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Dr.Amanda Takiguchi
Community Member
A veterinarian writing for pet owners to help strengthen the human-animal bond.
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Colorado State University 2020
- BA in Dance and Business Management, Columbia University 2014
Activity & Interests
- I am a lifelong dancer trained in hip-hop, ballet, tap, and contemporary dance
- I previously worked with endangered native Hawaiian birds including the native Hawaiian owl
- I enjoy volunteering with the Special Olympics
- I support pet adoption and have 2 adopted dogs
- I am a music and comic enthusiast as reflected by my previous internships at Sony Music and Marvel Entertainment
After completing my Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at Colorado State University, I pursued further training through a one-year small animal rotating internship at Texas A&M University. My expertise primarily revolves around dogs and cats, although I also have a passion for exotic species such as rabbits and native Hawaiian birds. When I'm not providing care for animals or spending quality time with my two adopted dogs, I enjoy indulging in my hobbies of hip-hop and ballet dancing.