People On Twitter Are Roasting Apple Maps And Here Are 29 Of The Funniest Posts
Does anyone remember what it was like to drive somewhere or try to find a place you hadn’t been to before without a map on your phone? Not even talking about using a paper map and the last time you used one to get somewhere. Whether it’s Google Maps, Apple Maps, or even Waze, you may be more than dependent on a map application. But judging from the reactions to a post a user shared on Twitter with an image of a sinking car and caption “google maps deada** have you like this,” not all maps are equal and they don't always lead to destinations. The post below has opened a can of worms of the never-ending dispute of which is the worst navigation app and turns out Apple Maps is taking the beating this time on a Twitter thread dedicated to that.
Image credits: ArfanKHXNL
Below are 29 of the best posts and jokes about the struggles of using mapping applications that often leave their users lost and confused. But if you don’t know where you're going, you can’t get lost, right?
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The people are once again divided—this time on what is better (or what is worse): Apple Maps or Google Maps. Of course, there is some percentage of Waze users that ensure that both of the most popular aforementioned apps are equally misleading and will take you through the worst route with the most confusing directions and no return back, meaning you will just end up stuck on the top of some tree.
The apps are getting roasted to the point that one Twitter user questions if Apple Maps creators are actually using the same app to get to work and have firsthand experience of how bad it can actually be.
That's odd that you decided to sell you phone (unless of course there was something wrong with it) because all you have to do is uninstall the Apple Maps app and download Google Maps. No need to sell the whole phone.
For only an hour???? You could easily get lost in Texas for 4 hours!
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Did anyone consider that Apple maps might be so evolved it shows FUTURE roads/airports etc? It's all the wibbly-wobbly timey-whimy stuff.....
perfectly ground as all things should be OIP-6089ad...6c1ad.jpeg
Did anyone consider that Apple maps might be so evolved it shows FUTURE roads/airports etc? It's all the wibbly-wobbly timey-whimy stuff.....