It's almost the end of 2020 and 2021 will be starting soon. What has been your biggest accomplishment in 2020, and what do you want to try to do in 2021?


My 2020 accomplishment was that I got out of an abusive relationship this year, after 29 years. Thank God I wasn’t stuck in it for lockdown I might have died. I am getting my life back it’s been so very hard. My resolution for 2021 is to never forget that I have a life now, and even if I’ve no money, I’m going to love my kids and celebrate life every day.


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Birgit Merkentrup
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That must have been very hard even though it was the right thing to do. All the best for you!

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    My accomplishment is being brave enough to tell my parents about my depression and anxiety. I am now getting help from professionals and taking medicine. I want to work on my drawings and art next year.


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    Mark Howell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's a big step, I took it 3 yrs ago. Still taking baby steps, but improving all the time (1 step forward and 5 steps back sometimes).

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    After having my left leg amputated (above knee, due to sepsis) I was fitted with my new prosthetic limb. I've learned to walk again in it for short periods of time and am happily pottering about the house like Bambi on ice...but happy all the same :)


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Sorry to hear that. I hope it is an advanced improvement. Merry Christmas.

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    I am trying to be more organized. I have ADD and anxiety- both are being treated- but I still find it hard to motivate myself to clean and generally be organized. My biggest accomplishment this year is learning to be more empathetic and more understanding. It may seem small, but I have had issues with it in the past.


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    Mark Howell
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You go there, and be yourself. No matter how small any advance is a step forward.

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    My biggest accomplishment is getting out of bed most days. Not a big thing for most people but at the moment it is a real struggle. I have big plans for 2021. I hope I get accepted into a course I applied for, I want to get on top of some of my health issues including my depression and also hopefully have an operation for permanent sterilisation, I want to spend more time with the family and I really need to get my license.



    My biggest accomplishment was having lost twenty pounds in 2020! Never thought I could, but with perseverance and the right mindset anyone can.
    Now I'm vegan and my life doesn't revolve around food



    I started working on getting myself in shape. Resolution: keep it up.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Aragorn it would be a good start to get out of that throne and and jog around your kingdom. LOL. Merry Christmas.

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    My biggest accomplishment was finally buying my first home. I'll be 40 next year and I always said, if I don't buy my first home by then, I never will. It happened literally by accident. Just a weekend passing time with the boyfriend and we were like screw it.... let's try. And not only was it my first house, but his as well and obviously ours together. AND a brand new build to boot. And two weeks ago he proposed. So all in all 2020 was amazing. 21 will be even better. I don't make "resolutions" because I break them but I started a weight loss journey and I plan to keep it up. I'm not like hugely over weight but I do need to lose some weight and I'm done with excuses.



    My biggest accomplishment is not murdering my family. I know it seems dramatic, but my brother's an entitled ass, my father's a self-righteous idiot, and my mother is the only one in my house allowed to feel anything. So the fact that I haven't gone full Carrie is miraculous. And my New Years res will be to work on my writing.



    My biggest accomplishment was finally getting ready to publish my first book: learning to use Audacity to record the audiobook, InDesign to do its layout, and WordPress to make a website to promote it. I'm actually waiting right now for the cover designer to get back to me with the final covers for the ebook/print book/audiobook. It's been such a long journey filled with dashed hopes and crushed expectations that I just can't believe it's finally happening! And even though 2020 has been in so many respects the worst year of my life, this is something I am very happy about and will look back on with a smile :-)



    Accomplishment: Saved a bit of money to help pay my mortgage down.
    Resolution: 1). Try and lose body fat. I think that is the cause of some of my body pain. I am not obese but even a few pounds can make a huge difference. 2). Pay off the loan I took out of my 401K to purchase my home. The pay off date is 2029 but I intend on paying off the balance by March/April of 2021. Then 'that' amount will be applied towards paying off of my mortgage.



    I haven't done anything amazing in 2020 accept wearing a mask 😁but I plan to bring back the RUN ! Meme next year



    My 2021 resolution is to not be afraid of what others think and be more confident. I will try my best to stand up to the haters. My accomplishment was finding my true self.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Never let people control you. No one has that right. When you are weak against others they use that to their advantage. Stay strong. Merry Christmas.

