As much as we’d all like to believe that we can channel our inner Bob the Builder and accomplish any home improvement project we can dream of, there are some jobs that should strictly be left to the professionals.Whether you’re installing a bathroom sink or building a wheelchair-accessible ramp, it’s important to make sure you really know what you’re doing before getting started. Otherwise, you just might end up being featured on Arquitectura Fail. This Instagram account is dedicated to featuring photos of shocking and hilarious architectural mishaps. So enjoy scrolling through these facepalm-worthy pics, and be sure to upvote the jobs you can’t believe someone got paid to complete!
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Do you think you could build a house? If you’re being completely honest with yourself, the answer is probably no. (Unless you work in construction or you’re actually an architect.) But some people seem to overestimate their skills when it comes to projects around the house. Painting an office or tiling a bathroom is one thing, but building a staircase or a patio probably shouldn’t be attempted by someone with absolutely no experience…
At least the people who embark on these projects without any preparation can entertain us, though! The Arquitectura Fail Instagram account has been around since 2018 and has shared over 100 images of painfully bad construction projects. The creators also have a Facebook page under the same name that has amassed an impressive 41K followers who seem to get a kick out of the questionable images shared.
I have a feeling this wasn't designed that way but instead starting leaning/falling over many years.
There are some things in life that don’t need to be done perfectly. When I paint my nails, it’s not the end of the world if I smudge a little color onto my fingers. And not every meal I prepare for dinner can be gourmet. But anything that involves the safety of yourself or others should be done extremely well. Trust me, there’s no reason to install your own light fixtures if you’ve never worked with electricity a day in your life.
Architecture is one field where a professional should always be hired. Eastside Design & Construction has broken down some of the benefits of hiring a professional architect on their site, and the first reason they cite is expertise and experience. When you’re designing something as important as your own home or business, you’ll want to have as much information at your disposal as possible. And a seasoned vet will know exactly how to get you the results you’re looking for.
My cat weighs 5lbs I don't think she could walk up these "stairs" without them collapsing.
A professional architect will also be able to bring creative and innovative ideas to life. If you’ve only looked on Pinterest for inspiration, you probably haven’t even seen a fraction of the design options available. But having an expert on your team will be able to present you with choices that you might like even more than what’s mainstream, and they can help you build a home or space that truly feels one of a kind.
If you want to get the most out of your space, make sure you have an architect on your team. They’ll know exactly how to utilize small spaces efficiently and how to create functional layouts that will allow you to squeeze in everything you need without feeling cramped. Designing rooms can be a lot more complicated than you might expect, but an architect will be able to guide you through the process and ensure you don’t make any choices you’ll later regret.
Bonus points for successfully making it into the garage during an ice storm. At night.
We all know that construction projects can quickly become much more expensive and time consuming than initially anticipated. But a seasoned architect can help manage your budget and keep your expectations realistic. They’ll know which expensive materials are worth splurging on and which ones to pass. Plus, they might know about less expensive high-quality options that you may not have heard of before.
Does not look like architecture failure, but structure failure, maybe due to earthquake
And, of course, one of the main reasons why we should look to the professionals when it comes to building and home improvement projects is: safety. Cleary Safety has written about some of the most common safety issues that arise in domestic construction projects. To avoid these problems, they first note the importance of having proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This might include wearing a hard hat, a mask, steel-toed shoes, gloves, safety glasses and more.
The old stairs were too steep, so they built a new one with the old one as support.
Electrical hazards are also extremely important to be aware of during construction projects. Cleary Safety warns anyone embarking on a home improvement project to ensure their “electrical systems are grounded correctly and all wires and cables are adequately insulated.” If you’ll be using a ladder, make sure you use it as it's intended and only trust a ladder that's standing on solid, level ground. And when it comes to using power tools, do not use any tools that you haven’t been properly trained on.
Just a smidge too low I'm afraid, Doesn't help that there's a table set up right in front as well.
You have to find the key to turn the screw, so you can lower that bridge. Then you can move on to the next area.
Fire safety is another important factor to consider in all spaces, but especially when working on a construction site. You should always know how to safely and quickly get to an exit, and be careful never to leave fire hazards out. In the same vein, be prepared for emergencies. Have a First Aid kit on hand and a plan in place in case something goes wrong. Always make sure that someone knows where you are, and have your cell phone charged in case you ever need to call for help.
... I seem to remember seeing this in a similar thread recently. Only that one had a hammock slung hanging under that highest overhang.
We hope you’re enjoying these shockingly bad examples of architecture fails, pandas. Keep upvoting the ones you find particularly hilarious, and then let us know in the comments below if you’ve ever seen a job that deserves a place on this list. Then, if you’re looking for even more facepalm-worthy photos of architectural fails, we recommend reading this Bored Panda list next!
Poll Question
What is your general impression of the architecture fails shared in the article?
You need to change the title of this post. This is exactly what you get when architects and structural engineers are NOT involved.
None of these have anything to do with architecture. They're all about bad/lacking maintenance, workmanship, materials, funds and structural knowledge.
You need to change the title of this post. This is exactly what you get when architects and structural engineers are NOT involved.
None of these have anything to do with architecture. They're all about bad/lacking maintenance, workmanship, materials, funds and structural knowledge.