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Dr. Catharina Hjorth
Community Member
Small animal veterinarian writing about anything pet related, but especially enjoys health, nutrition and behavior.
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Copenhagen, completed in 2023
Activity & Interests
- Small animal veterinarian with an interest in internal medicine
- Lived in Greenland for nearly a year and worked as a vet
- Used to be a competitive dancer
- Enjoys almost all types of sports, but especially anything with a racket - albeit with limited success when it comes to tennis
As a Copenhagen-educated veterinarian deeply committed to animal welfare, I intertwine my love for animal health with my passion for writing. I strive to strike a balance between clinical precision and literary expression, finding joy in crafting articles that resonate with the essence of my profession. Outside of the clinic, I enjoy capturing life's moments through my camera lens and sharing my journey with my furry confidant, a poodle named Bailey.