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Aurelija Rakauskaitė
BoredPanda Staff
I find myself enjoying creating or searching for something eye-catching.
- BA in Communication (Business Information Management), Vilnius University
Activity & Interests
- Big youth activist! I initiated and implemented 10 projects, catalyzing positive change within youth policy
- I received a Certificate of Appreciation from the mayor for my engagement in social initiatives
- I reflect on myself while writing, so I can analyze how my thoughts and growth change over time
- My best calming way - observing the moving city from the window of a bus
I’m a visual editor at Bored Panda. My daily mission is to search for eye-catching images that will make you want to come back to us. In each topic, I challenge myself to discover the most viral, captivating visual content. In the office, I always have my headphones in my ears, as a result, I cannot sit still.