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    I am 71, will get my Masters in May and hope to be accepted into a PhD program in 2021 (so I can be called Dr. just like Dr, Jill Biden lol lol) also hoping to get a Fulbright Scholarship to work with war survivors in Syria.


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    Mary Rose Kent
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    WOW! As someone in her sixties, I’m bowled over by your perseverance and ambition. My very, very best to you and your future endeavors!

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    My biggest accomplishment was when I finished my beginner flute book and my resolution is to try and to do something nice to at least one person every day.



    My accomplishment is that I recognized my feelings this year instead of ignoring them. An unrealistic resolution would be to tell my family about my mental health (cause apparently I'm not allowed to feel any emotion except happiness not that it happens often and I'm not allowed to see a therapist cause they're gonna think I'm crazy (my family)or something) Another accomplishment I talked to ONE person (that isn't in my family) about my mental health they helped a lot in fact I think the only reason I'm not dead right now is because of them they help me get through the bs with my family.


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    Meredith Gossland
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Always remember, you can choose your friends, your family is something you are stuck with 'cause 2 people had sex. Some families are great and if you have a great one you are LUCKY. But actually most families are pretty disfunctional. Take care of yourself and if you hear too much negative stuff at home move on.


    My greatest accomplishment of 2020 is surviving cancer. My goal for 2021 is to enjoy my kids, family, and friends more and worry less. I found out life is too short to do otherwise.



    My biggest accomplishment of 2020 was recognising that I have an addiction. My goal of 2021 is to try to beat it.


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    Debby Hartinger
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    In AA, they say, "One day at a time". It's easier. I'm addicted to sugar and have been sugar-free for 6.5 months. When I want a dessert, etc., I think about alcoholics and how some give in after 10 years only to start over. Be gentle with yourself.


    My 2020 biggest accomplishment was getting sober/clean! It was my first birthday and christmas Sober! No drugs and no booze! And my 2021 resolution is to explore and find something I could get passionate about and continue to encourage others along their recovery path!



    My biggest accomplishment of 2020 was probably redoing my hole bed room. I worked for 6hours and it doesn't sound to big but it was a HUGE improvement. My bed weighs around 200 pounds soooooo. Well, my resolution for 2020 is probably going to be to eat healthier and just take better care of myself physically and mentally.



    Accomplishment: Survived the wrath of 2020 despite the major anxiety and OCD compulsions that came along with it.

    Resolution: Focus on my writing and self-improvement


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OCD couldn't of been easy during lock down. I hope all is better in the new year. Merry Christmas.

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    My biggest accomplishment was getting on my basketball team and my resolution will be to tell my crush I like them


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    Billy The Kid
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well done and go for it before he/she is taken. good luck. Merry Christmas.


    Although this was a tough year, my biggest accomplishment would be completing a diploma!



    I’m 29 and never learned to swim as a child. I have been taking swim lessons and learning how to swim and be comfortable in water. It is my new favorite activity. It’s so freeing to not have an immense fear of water anymore.


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    I’m 29 and now just learning how to swim! I have been taking lessons for about 6 months now and it’s my new favorite activity. It’s so freeing! I wish I would have learned sooner but the fear and embarrassment stopped me. Oh well, lesson learned.


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    dandelion moon
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I never properly learned how to swim lol my grandparents just threw me into the pool one day and I kinda figured it out from there. I mean I could touch the bottom but I was a little nervous. Either way I learned pretty fast


    My biggest achievement this year, apart from staying alive and sane was to get my driving licence. After a drunk idiot crashed against my friend's car years ago, nearly killing all of us, I was terrified of even trying. I managed to overcome the fear and I've realised I'm not as stupid as I thought I was. Being able to drive has given me a sense of freedom and achievement that I didn't know I could feel. Resolution for next year? Do no let other people make me feel inferior, or manipulate me. I'm not "less" than anybody else.


