Imagine the curse of being a musician who produced one hit but wasn't able to write another song that would be nearly as successful. No matter how many albums you'd release, people at your concerts would constantly request that one song. And you'd probably have to give it to them -- a substantial portion of your ticket sales may have depended on it. So you'd be performing the same tune over and over, and over again...

Reddit user Dexley decided to find out whether tattoo artists suffer from repetitive work as well. He made a post on the r/AskReddit subreddit, asking "Tattoo artists, what pieces are you tired of doing?" The short answer is yes. The long answer is the post went viral and has received nearly 16K comments, painting a pretty vivid list of overdone tattoos. Continue scrolling and check it out.


Person with a back tattoo of the Declaration of Independence, an overly requested tattoo design. If I have to tattoo the entire declaration of independence on one more fat dude's back, I'm going to scream.

--cheese-- , thehistorylist Report

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Full of Giggles
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ten bucks says that none of the men have actually read every single word in the document.

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Tattoo artist Lauren Harper, for example, has always loved traditional work. "I like to do a lot of that so I can appeal to a wider audience in my city," she told Bored Panda. "I like to do a lot of floral designs too, which is actually what the majority of my portfolio consists of."


Harper thinks that instead of asking 'what tattoos are unoriginal?' we should be questioning whether we can still think of an original tattoo in the first place. "We all get ideas or inspiration from something else. If you can think of it, it's probably already been done," she said. "And that's ok!"


However, if a client comes to a tattoo artist with a design that is particularly overdone, Harper thinks the professional wouldn't be out of line to point that out. "I might inform my client that something they're wanting is 'trendy' and suggest changes to make it more unique and their own, but at the end of the day it's their tattoo and their body so it's ultimately up to them."


    Barcode tattoo on neck, a design many tattoo artists are tired of creating. Friend of a friend got so tired of doing barcodes on people's necks that he made a game of using the silliest products as references. Were the customers to scan the tatoo they'd read sanitary products, a bag of nuts, mashed potatoes, spotted d*ck and so on.

    Bobvankay , wikimedia Report


    Yana, the owner and artist of Foxy Ink Tattoo Studio, agrees that there are motifs that historically have been around for a while, or are 'trendy' right now. "What makes a design unoriginal is copying it exactly and without much thought," she told Bored Panda. "It usually comes from a lack of research and I advise other artists to look for more inspiration and variations of the theme, or ask the client if we can add a personal touch to their idea."

    Even though the content might not be original, the story, intent, and execution, according to Yana, can be. "Any rose, pocket watch, anchor, or heart can be executed in an original manner. Except for infinity signs. Infinity signs and flocks of tiny birds are doomed."


    Yana thinks that it's up for the tattoo artists to guide people to more original designs. "As an artist, I am responsible that what I put out into the world is up to my standards," she explained. "I've never refused the design idea for that particular reason and I'm sure that opulent and over the top designs suit certain personalities. If I feel some elements don't fit into the design in terms of content or composition, I will say so, and there will be a clear reason why. Ultimately, the ability to include multiple design elements while keeping them readable depends on the skill of the artist and the limitations of the medium."


    Heart infinity tattoo designs on legs, frequently requested by clients, showcased on a wooden floor. Infinity knots. Infinity knots with hearts. Infinity knots with names too long to be in the infinity knots.

    Please infinity not.

    Cold_Smiles , tattoojake208 Report


    When it comes to developing a design that stands out, Yana advises to really research your idea. "Look around, most of the popular ideas are only the surface of what's out there. Dig a little deeper."

    Harper pointed out that it's important for people to remember their tattoo won't (and shouldn't) look like the reference they bring in from Pinterest. "You ideally pick your artist because you like their work and you should trust them to make you something you like. Trust is a big part of getting a tattoo," she said, adding that in the end, you're the one getting inked. So if you really want a Disney quote, just go for it. It's your skin.


    Two arms with popular name tattoos in cursive script, a common tattoo design. I hate when couples get each others names tattooed on each others arm and crap because then like 2 weeks later the dude will come back for a cover up becuase they broke up, it drives me up the wall.

    gugiee , 3dtattoostudio jalandhar Report


    Tattoo of a lion with a crown on forearm, common design tattoo artists are tired of. I worked as a shop manager for a little bit. My boss/the head artist was getting super burnt out on big cats (specifically lions) wearing crowns. In about a month, he'd done 5 realistic lions (and a panther) wearing crowns on dudes who wanted to feel like kings. I had to start politely turning them down when people called to inquire about them.

