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NinjyBoixddd • commented on 16 posts 4 years ago
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NinjyBoixddd • upvoted 23 items 4 years ago
Plated Version Of My Shrimp &scallops In A Garlic Sauce. Served With Homemade Fettuccine Alfredo , Caesar Salad & Garlic Bread! Everyone Happy Now?
Hey, Pandas! Tell Us Your Problems, Please
My goodness. Too many things to put here but to name a few... I have to juggle school in with personal life I am kind of addicted to Bored Panda (hehe) I may have anxiety I'm trying to learn french (I'm not doing very well though) I'm trying to get smarter (I already am pretty bright, I just want to know as much as I can) I looooooove reading and I want to read more I have a missing assignment in math that is really bothering me because it will take a looong time I have a math test tomorrow and I haven't studied There's this boy that I'm friends with but he likes me and I've made it clear that I just want to be friends but I think he still secretly likes me I don't have very many clothes My parents fight a lot and I think my mom might be thinking about getting a divorce I have 4 siblings all under the age of 4 and that's a bit overwhelming I am really trying to be kind and as nice to people as I can, but it's kind of hard I'm really confused about everything right now (I'm at that age where people say that you'll be confused {adolescent/teen} and let me tell you children, it is 100% real) I just want to be happy I don't have a whole lot of friends and I want to make more but I'm kind of weird so I sort of annoy people I miss my best friend (@PanSloth) soooo much There is a boy I really like but he's in a different grade at a different school so I don't know if he already likes someone or not I have many, many more. So yeah, I just named a few. Sorry to dump all that on you guys. Thanks : )Show All 23 Upvotes
NinjyBoixddd • submitted a list addition 4 years ago
NinjyBoixddd • submitted a new post 4 years ago
NinjyBoixddd • submitted 5 list additions 4 years ago
NinjyBoixddd • commented on 20 posts 4 years ago
NinjyBoixddd • upvoted 20 items 4 years ago
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