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Eglė Radžiūtė
BoredPanda Staff
Meme connoiseur aiming to bring the best out of every article
- BA Film And Creative Writing, Essex University
- International Baccalaureate Diploma, Siauliai Didzdvaris Gymnasium
Activity & Interests
- Achieved a First Class Degree in a creative discipline, MIGHT do it again (sorry, mom)
- Had my paintings shown in a gallery in Milan
- Completed 2 Inctober challenges aka drawing for 31 days straight
- Sat through 3 whole days of getting my thigh inked during a tattoo convention
- Hope to deadlift 100kg one day
- Still waiting for the cat distribution system to bless me
- I am scared of everything, so I try to face my fears any chance I get; my life is an oxymoron
Hi, I'm Egle! If you made it onto this page, you may want to learn more about me. Would recommend reading works by Edgar Allan Poe much more than reading this bio, but suit yourself. I have plentiful interests, starting from the things I studied in university (Propaganda & Film, Sci-fi Writing, Psychiatry & History of Mental Illness, etc.) and ending with an addiction to tattoos, documentaries, and dancing in front of a mirror at 3am. I'm also a budding artist; I dabble in painting and drawing random bits of chaos. My favorite desert is Tiramisu.