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Aura Vyšniauskaitė
BoredPanda Staff

182 posts
16K points
Aura is a writer at Bored Panda. She finished her BA in Philosophy at Vilnius University. She lived in Prague for a few years, where she worked in Trade Compliance at DHL Express. Finally, she came back to Vilnius to continue her studies in Philosophy.

Aura Vyšniauskaitė • submitted a new post 1 week ago

Aura Vyšniauskaitė • submitted a new post 2 months ago

Aura Vyšniauskaitė • submitted 16 new posts 1 year ago

Entitled People, Social Issues
Plane Passenger Finds Her Seat Occupied By Mom With A Kid After Coming Back From The Bathroom

Couples, Relationships
Man Disappoints Wife By Suggesting She Move Out To Avoid Moving His Senior Cat She’s Allergic To

Health, Nutrition
30 Dishes From The Menu Of Picky Eaters Outside The US, According To People Online

Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered

Entitled People, Social Issues
Woman Asks For Seat She Paid $600 Extra For, Disappoints Staff And Other Passengers

Someone Asked “What Is Something You Do In A Hotel, You Never Do At Home?”, And 29 People Delivered

Family, Relationships
Parents Get Asked For Inheritance As They Won’t Put Up With Couple’s Decision To Put Off Having Kids

Couples, Relationships
Vegan Woman Pushes Her Husband Out Of The Family Fridge, Is Enraged When He Gets His Own

Family, Relationships
Woman Adjusted Her Cooking For DIL For 3 Years, Rejects Invitation When DIL Refuses To Do It Once

Family, Relationships
Bride Refuses To Have Sign Language Interpreter At The Altar When Asked By Groom’s Family

Friends, Relationships
“Am I The [Jerk] For Not Inviting My Friend’s Husband To Dinner Because He Eats Too Much”
Show All 16 Posts

Aura Vyšniauskaitė • upvoted 22 items 1 year ago

I was going to college in the US when I saw a sign “beware of the pedestrians” and I asked the people I was with what kind of animal a pedestrian is.
So, my beautiful little German grandmother and wife of a minister… asked (in front of a whole group of people at church) a friend that had recently gotten married… if he enjoyed using his dads condom on his honeymoon. She meant condo… condominium.
When I was learning English I thought having an affair meant to fight, because when I saw having an affair on TV the people were always fighting. Had to write an essay for my English class about a typical morning, and wrote how my mom was having an affair with my brother
I was still improving my French after moving to Tunisia and was at a friend's house with a bunch of her relatives. They were asking me about my then boyfriend and asked "il est d'où ?" (Where is he from? I.e. which region). I understood "il est doux ?" (Is he gentle?). I thought it was a bit of a strange personal question, but answered "yes, sometimes". They all had a good laugh.
When my first son was a toddler I thought “맴매“ meant dirty in Korean. So we’d be at the park and I would caution him something was dirty. Finally when he was like 2.5 my Korean mom friend told me it actually meant spanking. I’d been threatening to spank my toddler in front of other mothers for years. 😑
Stavrox reply
Guy I worked with asked what would I do if I won a lot of lottery money, I said tell noone, see a financial planner, do what makes me happy. Later he brought a nice 4wd and left and a while later I heard he was just fishing in Queensland. Tell noone.
Totally_man reply
My friend's aunt and uncle won Cash 4 Life. Less than a year after winning, their house was hit by a tornado. They rebuilt, much larger than the original build. They didn't change, but their home did.
LilTrumpWiener reply
He bought a house, got sober, and invested a bunch of time into hobbies. He went from being a good guy to a great guy. Super proud of him.
Elegant-Pressure-290 reply
A guy I went to high school with won the lottery in his early thirties. He bought the low-income housing block he grew up in and his mother still lived in, completely renovated it, and kept it low income housing. I don’t know what else he did with the money, but he changed a lot of families’ lives for the better with that one purchase.
LightBackground9141 reply
Not really a rumor but when Michael Jackson died I knew about 10 mins before it went out on the news because my sister was a news reporter at BBC and text the family before she went live..Show All 22 Upvotes

Aura Vyšniauskaitė • submitted 20 new posts 1 year ago

Entitled People, Social Issues
Plane Passenger Finds Her Seat Occupied By Mom With A Kid After Coming Back From The Bathroom

Couples, Relationships
Man Disappoints Wife By Suggesting She Move Out To Avoid Moving His Senior Cat She’s Allergic To

Health, Nutrition
30 Dishes From The Menu Of Picky Eaters Outside The US, According To People Online

Someone Asked, “What Is The Most Basic Thing You Are Terrible At?,” And 33 People Delivered

Entitled People, Social Issues
Woman Asks For Seat She Paid $600 Extra For, Disappoints Staff And Other Passengers

Someone Asked “What Is Something You Do In A Hotel, You Never Do At Home?”, And 29 People Delivered

Family, Relationships
Parents Get Asked For Inheritance As They Won’t Put Up With Couple’s Decision To Put Off Having Kids

