Pandas, Have You Ever Asked A Stranger To Take Your Picture And Regretted It After? (Add Yours)
We all have that one friend who is always behind the camera taking pictures of us but never appears in any picture him/herself. There are also moments while traveling when you‘d love to have the memory immortalized with everyone who was there with you and you have no choice but to ask someone around to take a picture. And not all the strangers are great photographers, as it turns out...
Have you ever experienced it yourself? Did you hand the camera to a stranger to take a picture and regret it after? Let‘s share the best worst pictures that you had taken by a complete stranger, and vote for the "most skilled" photographer below!
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Sweet Old Man At The Beach: "Would You Like Me To Take A Photo Of You Two Love Birds?" My Wife: "Yes Please!" Nailed It
He's a very cute old man! ...and the reflection of you two is quite good! I'd say he's got some creativity!!!
When You Get To Meet David Stirling And He Agrees To Take A Picture With You And Then You Hand Your Phone To A Complete Stranger To Help Get The Job Done
This is the kinda shot where you display it proudly "... and here we are with David Sterling!" Lol!!!
We Rarely Take Photos Together During Our Travels But When We Do Want One, We Usually Ask Someone To Take It. This One Is The Best Of The Worst
Asked A Lady To Take A Picture Of Me And My Girlfriend On Holiday... It Was Only After I Checked The Picture
Still Chuckling At This: We Asked A Passer-By To Take A Picture Of Us With The Statue Of Liberty...
Well, to be fair, everyone knows that Lady Liberty is a bit shy...