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Deutschland Mädchen
Community Member

Hey I’m Deutschland Mädchen! I'm a musician, author, and artist. I love musicals and theater! I play the clarinet and the piano mainly, but I did play flute for a year. My favorite key signature (for piano) is Eb. Don't be fooled by my profile picture, I'm not a very fierce person (unless you mess with my instruments). I chose that wolf picture because I liked the colors in the background. I've thought about changing it but someone told me that it would be harder for them to recognize me so it's gonna stay the same for now. If you have any book recommendations, let me know! I love to read and I love talking about a shared series with friends.

"Not Sure If It Was A Joke, A Statement, Or What": 40 Biggest Cultural Shocks, As Shared By The Bored Panda Community

The Mall Of America Parking Ramps Have Parking Availability Lights To Let People Know If There's A Spot Available