    "Sorry, Ian's not really interested in doing more big cats this month."

    AncientCatGod , AlphaGodBC Report


    Man with a rosary tattoo on his face, one of the overly requested tattoo designs. I’m not against face tattoos, I have friends and peers that wear them quite well. My issue is 18 year olds who want to get them because they want a certain look. Pop culture has made them seem a lot more acceptable then they actually are. At the end of the day in the majority of careers they will hinder employment.

    asshatface666 Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I always said if I made it as an artist I would get stars on one side.. But I've been saying that since 98 and I'm still not there. :/

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    When I got my tattoo of a juggling bear, I was making small talk with the tattoo artist. She said she was tired of doing nothing but tribal designs and dragons all the time. She said the whole shop talked about my Bear juggling a club, a ball, and a machete, and that they were so thrilled by the originality that they were thinking about doing it for free.

    They didn't. Cost me $300. Great tattoo though. Still my only one.

    JugglingBear Report


    Text tattoo on forearm featuring a quote, showcasing designs artists find overly requested. Tattoo artist from Alabama here. I am not religious at all but I think I've ascribed the entire bible on human flesh at this point.

    RAWest_ofRaw , tough_mutt Report


    Tattoo design with a misspelled "No Regerts" banner and flowers, a commonly requested tattoo pattern. No regerts

    ______Nobody______ , james_tattooist Report

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    Raine Soo
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The tattoo artists are just probably tired of dealing with illiterates.

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    Infinity heart tattoo design on a wrist, a popular request among tattoo designs. Not an artist, but as I was setting up my last appointment, my artist and I were talking at the front desk and the person at the reception at the desk took a call, said "just a minute" and asks my artist;

    "Hey Kev, do you have time for a walk in today?"

    He looks over and says "maybe, what do they want?"

    "An infinity loop"

    "Are they on hold?"


    "F**k that, I'm so f**king sick of infinity loops. Tell em I'm busy."

    So I think infinity loops for Kev.

    aZombieSlayer , Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I wouldn't know but seems like easy money for this one. Must get really old.

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    "Live Laugh Love tattoo with wings, a common design requested by tattoo enthusiasts." Basically anything from Pinterest. Bird silhouettes, live laugh love, infinity symbols, etc

    venttresstheslut , mattjacksontattoos Report


    Bird tattoos on shoulder, a commonly requested design among tattoo artists. Those two f**king birds on the shoulders...

    Y2K_Casper , sergiocruztatuagem Report


    Anchor tattoo design, a common request, inked on a person's forearm. "Its an anchor to symbolize I can't be held down"

    tinglesangreenery , Report

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    Electric Ed
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm having a difficult time understanding this symbolism. Anchors are devices to hold stuff down. Or is this why the tattooists cringe too?

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    UK tattoo artist. Okay, pocket watches with roses surrounding them have started to die out bit one or two years ago,, my god they were f**kin rife. The worst part is when the customer says they want one they follow with, I've got an idea to make it special and unique to me. And I'd say ..."you want the time your baby was born don't you?". ..."omg how did you know" -_-. This year it has definitely moved on to lions, tigers etc wearing crowns, it's always the guys that have to check with their lass if the design is ok before they start too. Like mentioned before however, I'll take a pocket watch with a lions face in the centre, birds flying off it merging into an infinity symbol with each bird having its own individual birthstone of the families lost cats over the years, than a smelly person.

    ipickedbulbasaur Report


    Forest and wildlife tattoo on forearm, featuring silhouetted trees and birds, represents overly requested tattoo designs. Mine told me he is refusing to do anymore forests around someone's arm.

    85on31 , mcnultyottawa Report

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    Full of Giggles
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow! That is gorgeous. I can see why so many people request a forest theme sleeve from the artist.

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    Finger tattoo with a simple black mustache design, commonly requested by tattoo enthusiasts. Not a tattoo artist, but so many people I've seen get the mustache on the inside of your pointer finger. I feel like that fad has to have gotten old with a few artists.

    wild_stryke , Report


    Ornate mandala tattoo design on forearm, one of the overly requested tattoo designs. Idk but 20 years from now there's gonna be a lotta old people with mandala tattoos and tree silhouettes.

    hatsnatcher23 , RogoneMama Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But by that time the mandala's won't be symmetrical anymore...

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    Leg tattoo of a mountain range with the word "Colorado" and the number 8,465, showcasing commonly requested tattoo designs. Went to a tattoo artist in NoCo once. He asked what I was thinking of doing, I said "I want an outline of-" and he just sighed and said "listen dude, I'm sorry but if I have to tattoo Pikes Peak one more time I'm gonna lose it."