Couples, Relationships
Vegan Woman Pushes Her Husband Out Of The Family Fridge, Is Enraged When He Gets His Own

Family, Relationships
Woman Adjusted Her Cooking For DIL For 3 Years, Rejects Invitation When DIL Refuses To Do It Once

Family, Relationships
Bride Refuses To Have Sign Language Interpreter At The Altar When Asked By Groom’s Family

Friends, Relationships
“Am I The [Jerk] For Not Inviting My Friend’s Husband To Dinner Because He Eats Too Much”

Family, Relationships
Copycat Sis Livid When It Turns Out Expecting Parents Were Bluffing About Baby’s Name

Work & Money
Engineer Decides To Nap Instead Of Working, Soon The Plan Backfires And Leaves Him Embarrassed
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Aura Vyšniauskaitė • upvoted 20 items 1 year ago

Totally_man reply
My friend's aunt and uncle won Cash 4 Life. Less than a year after winning, their house was hit by a tornado. They rebuilt, much larger than the original build. They didn't change, but their home did.
Elegant-Pressure-290 reply
A guy I went to high school with won the lottery in his early thirties. He bought the low-income housing block he grew up in and his mother still lived in, completely renovated it, and kept it low income housing. I don’t know what else he did with the money, but he changed a lot of families’ lives for the better with that one purchase.
LilTrumpWiener reply
He bought a house, got sober, and invested a bunch of time into hobbies. He went from being a good guy to a great guy. Super proud of him.
Stavrox reply
Guy I worked with asked what would I do if I won a lot of lottery money, I said tell noone, see a financial planner, do what makes me happy. Later he brought a nice 4wd and left and a while later I heard he was just fishing in Queensland. Tell noone.
I was going to college in the US when I saw a sign “beware of the pedestrians” and I asked the people I was with what kind of animal a pedestrian is.
So, my beautiful little German grandmother and wife of a minister… asked (in front of a whole group of people at church) a friend that had recently gotten married… if he enjoyed using his dads condom on his honeymoon. She meant condo… condominium.
When I was learning English I thought having an affair meant to fight, because when I saw having an affair on TV the people were always fighting. Had to write an essay for my English class about a typical morning, and wrote how my mom was having an affair with my brother
When my first son was a toddler I thought “맴매“ meant dirty in Korean. So we’d be at the park and I would caution him something was dirty. Finally when he was like 2.5 my Korean mom friend told me it actually meant spanking. I’d been threatening to spank my toddler in front of other mothers for years. 😑
I was still improving my French after moving to Tunisia and was at a friend's house with a bunch of her relatives. They were asking me about my then boyfriend and asked "il est d'où ?" (Where is he from? I.e. which region). I understood "il est doux ?" (Is he gentle?). I thought it was a bit of a strange personal question, but answered "yes, sometimes". They all had a good laugh.
LightBackground9141 reply
Not really a rumor but when Michael Jackson died I knew about 10 mins before it went out on the news because my sister was a news reporter at BBC and text the family before she went live..
mantistoboggan287 reply
I was at a White Stripes show on their last tour. After they played Seven Nation Army Jack said something to the effect of “that’s the last time we’re playing that”. A week later they announced they were done.
TinTamarro reply
Italy. Tapparelle.They're essentially roll up plastic blinds for the windows, but instead of simply being curtains they're actually inserted in a crease in the wall, so that no light can pass through when they're down. You can actually easily recognize an Italian home interior if you see a window with a flat vertical rope on one side an a big boxy *thing* at the top.
How well do they work? When all tapparelle are down, the house is *dark*. Complete, utter darkness. The sun could be shining right against the window, and you wouldn't know. When you wake up, it's like waking up in a void of nothingness. No sign of life, **nothing** outside your walls. It makes for quality sleeping, that's for sure.
Other perks include: privacy for when you undress and safety against strong winds.
EDIT: Tapparella fixing tutorial with example (at one point the tapparella is completely down and you can see how no light passes through from outside)

rarelulu reply
Kinda not a product but - **bottle recycling machine/reverse vending machine** (?lol) Basically when you buy a drink in a bottle/can, you pay a little “pawn fee” (like 20 cents) and when you later go put the empty bottle/can in the machine you get the fee back. We usually collect the bottles until there is like 6 bags and then go cash out like 16€ at once. Its pretty neat. It encourages recycling!:)EDIT: This is how they look like! I'm glad to read from comments it's a thing in so many more countries! More info: Cans and bottles have different fees. You insert the bottles/cans one by one, bottom first, the machine has to read a certain symbol on the packaging otherwise it wont go in. There is usually a worker on the other side making sure it doesnt overfill. They are fairly clean and there is usually a sink in the room. In the last few years, there have been newer machines where you can just dump your entire bag into the machine and it does the whole sorting on its own. And to those who were interested, I am from Estonia :)
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Aura Vyšniauskaitė • 53 followers