Mikiko is a German-Japanese artist currently living in London, UK. She creates funny comics about her everyday life with her adorable cat, named Emi, who is probably her "favorite thing in the world".

Growing up, Mikiko moved around a lot. "I was born in Tokyo and grew up in Hong Kong, Germany, Japan and Belgium, so manga (Japanese comics) were a way for me to connect to home," she told Bored Panda. "I was always into cartoon drawings, but at age 12 I read my first Shonen Jump magazine (action adventure!) and decided, that's what I wanted to do as a job."

The artist finds drawing ideas for her cute comics everywhere. "Mainly people, music, and life with its funny problems in general. Other artists too of course! People are so creative and funny, it's inspiring."

Take a look at some of her fun comics below and vote for your favorites!

More info: mikiko.art | patreon.com

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