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Julija Svidraitė
BoredPanda Staff

Julija Svidraitė is an editor here at Bored Panda who has a bachelor's degree in Psychology. Before starting her journey at BP, she had worked as a social media specialist at a marketing agency. She has also tried herself in a few different fields working as an intern: from practicing graphic design at a social media marketing agency, to being an assistant at a psychiatric hospital. Besides writing, Julija is also very passionate about illustrating, drinking coffee, and watching crime documentaries. You can find her in Bored Panda Office or reach her at julija.s@boredpanda.com.

genxindifferance reply
Went on a first date, and she jumped right into talking about this "amazing income opportunity." Noped right outta there.
fatlanta23 reply
He was TikTok famous (I'm not on there) and was cancelled for homophobic and creepy child-related "jokes". I found out when my mother Googled him and sent me a video of him, saying, "is this really who you want to be associated with?".
TheKruszer reply
Another one: we were kissing in his car after our first date. He put his hand between my legs. I gently removed it, all while keeping lip locked. A minute later, his hand wanders back. I removed it again, "I'm not ready for that yet". When he put his hand back a third time, I said "dude what the hell!?" He shrugged : "It's a woman's prerogative to put down boundaries, but it's a man's prerogative to push them." There was no second date.
kperpapman reply
He wanted me to put him in diapers and said he was falling in love with me...on the SECOND DATE. Officially Caspered
plant_witch37 reply
Had a date booked with a guy from an app. Day of I stalked his social media and saw a recent post where he had screenshotted a ladies dating profile from the app and posted it laughing about her body to his friends. Stood him up and got loads of whiney messages but f**k him.
maddsturbation reply
His ex called asking where he was. Turns out he'd arranged with her to see his kids that day, but instead he told her he couldnt make it, because he was at my house. I had only known him a couple of weeks. I made up an excuse to make him leave shortly after that call, and completely ghosted. I have no respect for a man who shits on his children and ex and commitments that he made.
Anilxe reply
As soon as we sat down for dinner, he says “So actually I just got out of jail today! Crazy s**t. I have a bit of temper.” I hightailed it out of there pretty quick
VolumniaDedlock reply
I worked at an office that had casual Fridays. One day a lady came to work on casual Friday in her gym clothes, and management was uptight and appalled by it. Instead of telling her that she couldn’t wear gym clothes to work, they abolished casual Friday for everyone. It pisses me off to this day.
TabularConferta reply
The guy who claimed vaccines caused autism has some serious blood on his hands.
Shiekh_Bodi reply
Previous job I had used to be hybrid twice a week. One person, on their hybrid day, decided to slack off work and go out. They got a call from their manager because they were late for a virtual meeting and the manager heard a lot of background noise like they were at the mall or something. Said person eventually admitted they were not home working, got fired, and now everyone had to be in the office 5 days a week.
eighttesticles reply
My primary school used to do relatively frequent trips to a local zoo, until one boy decided to vault the fence and punch a penguin. I wish I was joking.
neoprenewedgie reply
The person who apparently choked on a lollipop at my bank and now we don't get lollipops anymore.
Corgiboom2 reply
At a previous job, we got full uniforms. Shirts, pants, hats, hoodies, winter coveralls, winter coats, gloves. But we dont get shoes or boots. Turns out a couple of years before I was hired on, they used to give boots. But one guy would take his boots and sell them, then request a replacement, then sell those. He did this about 20 times before anybody caught on because of municipal bureaucracy being slow to notice. When they caught on, they stopped giving out boots to their employees. Edit: I worked as a park maintenance groundskeeper for Parks & Recreation edit edit: No it is not like the show.
Dynasuarez-Wrecks reply
At one of my previous workplaces, management played music as a way of promoting good mood. They played all sorts of genres so everyone got a chance to listen to something they liked. *One* person complained that *sometimes* they had to listen to music they didn't like, so they stopped playing music altogether.
Yairam2305 reply
"Better a terrible end than a horror without end." This was said by a friend of mine who had been fighting cancer for a long time . He died the next day , after years of struggle and 4 remissions .
liberaliar reply
“Why tiptoe through life to arrive safely at death?” Although you also have the opposite, "I would rather be late in this life, than early in the next".
little-bird89 reply
Ive always liked the quote "Sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing" and I think it's more important than ever in our 'cancel culture' society.
Sol-Blackguy reply
I stopped giving a s**t about my birthday since I was 27. I used to request off or at least the day after off to recover from the previous night but I just stopped caring. Last year, an old lady at my job found out it was my birthday and surprised me with a card with money in it, the kind of way a grandma would. I tried to tell her it wasn't a big deal and give the money back but she insisted saying "You should always celebrate your birthday. You don't know how many you have left."

