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Ingrida Jasiukevičiūtė
BoredPanda Staff
A casual film enthusiast, regular cat enjoyer and an animation student mixed into one.
- MA in Information Technologies, Vilnius Tech University, currently pursuing
- BA in Multimedia Design, Vilnius Tech University, 2023
Activity & Interests
- Love watching films and learning about them and cinema in general
- I have done 2D and 3D animation projects and currently working on my biggest 3D animation project yet
- Crafting and making things is a hobby of mine (anything from plush bears, to felt Christmas decorations)
- Cats
Here at Bored Panda as a Visual Editor I strive to seek out the cutest animals, most interesting real life objects and the funniest mishaps. I try to curate articles in such a way, that would be the most engaging and most fitting for the given topic. In my free time I'm usually working on other projects, like my short animated film or even sewing plushies for friends and family. Other times I'm enjoying a good movie, or simply having a little nap with my beloved cat.