    For the record, I was asking for a rat, and he apologized profusely, but I thought it was hilarious. I know three different Coloradans with Pikes Peak tattoos.

    Renlywinsthethrone , elsa.jai.tattoos Report


    "Latin script tattoo design reading 'Amor Vincit Omnia' on a person's side." Asked my buddy. He said, "if I have to do another goddamn Latin paragraph on a chick's ribs, I'm gonna shoot my brains out!" Ironically, he was doing one on his GF at the time he told me...

    epyonk666 , Report


    Tattoo of a snake entwined with a skull, a common design many tattoo artists frequently encounter. Snake coming out of the eye of a skull and why does the guy who wants this tattoo always have a perfectly groomed goatee.

    Talonqr , briansantostattoos Report


    Butterfly tattoo with floral elements on lower back, a popular design often requested by tattoo enthusiasts. My grandpa is an artist and so I showed him this post , and immediately he said “butterflies on a obese persons lower back, I can’t tell you how many of those f**kers I drawn over stretch marks” yikes.

    adultery_adolescence , jessybonilha Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think it's not very nice of "grandpa" to single out obese people or people with stretchmarks. He could've just said "people", period.

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    Colorful minimalist tattoo design with geometric shapes and watercolor accents. My friend who's a tattoo artist said he's done the Deathly Hallows symbol probably 15 times in his career.

    Romane_PaulNibaa , TheTattooGalleryAdelaide Report


    Minimalistic palm tree tattoo design on ankle, a popular request often tiredly received by tattoo artists. Not an artist, but the tattoo shop I go to back home in the Caribbean has a running tally of how many times they have to tattoo palm trees on girls ankles

    tonikyat , beautybyjuliitattoo Report

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    Janine B.
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Caribbean,... palm trees,... who could've expected that?!

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    Arm displaying tattoo design with cursive script, a common choice among overly requested tattoos. Shadow birds and infinity symbols with children’s names within them. Never again.

    christokiwi , ImRabjin Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    So this guy's kids are named Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks? 😂🤣😂

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    Pocket watch and rose tattoo on upper arm, a popular design requested by many. From my tattoo artist friend: pocket watches surrounded by roses.

    c0nsume0 , thepirt Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Okay but this looks great though...I can see why it's popular

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    Tattoo design of a crowned skull with a snake; an overly requested design in tattoo artistry. Snakes. Skulls. Snakes coming out of skulls.

    RAEBZIRG , tattoosbythomgreen Report


    Forearm with a popular phrase tattoo design that tattoo artists often find overly requested. I was with a friend who was getting a tattoo and the artist mentioned he was sick of tattooing “This Too Shall Pass.”

    Made sure to pull down my sleeve after he said that.

    But f**k it, I got it as a reminder when it comes to my bad anxiety, so whatever.

    morgannemary , tatto_ology Report

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    Electric Ed
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess that was not the start from the Jane Austen quote "This too shall pass, and probably much faster than it ought to".

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    30 Overly Requested Tattoo Designs That Tattoo Artists Are Sick And Tired Of My artist said he was sick of Longitude Latitude coordinates of their home towns

    CJM_cola_cole , castlefordtattoos Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I guess they grew up under some trees. There is nothing at those coordinates...

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    Barb wire on guys arms.

    steve_buchemi Report

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    The new age tramp stamp: Under Boob Mandala

    CokeandNuts Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If I'd had this done, you wouldn't be able to see it by my age. 😉

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    30 Overly Requested Tattoo Designs That Tattoo Artists Are Sick And Tired Of Crescent moon. Its easy, but can you at least try to think.

    DandDnerd42 , heim__tattoo Report

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    Becca Gizmo the Squirrel
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have a star on the back of neck, both wrists, and ankles. Moon sun star cluster on bottom back.If I stand with my arms and legs out I look like Orion. Not intentional.

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    30 Overly Requested Tattoo Designs That Tattoo Artists Are Sick And Tired Of The chinese word for "water" or "hope" or whatever else cliche term.

