flabbergasted at the moment.

“What’s That One Game You Could Play Every Day?”: 34 Gamers Share Their All-Time Favorites

Teen Flies Alone To Meet With His Online GF, Gets Scared After He is Met By Her Dad

Stepson Keeps Ignoring Man For Years, Is Livid When He Refuses To Pay For His Kids’ College

Man Left Baffled As Girlfriend Pushes For Marriage And Kids In Just 9 Months To Make Things ‘Easy’

Woman Deletes Review In Shame After Restaurant Proves Her Wrong, Even Local News Reports On It

Woman Refuses To Entertain Grandparents After Giving Birth, They Ignore Her And Still Plan It Out

Mom Worries About Canceling Family Trip To France After Entitled 17YO Suddenly Decides Not To Go

Ex-Wife Asks Man To Let Her Kid Use Bathroom, His New Wife And SIL Are Livid That He Allowed It

Person Fed Up With Neighbors As They Selfishly Use Both Driveways, Plans To Put Up A Wall

Lady Changes Birth Name At 22 To Forget The Past, BF Finds Out And Starts Using It, She Dumps Him

Dumpster Diver Finds Dozens Of Live Fish Just Tossed Away Behind A PetSmart, Netizens Outraged

Daughter in Tears After Dad Buys Locked Storage Bin To Protect Her Snacks From Cousins

Woman Calls Friend Poor After She Remarks On Laundry Program Being A Waste Of Money, Enrages Her

Woman Feels Humiliated After She Hosts Intervention For Cousin’s ‘Problem’ Which Wasn’t Real

Person Sick Of Numerous Wrong Calls Due To Lawyer’s Business Card Typo, Takes Petty Revenge

Woman Wants To Take Over Woman’s Entire Table So Her Injured Friend Can Sit But She Won’t Have It

Man Refuses To Attend Sister's Wedding To A Digital Character, She Throws Fit, Calls Him A Monster

Lady Sandwiched Between Couple On Long Flight Has To Endure Woman’s Obnoxious Behavior For 5 Hours

Acpyrus reply
Apparently pumping up their junk since they accidentally left the device in the bathroom.

Revolutionary_Bug_39 reply
When my brothers and I were in high school we would host open door hangouts pretty regularly. One night after my mom sent everyone home, she got up at like 3 AM to get a drink and noticed a glow coming from the office.
She found a girl we marginally knew on our family computer. She had come back after everyone was asleep to chat with her online boyfriend for hours using our internet. She did it because she had been grounded from her computer for being on it night and day. It was super awkward.

sick_sadlittleworld reply
A friend from HS came with her boyfriend to visit me for a long weekend. They stayed with my and my husband. We only have one bathroom but they knew this before hand and she said it would be all fine. We made do.
They showered together every day. They [weren't intimate] (our place is small, we would have heard), but to me, that wad wild.
They also left water all over the floor and didn't bother to clean up or ask us for supplies to clean it up.
They lived in a country where downloading stuff on torrent is not illegal nor punishable by law, I do. This dude left his torrent open and a few months later we received a letter fining us for like €1k.
Oh, and when I went to visit, the dude didn't want me to stay with them so I had to get a hotel.
Never ever hosting them again ever.

VirginiaGecko1911 reply
S**t themselves, then get it on the bathroom rug, the sink, the back of the toilet and bathroom towels.
We'd had moved in about 2 weeks earlier after having the house built.

shavemejesus reply
Not really weird but rude: my husband’s cousin and her husband visited us for a night one weekend. She’s a doctor he’s a Marine Corps major.
When they brushed their teeth before bed that night they both spit their toothpaste into the sink and didn’t rinse it out, just left it there to dry and get crusty.
Who the hell does that?

Chickadee12345 reply
We have a summer cabin in the mountains. My SO invited his grown up daughter to come visit. She wanted to bring a friend. We were like, great, the more the merrier. This friend went into our bedroom and stole some of my important prescription medications that I had stored in a box in a corner under a couple other boxes. Also a bottle of used nail polish and a handmade coffee mug that had been gifted to my SO which was decorative only.

Squacamole reply
My SIL came to my house for Thanksgiving for the first time. She absolutely gorged herself saying how good all the food was. Then in a lull in conversation at the table she announced "Well, I'm gonna go throw up." and she got up to go to the bathroom. Um, what? We all thought maybe we misheard her and no one said a thing.... She came back a few moments later, and made herself another heaping plate of food and ate it all. Then they left early before dessert. I asked my MIL later if she really did excuse herself to throw up and my MIL just rolled her eyes and said "yep." Like that happens all the time. Oh, and I have emetophobia so I was a mess with someone purposely throwing up in my house. 😩.

Lalakowski reply
When I was about 9, my mother was frequently visited by a friend who I already didn’t like at the time. Once she forgot to lock the bathroom and then I caught her squeezing our shower gel into a plastic bag. When she stole my first Nokia, my mother finally ended the friendship. I guess that’s why I only let a few people in 😅.

FapDonkey reply
Not my house, but a friend was hosting a big annual holiday cookout thing they do every year. At some point someone goes into the garage to get beer out of the garage fridge. Immediately slips and falls. Looking at the garage floor, there is something very slippery sprayed ALLLLLLLLL over the whole floor. We pretty quickly find a big can of WD-40 sitting there, and someone apparently thought it would be a good idea to cover the entire f*****g garage floor in a skimcoat of it. The floor was epoxy-coated cement, so it was like an ice skating rink. Luckily we had a good group of friends and we all pitched in to clean it up for the homeowners, took us a few hours. It was a huge f*****g mess.
We never figured out who the f**k did that, and what their motivation was. Absolutely bonkers.

YourMomsNippleClamps reply
My sisters ex/baby dad would openly go through our stuff. Drawers, closets, etc. He knew it was a weird thing to do but shrugged it off bc he's "just curious".
It honestly didn't bother me too much until he told my niece and nephew it was okay to go in my basement (which is also my bedroom) after me explicitly saying no. He just kept saying "no it's fine" and then went down with them.
The fact that he knows it's wrong / weird / impolite and then turns right around and teaches his kids it's okay to completely ignore people's boundaries and snoop through their things? Whack.

RatTeeth reply
My uncle, who was visiting, spilled a pop on the coffee table and used a throw pillow to mop it up.

bzsbal reply
An old coworker I haven’t seen in years came over with her toddler son. She came over because her teenage daughter was looking to make some money cleaning house and/or yard work, and was going to give me an estimate. My husband and I are child free, and therefore our home is not child proofed…at all. We collect antiques. She let her toddler run in our house. It was like she was just completely checked out and this was her “me” time to not deal with her kid. He was an absolute terror. I had to tell him no about 50 times, guide him out of our different rooms, tell him to not pull our dogs tails (we have 3 senior dogs, so I’m very protective of them). She didn’t even give me a quote for her daughter. I finally, in a nice way, kicked them out. If she would have parented her child, I wouldn’t have a problem. I get toddlers are a handful, I just don’t want to deal with an acquaintances child who has zero direction from his parents in my own home. F**k that.

tla_ava reply
My grandparents stayed with my family for a few months after my grandfather had surgery. I was a young teen then. I took the guest room because it was smaller and let them have mine. I offered, it was initially for a month only, and I still kept my things in the closet.
My grandmother reorganised everything, checked my nightstand and desk. Went to every single thing and then had the audacity to whine to my parents.
Ever since that I can’t have people in my room without feeling uncomfortable, and they can’t be left alone. There’s nothing to hide, but I can’t stand it.