What Happens When Professional Artists Recreate Kids’ Monster Doodles In Their Own Unique Style
Lots of children these days are so much into technology that they have no interest to pick up a pencil once in a while anymore. The Monster Project, which was featured on Bored Panda before, aims to change that. It is based out of Texas and brings together elementary students and more than 100 professional artists that work together “to help children recognize the power of their own imaginations and to encourage them to pursue their creative potential.” Inspired by children’s doodles, artists recreate them in their own unique way, making it fun not only for the kids, but also for themselves.
"With a decreasing emphasis on arts in schools, many children don’t have the opportunity for creative exploration they deserve. That’s a monstrous trend we would like to destroy," reads their website. "By collaborating with the students and finding inspiration from their imaginings, we hope to help them recognize the value of their ideas and make them feel excited about the potential of their own minds. Creativity comes in many forms, and we hope to encourage their exploration of their own unique perceptions of the world we share."
Scroll down to see the adorable results of children and artists collaboration from the last year for yourself!
More info: themonsterproject.org
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Courage the cowardly dog is the first thing which came into my mind!
I want a cartoon to be made out of this character... cuteness overloaded!
Dude, he is shooting people out of his toes to stay in the air. That's hard core. haha
Those breasts are in place where eyes should be and I cannot undo that thought. Making eye-to-eye contact difficult. I am destined for hell.
I like how the cars just keep driving nonchalantly. "Just a giant three eyed orange monster, nothing to see here."
Are children really getting these monster ideas from kids stuff, and children programs today? Impact. Most of these are not scary at all. They really are. this is clearly monster version from teletubbies.
No wings and no white head with an orange beak. This one misses some features!
Weird random thought generated by this list: Somehow I feel sorry for all those multi-eyed creatures. The eyes are so sensitive, can you imagine having your whole body covered in eyes? Just think of how many accidental eye poking, or when it's windy outside and you have to protect all your eyes from flying dust, or when you're trying to stay awake and you get the urge to rub all your eyes.... Man.... Being a monster is tough. Okay, end of my personal weird session. These pictures are all interesting. Over'n'out.
You can go to the website (monsterproject.org) and see some of their reactions.
Weird random thought generated by this list: Somehow I feel sorry for all those multi-eyed creatures. The eyes are so sensitive, can you imagine having your whole body covered in eyes? Just think of how many accidental eye poking, or when it's windy outside and you have to protect all your eyes from flying dust, or when you're trying to stay awake and you get the urge to rub all your eyes.... Man.... Being a monster is tough. Okay, end of my personal weird session. These pictures are all interesting. Over'n'out.
You can go to the website (monsterproject.org) and see some of their reactions.