In the wise words of Mark Hoppus and Tom DeLonge of Blink-182 fame: “work sucks, I know.” And while it doesn’t have to be, it seems that the majority of jobs do actually suck to a varying degree, so we’re all in this together.
As such, you gotta appreciate all the online groups and subsequent memes that come out of this anti-work movement. Even the all-encompassing job communities foster that anti-work meme culture. And we’re all better off with the spot-on catharsis.
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Finally Someone Who Gets It!
Red Flag Phrases In Job Posts
Your Salary Won't Be Very Good Starting Out
Reddit is home to a slew of niche groups, but all-encompassing categories are there as well, uniting all of the other, smaller communities as a bonus.
One such giant is r/jobs, Reddit’s community for career advice and other job-related content. As of this article, it’s home to 1.5 million members and is ranked the top 1% by size.
The Answer To "Get A Better Job"
It's absolutely infuriating that actual members of government (in the UK at least) spout this utter nonsense. Saying that some jobs shouldn't earn a living wage is ridiculous. Capitalism says that cleaners don't deserve to live so we'll just go along with that, because we obviously don't need things to be cleaned.
20 Years Of Failing In Richest Country On Earth
This Is Awesome
Incidentally, r/antiwork is an even greater community of people, ranking as the same 1%, but having 2.8 million members.
And you’d be surprised how massive the movement has become over the years. Outside the internet, that is. And it’s more than just (or as much) going against the system of having to work a third of your life—it’s also a philosophy and a push towards a better work life.
Sounds Ridiculous When You Change The Context
We Became A Robotic Society
Think of all the färt heads who will scream "Communism!" upon reading this.
He Was A Mailman
The concept rejects the idea of hustle culture and working ourselves to the bone. That only brings about burnout and physical as well as mental illness. Heck, it’s not even against capitalism, but rather that particular breed of workplace that considers its employees as assets and not humans. Its goal is a world where folks don’t have to sell their labor (and their souls) to survive.
Those Meetings Are So Important
Capitalism rewards capital. People need to stop saying it rewards hard work.
Don't Be A Sucker
That's Just Not Ok
Bertrand Russell actually wrote quite a bit about not working. In his essay In Praise of Idleness, he points out three key aspects:
First is the idea that you get better with work. As in, the more you do it, the better you become. That is, however, not really the case as, at extreme levels, pretty much everything is destructive, and work is no exception.
Perfect Picture For This Statement
Lots of public bodies such as councils do this. They already know who they want for the job but are often legally required to advertise the position publicly. A complete waste of time and money.
A Dumb Take And A Smart Comeback
Even Recruiters And Career Coaches Say This Job Market Is Not Normal
I was ghosted by a company that was trying to headhunt me from my current role. Called, offered me a massive pay increase, I did 2 phone interviews, then... nothing. Not one single person out of 4 I was in communication with would return calls or emails. Im not mad about not getting the position (honestly, I wasnt super into it based on one of the bosses being a guy I used to work with), but you came TO ME... Then ghosted. I was annoyed and confused.
According to Russell, the idea of working hard goes back to the Protestant idea that good works will save your soul. Great on paper, sure, but working yourself to death while you’re considered God’s creation and should treat your body as a temple is counter-productive. Such an extreme puts jobs that demand hard work into slavery territory, and the modern world has no place for it.
Welcome To The Team
Would Do You Leave A Job Like This?
How About You Actually Peep The Attached Resume?
The second part is the idea that meaningful work is born of leisure. And that empowers creativity. Granted, of course, that you find time for such outlets.
But the problem is that once a person turns their hobby into a full week of daunting activities, their capacity for creativity is beyond drained and the hobby is no longer a hobby—rather a chore.
Triple Is Too Little For Now
Boss Canceled Our Christmas Party Cause This Broke The Bank
Is This True ?
A lesson I learned after COVID. Before COVID, I held the same job at the same place for 12 years. Afterword I jumped from five places in two years. Got a raise every time.
Lastly, society these days is far more advanced than it was back in the day. Technology is efficient enough for people to not need a 40-hour week. By eliminating overwork in terms of weekly hours, you’d foster more productivity in humans. In fact, this was written back in 1932—tech has significantly advanced since then so it’s even more true today than it was then.
Every Damn Time
Oh yeah... this resonates. ...except for senior managers who are hired just to oversee the layoffs spawned by a company re-org. When the dust settles, they leave. I call them hatchet men (or women). I saw this more than once or twice at the place I worked for through to retirement.
Poop On Your Own Time, Dammit!
A bow movement? Shoot your arrows quicker and don't miss the boss next time.
Red Bull Declined My Job Application, So I Sent This Snazzy Response
Just A Bit Of Levity For Everyone
You need to move up to management where theft is expected and encouraged.
While the movement is ever-growing, change is happening already. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the possibility of working remotely and you can’t deny it any more. In fact, it has been so influential that folks tend to prompt for remote work as it provides a better work-life balance as there’s more family time and the like.
Happens All The Time
Been there...then I joined them in quitting after I realized they were on to something...
It Was Nice Knowing You
"Oh shite! What did I do this time?" It was the "Employees must stop crying before returning to work" sticker in the employee bathroom wasn't it? True Story.
Having A Fever And Feeling Unfit To Make It In. “Boss” Responded With This. What Do I Even Say In This Case?
Pardon me BP censors but F-U-C-K that guy. That is NOT how you treat staff. I hope that manager contracts long COVID and spends the rest of his life on a respirator. Making someone go to work with COVID is a danger to the rest of the staff and a danger to any clientele. You know what's not good for business? Getting your customers sick.
Job Hunting Again, And It Sucks. Please Have All Certifications, A Degree In At Least 3 Fields, And 20 Years For This Internship
If This Isn’t The Truth Lol
Life changed to the mess we know, when individual rights superseded the collective whole.
The rich getting richer while the working class people work harder and harder for less and less is fertile ground for revolution. That is why China and Russia went Communist - the wealthy, out-of-touch nobles tried to squeeze more and more out of the peasants. Attention CEOs: The best way to stymie Communism is to PAY YOUR WORKERS LIVING WAGES. Desperate people with hungry children are more inclined to join the ranks of revolutionaries. Well-fed people who can keep up with rent and utilities and still save a little for a rainy day provide poor soil for the socialism you fear.
Life changed to the mess we know, when individual rights superseded the collective whole.
The rich getting richer while the working class people work harder and harder for less and less is fertile ground for revolution. That is why China and Russia went Communist - the wealthy, out-of-touch nobles tried to squeeze more and more out of the peasants. Attention CEOs: The best way to stymie Communism is to PAY YOUR WORKERS LIVING WAGES. Desperate people with hungry children are more inclined to join the ranks of revolutionaries. Well-fed people who can keep up with rent and utilities and still save a little for a rainy day provide poor soil for the socialism you fear.