Artist Photoshops Giant Cats Into His Photos, Creating A Surreal World (30 New Pics)
A few years back, artist Andrey Scherbak pleasantly surprised us with his supersized cats added to pictures. To this day, the artist continues exploring this whimsical concept and we are more than happy to share his latest creations.
Andrey Photoshops giant cats in the background sleeping on buildings, interacting with him and his wife, or simply doing what cats do best - photobomb. This results in hilarious combinations that also will leave you wondering, what if cats actually were giants?
More info: Instagram
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The photos are cute, but we *have* giant cats: lions and tigers! We adore them.. from a distance! This cute fuzzy kitties would be Earth's overlords. We would be their play toys and afternoon snacks.
Gorn? Yeah, let's see how Captain Kirk does against the Mega-Kzinti!
Careful of those branches, Kitty! You don't want to put one of those beautiful eyes out!
Not at all my thing, but at least the cats were doing cat things. I hate the pictures where people photoshop human (or other animal) parts on cats and dogs. I did actually smile at the elevator one, which is a huge win for the person and the cat that made it.
Not at all my thing, but at least the cats were doing cat things. I hate the pictures where people photoshop human (or other animal) parts on cats and dogs. I did actually smile at the elevator one, which is a huge win for the person and the cat that made it.