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Alan Turns 9
Community Member
1 posts
377 points
This lazy panda forgot to write something about itself.
Alan Turns 9 • upvoted 6 items 11 months ago
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Alan Turns 9 • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
Curious-Accident9189 reply
You die. No matter what, how good or bad you do, how hard you fight or how fast you give up. Eventually we all just... Die. Everyone does it, and fairly quickly, no one will remember your failures or successes. Your name might live a few millenia but eventually no one cares. It's freeing. You're free to be you. F**k that person, say that dumb s**t, eat that coney, just be a person amongst uncountable billions that lived and died. It's all you, go live, laugh, love, you basic b***h. Alan Turns 9 • upvoted an item 2 years ago
Alan Turns 9 • upvoted 16 items 6 years ago
Social Issues
This Travel Blogger's Fake Photos Reveal What Most Instagram Celebrities Don't Want You To Know
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Alan Turns 9 • commented on 14 posts 6 years ago
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Alan Turns 9 • submitted a new post 6 years ago
Alan Turns 9 • submitted 4 list additions 6 years ago
Alan Turns 9 • commented on 20 posts 6 years ago
Alan Turns 9 • upvoted 6 items 11 months ago
Alan Turns 9 • upvoted 2 items 1 year ago
Fuzzysox25 reply
If you just do something, it becomes so much easier to do. Just get it over with, whatever it is.Curious-Accident9189 reply
You die. No matter what, how good or bad you do, how hard you fight or how fast you give up. Eventually we all just... Die. Everyone does it, and fairly quickly, no one will remember your failures or successes. Your name might live a few millenia but eventually no one cares. It's freeing. You're free to be you. F**k that person, say that dumb s**t, eat that coney, just be a person amongst uncountable billions that lived and died. It's all you, go live, laugh, love, you basic b***h. Alan Turns 9 • upvoted 11 items 6 years ago
Social Issues
This Travel Blogger's Fake Photos Reveal What Most Instagram Celebrities Don't Want You To Know
This Panda hasn't followed anyone yet
Alan Turns 9 • 20 followers