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genxindifferance reply
Went on a first date, and she jumped right into talking about this "amazing income opportunity." Noped right outta there.
TheKruszer reply
Another one: we were kissing in his car after our first date. He put his hand between my legs. I gently removed it, all while keeping lip locked. A minute later, his hand wanders back. I removed it again, "I'm not ready for that yet". When he put his hand back a third time, I said "dude what the hell!?" He shrugged : "It's a woman's prerogative to put down boundaries, but it's a man's prerogative to push them." There was no second date.
plant_witch37 reply
Had a date booked with a guy from an app. Day of I stalked his social media and saw a recent post where he had screenshotted a ladies dating profile from the app and posted it laughing about her body to his friends. Stood him up and got loads of whiney messages but f**k him.
kperpapman reply
He wanted me to put him in diapers and said he was falling in love with me...on the SECOND DATE. Officially Caspered
fatlanta23 reply
He was TikTok famous (I'm not on there) and was cancelled for homophobic and creepy child-related "jokes". I found out when my mother Googled him and sent me a video of him, saying, "is this really who you want to be associated with?".
maddsturbation reply
His ex called asking where he was. Turns out he'd arranged with her to see his kids that day, but instead he told her he couldnt make it, because he was at my house. I had only known him a couple of weeks. I made up an excuse to make him leave shortly after that call, and completely ghosted. I have no respect for a man who shits on his children and ex and commitments that he made.
Anilxe reply
As soon as we sat down for dinner, he says “So actually I just got out of jail today! Crazy s**t. I have a bit of temper.” I hightailed it out of there pretty quick
VolumniaDedlock reply
I worked at an office that had casual Fridays. One day a lady came to work on casual Friday in her gym clothes, and management was uptight and appalled by it. Instead of telling her that she couldn’t wear gym clothes to work, they abolished casual Friday for everyone. It pisses me off to this day.
Dynasuarez-Wrecks reply
At one of my previous workplaces, management played music as a way of promoting good mood. They played all sorts of genres so everyone got a chance to listen to something they liked. *One* person complained that *sometimes* they had to listen to music they didn't like, so they stopped playing music altogether.
TabularConferta reply
The guy who claimed vaccines caused autism has some serious blood on his hands.
Shiekh_Bodi reply
Previous job I had used to be hybrid twice a week. One person, on their hybrid day, decided to slack off work and go out. They got a call from their manager because they were late for a virtual meeting and the manager heard a lot of background noise like they were at the mall or something. Said person eventually admitted they were not home working, got fired, and now everyone had to be in the office 5 days a week.
eighttesticles reply
My primary school used to do relatively frequent trips to a local zoo, until one boy decided to vault the fence and punch a penguin. I wish I was joking.
neoprenewedgie reply
The person who apparently choked on a lollipop at my bank and now we don't get lollipops anymore.
Corgiboom2 reply
At a previous job, we got full uniforms. Shirts, pants, hats, hoodies, winter coveralls, winter coats, gloves. But we dont get shoes or boots. Turns out a couple of years before I was hired on, they used to give boots. But one guy would take his boots and sell them, then request a replacement, then sell those. He did this about 20 times before anybody caught on because of municipal bureaucracy being slow to notice. When they caught on, they stopped giving out boots to their employees. Edit: I worked as a park maintenance groundskeeper for Parks & Recreation edit edit: No it is not like the show.
liberaliar reply
“Why tiptoe through life to arrive safely at death?” Although you also have the opposite, "I would rather be late in this life, than early in the next".