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- BA of Education, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada,2011
- BA of Arts (History), Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 2008
Activity & Interests
- Growing up in Canada, I had two farms and hand-raised many lambs
- During the summer, I SUP (stand-up paddleboard) with my dog
- I often visit Italy for the food and wine (I’m partial to Super Tuscan Sangiovese blends)
- My first dog (Exuma) was a rescue street dog from the Bahamas. She moved with me from Canada to the UK
Hi, I’m Tegan, a Content Writer for Bored Panda. Originally from North America, I now live and work in the UK. Storytelling has captured my heart since I first found my voice; I love diving deep into various topics, from celebrity gossip to entertainment and pop culture. I’m also a part-time primary school teacher.