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    Debby Hartinger
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am easily manipulated as well. Try to read about it so you can recognize manipulation. It can be very subtle.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Not going mad, it was the memes and my amazing friends that kept me afloat, I might have been seeing never land without them. Lmao 2021’s prolly like ‘what you think imma be better!? Ha!’



    My 2020 accomplishment was that I finally had the guts to follow my dream and dared to take on a totally new job, albeit that I still work in my own hospital, but no more administration but now in the farmacy, as a ‘simple’ farmaceutical assistant, but i’ve never been more happy, and the living prove that you’re never too old! I’m 54🤗.
    My new years resolution is to keep on moving, and try to get back to school to get my farmacy assitants diploma!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    My biggest achievement is trying to be nicer and not swearing as much. I want to try being healthier and more productive for 2021


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    Mary Rose Kent
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All good things. Best of luck (and inner strength, which will be the major victory)!


    accomplishment: not dying of boredom AND getting a phone before quarantine started (not rlly a accomplishment im just proud of my great planning ahead)

    resolution: being happier and trying not to be so annoying and rude



    I wrote and registered a stage musical revolving around my experience in a lounge band back in the mid-1970s, and a garage band in the early 1980s. There's also a Disco DJ and a Greek Chorus to help sort things out. It's titled, "Bum Holiday's Misguided Adventure." Next year I'm going to write my first sci-fi screenplay. Anyone have $100,000 to produce the musical? Me neither.


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    Billy The Kid
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is brilliant. Hey Pandas, Anyone willing to donate this? Merry Christmas.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    At my age, I learned not to make big plans or create too many expectations for the future, be it near or far, I just follow the flow of events and use the situations everything that can bring me hope, joy and happiness.
    This made me face 2020 with dignity and victories. I am a public servant, I work in a Basic Health Unit, we offer more than 3000 free medical consultations per month, we carry out prenatal care for more than 200 pregnant women, we provide free medication to the population, regardless of their social condition, in addition to health services. home care, mental health, oral health. Due to the advent of the corona-virus, we stopped offering various socio-educational and life skills promotion services, but I consider it a huge victory to have continued with basic health care for citizens without causing any harm to society.
    And I didn't get sick even one day (except natural fatigue)!


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    I got a good job that I like and that pays well.

    As for a resolution - maybe find a publisher for the nonfiction book I've been working on. One good thing about COVID lockdown is I had more time to write.


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    My biggest accomplishment was moving back to Texas to be near my family. My 2021 resolution is to lose the 15 pounds I've gained during quarantine.


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    Debby Hartinger
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You only gained 15 pounds? I thought it was the 2020 - 20. :) (20 pounds)


    Learned to live a more peaceful and settled life in 2020. In 2021, I'm hoping for patience to be able to wait until life gets back to a more normal state.


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    We made a baby! If all goes well, next year we'll have a baby. This might not sound like anything out of the ordinary, but we're both older and we didn't need to do fertility treatment like I thought we might. I'm about 16 weeks, and just felt the baby move for the first time.


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    dandelion moon
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Congratulations!!!!!! Hope you and your family are doing okay!


    My biggest accomplishment is getting in to so many new Fandoms.

    Resolution? Uh,


    See Also on Bored Panda

    I started to think about myself first before thinking about the other people. When you are too busy to take care of others, you forget easily that the most important person in your life, is yourself.


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    Myrtle Yoma
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yup! You gotta fill up that well. If you keep letting people drink from it, it’ll dry out. Great job making self-care a priority!

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    My biggest accomplishment is getting to warnings in work. My new year resolution is to try to be a bit more PC in work!


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    I’m 29 and never learned to swim as a child. I have been taking swim lessons and learning how to swim and be comfortable in water. It is my new favorite activity. It’s so freeing to not have an immense fear of water anymore.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    After the postponement of our wedding. Which should have taken place the day before our country went into lock down. We finally managed to get married. My family were unable to join due to covid. But I still managed to marry my best friend. Next year we are turning our attention to our homestead. Together we hope to have become self-sufficient by the end of the year.


