Artist Reminds Us To Listen To Ourselves With These Soothing And Uplifting Comics (30 New Pics)
Interview With ArtistJohn Euclid Templonuevo, also known as "Arkitekyuklid", is a talented artist and a dedicated Christian from the Philippines. Even with his busy schedule studying for his last year of BS Architecture degree, John finds time to create art that's infused with his deep faith. His strong commitment to sharing the Christian message through his artwork not only inspires others but also adds a deeper meaning to each of his comics.
Templonuevo's illustrations act like a comforting hug during tough times, bringing feelings of hope and calm to those who need it. With each piece of his art, he gently reminds us all to take a moment for ourselves, to relax, and take a deep breath.
If you'd love to see more of the artist's work then make sure to click here and here.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com
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I'm voting for the first, and I hope I get rich on the TV and movie rights.
Just like last time, Bored Panda reached out to John to find out a little bit more about him and his recent endeavors.
When asked how he manages his commitments to his studies, faith, and art, John compared these different aspects of his life to colors on a palette. He said, "they're all different colors in the palette of my life. Each one adds its unique hue and together, they create this beautiful painting." Despite occasional clashes, like juggling academic deadlines and bursts of creative inspiration, John believes these elements enrich his life collectively.
If you've had traumatic experiences and they still affect you badly today, please find some help, you deserve that. There are trauma therapies like EMDR that can work really, really well. They're heavy to go through, but can work wonders, even for trauma from decades ago. It doesn't help everyone, but a lot of people become pretty much symptom free, and for a lot of people the symptoms lessen a lot. It is definitely worth looking into. I am so glad I made the decision after 25+ years to get treatment, it has made my life so much better. It helped me much more than I expected.
John described his transition from traditional to digital art as a rollercoaster ride. Initially intimidated by the new medium, he soon found it to be a wellspring of opportunity. "I realized it opened up a whole new world of opportunities for me. I could experiment with colors and techniques without worrying about wasting materials," he shared, adding humorously that the undo and redo functions quickly became his best friends.
The questions we asked the artist also touched on the impact of John's art on others. He shared heartfelt instances where his art made a positive difference in people's lives. Recounting one such instance, he mentioned, "There've been a few times when people have reached out to me to say that my art made their day a bit better. Those moments are the real treasure for me. It's the fuel that keeps my artistic engine running. Once, a lady told me how one of my pieces inspired her to start drawing again after years. Man, that felt amazing."
My life lately means living in a hotel and sleeping in the same bed as my wife. Have not done that years. We are now closer that we have been in years, because I can hold her hand and tell her "I love you" before I turn off the lights on my side.
The Philipino artist also offered some advice for young artists grappling with procrastination and balancing their passion with their everyday lives. "Remember why you fell in love with art in the first place," he advised, "That passion, that spark, is what will keep you going. And remember, it's okay to have off days. We're not machines. Sometimes the inspiration just doesn't come and that's okay. Take that time to recharge. Your art will always be there, waiting for you when you're ready."
No cynicism from me on this one. I am a big believer in the power of hugs. My lil' dog agrees too so it must be true. She's about one hug away from hugaholics anonymous. Speaking of which, if two pals get drunk all the time and then decide to quit and go sober, do they have to go to different al-anon meetings in order to maintain the ethos? It's not important. It just popped in my head.
I don't think physical beauty fades away with age. It's more that each stage of life has a different kind of physical beauty to it and we must embrace that instead of desperately resisting it. In nature, the cycle of beauty keeps evolving and the scars on a tree trunk or textured skin on an animal doesn't take away from their magnificence. It only makes them more unique.
I actually really dislike this one… (Not only because it stinks of theism.) Because it depicts being different as bad, and calls people who don't fit in sinful.