    Pakmanjosh , gabriel.tattooart Report

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    Andrew Grubb
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless — like water. Now you put water in a cup, it becomes the cup; You put water into a bottle it becomes the bottle; You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend. Bruce Lee

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    30 Overly Requested Tattoo Designs That Tattoo Artists Are Sick And Tired Of Crowns. Do I f**king hate crowns... With that being said... I did one tonight.

    hazard0666 , nachomommallama Report

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    Brett Layton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    this is bad, lines arent straight, the orbs arent matching, the leafs or whatever they are on the edges of it are different sizes as well. Didnt even bother to bring down one of the many crooked lines on the inside of the crown. Hope it was a freebie because it wasnt worth paying for its just c**p

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    Mine told me he is no longer doing matching M’s on each butcheek, spelling out MOM when someone is bent over. The jokes been played out.

    Blewedup Report


    I'm completely sick of octopus tattoos. Everyone who has one thinks they're insanely unique and doesn’t realize it’s a ridiculously popular tattoo.

    ffunster Report

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    Nicola Roberts
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    When my parents named me, they didn't no anyone else with the same name. In my maths class, at school, there were 4 Nicola's and 2 Nicholas'... So they all had the same idea and the same time?

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    30 Overly Requested Tattoo Designs That Tattoo Artists Are Sick And Tired Of Srom my 2 artists (from a tattood gal) infinity symbols, tramp stamps and anchors with the words "dont sink".

    Aug302015 , pulver666 Report

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    My first tattoo was “I love you forever and always” in my mom’s handwriting on my foot. While my tattoo artist was doing it another artist came in the room to ask what I was getting, when he found out it was script on my foot he asked, “let me guess, ‘live, laugh, love’?” He awkwardly left after we explained it wasn’t that and in fact my mom’s handwriting. So. I’d say he’s sick of that.

    carrissaspeaks Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm getting my first tattoo at 60, next month. I have an old letter from my mom that was signed simply "Love, Mom". I'm having that tattooed on my wrist in her handwriting. I can always see it there. I'm going with my 20 year old son who is having his "sleeve" colored.

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    I’d imagine crosses. Damn near every one with tattoos have a cross somewhere lol.

    Liteboyy Report


    Butterflies... I f**king hate butterflies. They are part of the reason I quit tattooing. But the main reason were pain-in-the-ass customers who thought they were experts because they watched a couple of episodes of Miami ink. "What!?! You can't do an entire back piece in one session?"

    OriginalGnomeHunter Report

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    David Buchanan
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If I were a tattoo artist, I'd have a "no butterflies" sign, just like there's a "No Stairway to Heaven" sign in Wayne's World.

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    My cousin said : - infinity sign - carpe diem lettering - feathers

    HackJammer Report

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    30 Overly Requested Tattoo Designs That Tattoo Artists Are Sick And Tired Of Tiny Roman numerals.

    Rauly91 , rizeinktattoo Report

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    John Smith
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    26-3-20. But the Romans had different ways of writing dates, none of which are like this.

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    Swastikas. Every day man.

    nariek37 Report

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    Raine Soo
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Swastika requests everyday? Would that not be cause for concern?

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    I was told arrows and crosses. Confederate flags. Hmm...

    FearTheAmish Report


    I have a couple chemistry tattoos and my artist made a comment about girls getting dopamine, serotonin, & oxytocin with the word happiness. Seemed like he might have done a few too many.

    SPECTRE-Agent-No-13 Report

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    I see a lot of people with the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows symbol. Overdone yet?

    Peter_Puppy Report

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    Those anchors, why.

    yogurtly Report

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    Dee Mcgee
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    4 years ago

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    I watched a TV show where a bloke was offering people 50quid if they allowed him to choose a tattoo for them to get (they weren't allowed to see if until it was done. This one moron agreed and ended up with a rather large portrait of Ricky Martin with the words living la vida loca underneath ....he was gutted ...instantly regretted it and looked close to tears. It was pretty funny

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    From the artist I work with: "Literally anything from Pintrest. F**k Pintrest."

    CrowRot Report



    Ringrar Report

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    My guy spent the entire time he was doing my last tatt raging against the people coming in for Harry Potter tatts; He's got a big sign up on the entrance stating not to even ask

    No_Ur_Stoopid Report


    I've heard people say they've stopped doing "your name" on people's butts

    j3rt190 Report

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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I keep trying to talk my husband into corresponding butt tattoos. I want mine to say "Acious D"

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    F**king. Nautical. Stars.

    Gross. Stop it. That dumbass f**king red and black or purple and black stars are so over done and trashy. Literally never had a good experience with a girl who’s had that tattoo and I’ve been with 8.

    LocusAintBad Report

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    Full of Giggles
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Couldn't have been that bad considering you repeated the mistake 7 times.


    Bridges from the local city.

    pippagroenink Report

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