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    After ten years of studying and working in agriculture (which was totally my choice, but I realised it isn´t what I want to do for the next X years) I resigned my safe and not-too-bad-payed job as a sales person. Now, with my mind fixed on my live-long dream of joining the police academy in fall 2021, I´ve lost over 50 punds in six months, have gained SO much confidence and joy in my life that I feel happier than I can even remember and have pulled myself out of depression, self-doubt and darkness.
    I moved in with my mum for the next couple of months which is not always easy, but we get along great and enjoy being around each other more than the past ten years that I lived at least 250km (155 miles) away.

    My world has got its colours back, even if the weather´s grey, and I love everything and everyone around me. My mind is set on a target and I am sure I´m about to fulfill my childhood dream and become a police officer.

    I´m sorry if my writing isn´t always grammatically correct, I am not a native speaker and it´s been a while since I had to speak English in a regular manner. Just felt so affected by the topic that I wanted to give you a glimpse into my world an maybe spread a bit of happiness and positivity=)



    Moving to my husband's home country after he passed away on summer, with my two children all below 9 years old. Without speaking the language. Almost zero saving. Knew only very few people. In laws did not want to help. Parents could not help due to covid travel restrictions. Basically being a refugee. Fast forward now, 5 months later. Start to speak the language. Children back at school. Husband properly rest in place he requested to be. Getting along with in laws. Finally made friends. Resolution for 2021 : Looking for proper job. Keep fighting.


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    I didn't die.
    To stop getting on BoredPanda cuz it's to addicting.


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    In the spring semester, I got all As! In the fall, I got a B, though, so my resolution is to get an A in every subject, even the hard ones.
    that, and running a mile


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    I paid off my student loans!!! It took 11 long years but I finally did it. I made my last payment on December 11. My goal was to be debt free by 40 and I made it with a year to spare. In 2021 I plan to put the $800 a month I was putting to the loans to saving for a house. Pray my strength.


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    I didn't get any crazier than I already am from the isolation.

    And you say insane like it's a baaad thang!


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    Started a PhD, moved out of California, Started a new job, Moved to Colorado


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    I accomplished jack s**t in 2020, but my goals for the coming year are to get back in touch with nature and use it to help me cope with depression and self hate, and a budding ED. I get into fights with my family because they tell me that I need to get on antidepressants and my mother nature bullshit isn't going anywhere, but I'm afraid they're wrong. Spending time in nature and growing respect and care for it is beautiful and it really warms the soul. Birdwatching, hiking, feeding the animals, laying on the grass, looking at the stars, sitting in the woods, etc. is therapy in itself. I will try to heal myself before I seek help from other people. We tend to underestimate and even deny our own power. We are fully capable as human beings of healing ourselves through nature and mindfulness. Sometimes we just need a little help realizing it. But enough of my rant lmao hope y'all have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Yule, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Boxing Day, Happy New Year, and a happy [insert celebration here that I may have missed.]


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    Mary Rose Kent
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Warming your soul is a glorious thing, but mental health is just an aspect of overall health. Sometimes warming your soul will get you where you need to go, but many of us need help in getting our natural brain chemistry to not work against us. If it weren’t for antidepressants, I would most definitely not have made it into my sixties, and being depressed makes it very challenging for my soul to feel or absorb anything other than a giant, continuous, very loud scream. I wish you all the best! 🌟💐🌟💐🌟

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    To show "our American viewers" that "there is land and countries after all past California and Florida" and the "Earth doesn't revolve" around "Murica"..LOL Number1,world champions,best in the world USA! USA! USA!,number1,world champs,best ever...LMAO!..:)


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    Debby Hartinger
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This isn't nice. Every country has things people in other countries don't like. Accept them or ignore them.

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    To try an educate these people born AFTER 1980 on the proper use of the "English Language" since apparently they're NOT LISTENING in school.Just awful the lack of GRAMMAR in society today...:(


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow, someone needs a hug. That someone being you. Hey! Look, I used proper grammar and I was born in 1981. How weird!

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