For those who don't understand this one, there were two pitbulls that were unalived by police in the UK, because they were being "aggressive". They were barking at men coming towards them and their dad with guns drawn, because someone had reported that they were being aggressive. They were sh0t and k!ll3d on the street in broad daylight. (I hope this made sense, typing on the app isn't the easiest)
I know there are Zs, to imply the person is sleeping, but the passing of a computer to an almost spirit form, sorry of seems like the person died, to me.
Breaking News: Life warned about its future conduct after frequently pushing too hard, resulting in dirty and grazed faces. Death has issued a statement and confirmed that it will take over if life doesn't smarten itself up. There are unconfirmed rumours that God herself might step into the vacant role of Death until a suitable replacement has been found. St. Peter was unavailable for comment. Amy Schumer was available for comment but we politely declined her offer.
I know this is supposed to be uplifting, but it tells you not to take responsibility for your own actions, and instead pin them on imaginary figures. Carry your own baggage, people! And if you can't, get help from someone real. I'm sorry if this offends someone, but it needs to be said. (EDIT: Thank you so much for all the upvotes!)
If you do that at high tide, you'll feel good afterwards. If you do that at low tide, you'll feel that everything is against you
Sometimes prayers aren't answered immediately. Goes back to God's timing. We as humans want things immediately but that's not God's timing. I want financial stability. But I have to wait for God to deliver that stability but work on my spending habits at the same time.
Wait till you find out that you're the author of your own next chapter! Mind blown!
"hell" and "devil" are even stronger ... but seriously what does this teach? They are alle really really bad passwords.
Update the title PLEASE. Most of these are religious. There should be a warning. Cause these did not brighten my day - they pissed me off. Not all of us believe in god or have a good relationship with religion or specifically the church. No problem with the post being about religion at all, I'm sure many love and appreciate the post, just update the title so us (non religious folks) don't keep clicking on it expecting something different. Remember many people have been harmed by the church and religion is a trigger. I REPEAT: No problem with a religious post, just update the title to reflect that it's Christian. (TIA)
I agree. I am agnostic and religion just dont speak to me. Posts like this just waste my time, like clickbait
Load More Replies...OP will prob get a TON of hate for these but they are great! Nice to have all sides represented on BP.
Not even one hate, only people politely saying that the title should say it's about Christian religion so people don't click bait. You keep playing the victim, sure the most followed religion in the world is in fact the poor ostracized victim of everything.
Load More Replies...Some people have bad history with the church, but for some people it provides the community and inspiration to help them through hard times. Religious people shouldn't be judging other people (there's a whole verse about it in the bible) but non-religious people don't have to judge others either. Y'all don't have to make a snarky comment and twist everything the comics say just to tear down the religious community.
Gracias. I hate to admit it, but I got worked up and started reflecting the judgmental and snarky attitude towards others >~< see below for my increase in anxiety today
Load More Replies...Update the title PLEASE. Most of these are religious. There should be a warning. Cause these did not brighten my day - they pissed me off. Not all of us believe in god or have a good relationship with religion or specifically the church. No problem with the post being about religion at all, I'm sure many love and appreciate the post, just update the title so us (non religious folks) don't keep clicking on it expecting something different. Remember many people have been harmed by the church and religion is a trigger. I REPEAT: No problem with a religious post, just update the title to reflect that it's Christian. (TIA)
I agree. I am agnostic and religion just dont speak to me. Posts like this just waste my time, like clickbait
Load More Replies...OP will prob get a TON of hate for these but they are great! Nice to have all sides represented on BP.
Not even one hate, only people politely saying that the title should say it's about Christian religion so people don't click bait. You keep playing the victim, sure the most followed religion in the world is in fact the poor ostracized victim of everything.
Load More Replies...Some people have bad history with the church, but for some people it provides the community and inspiration to help them through hard times. Religious people shouldn't be judging other people (there's a whole verse about it in the bible) but non-religious people don't have to judge others either. Y'all don't have to make a snarky comment and twist everything the comics say just to tear down the religious community.
Gracias. I hate to admit it, but I got worked up and started reflecting the judgmental and snarky attitude towards others >~< see below for my increase in anxiety today
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