50 Of The Most Interesting And Beautiful Old Things That These People Have The Pleasure Of Owning
Many people like things that smell brand new and can be unwrapped from plastic, meaning in reality, they just add to pollution of our planet. But some people specifically prefer the items that have been touched by history and are commonly referred to as antiques.
Antique objects often bear an extra value thanks to their aesthetic or historical significance, and they can be defined as any object which is at least 100 years old. Meanwhile, vintage and collectibles are described as items that are “younger” than that.
And while some are born antique aficionados, real collectors spend their entire lives learning the subtleties of this miscellaneous profession. Below are some of the most incredible examples of antique objects and goods posted on the r/Antiques subreddit, where every member of the community is an antique dealer at heart.
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My Dad Restored A 1929 Ford Model A After 40 Years Of Wait. We Helped Out Over The Course Of 3 Years, And I Edited This Photo To Make Us Looks Like 20s Gangsters
The Lenox Spice Village. My Grandmother Bought This For Me 30 Years Ago And It Has Been In My Parents Storage Shed Until Now....
300 Year Old Library Tool That Enabled A Researcher To Have Seven Book Open At Once
Bored Panda reached out to Dr. Lori Verderame, the Ph.D. antiques appraiser who’s an internationally syndicated columnist and an author with 30 books to her credit. Dr. Lori specializes in helping people make money with buying and selling tips, as well as showing them how to spot valuables at thrift stores, charity shops, flea markets, estate sales, etc. and flip them for profit. She also runs a widely popular YouTube channel with 130k subscribers where she shares various tips about antiques.
Dr. Lori explained that “an antique is an object that is 100 years old or older. I determine antique status by looking at materials, condition, and design. I appraise an antique's value by comparing it with other similar items and using my decades of museum and appraisal experience to provide a value,” the antiques appraiser commented.
Turns out, Lori bases her values on actual sales records where similar items have sold recently. “I use my love of antiques to appraise value and value differs based on the type of object appraised. Many factors determine value depending on the type of object presented,” she explained and added that the most valuable categories of antiques typically include fine art, antique furniture, and antique and vintage fine and costume jewelry.
Picked Up A Victorian Style Cathedral Birdcage Today. It’s 7’ Tall With The Base! Never Seen One Like It
Probably a final work for a wood craftsmanship student, i don't know the name in English but it's a piece that you have to make to show your skills at the end of your learning journey.
Masterpiece. The word is so often used as a metaphor for any truly great work or crowning achievement, however, its true meaning is nearly lost on most modern people. In order to prevent confusion with its pop-culture meaning, sometimes "diploma work," or "reception piece" is used.
Load More Replies...C'est un chef d'œuvre à réaliser en fin d'apprentissage chez les compagnons charpentiers. Mais à notre époque ils ne réalisent plus de telles œuvres !
Oui voilà ce à quoi je pensais mais je connaissais pas l'équivalent anglais.
I don’t think so. There are a few around and I have an identical one. I think you’ll find they were commercially made a long time ago. Not mass produced, but certainly commercially made. Still stunning though. It’s Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Paris
That’s interesting....everyone else thinks it’s an apprentice piece, but you differ. What are you basing your view on? The fact that you have an identical one? That could mean commercial, or it could mean that these apprentices made their test piece from a pattern...the work didn’t have to be original, it just had to show skills accomplished, right?
My fathers craftsmanship final exam was a round staircase in dollsize when I was about 4 years old and I thaught it was so cool and walked up and down the stairs until I broke it. I was of course forgiven🥰😆 today my father is a master and my first job but not my last was working with him and I'm a woman who can do almost anything with wood which is not so common in my country🥰🥰🥰💕 my father is the greatest 🥰💖💖💖
These sort are mostly decorational, I keep plants in my collection of bird cages.
It’s Sacré-Cœur Basilica in Paris, and as crazy as this might sound I have one identical to this. Picked it up from a Belgian antique shop just over a year ago. I would never keep a bird in it but someone must have at one time as there were a few tiny feathers at the bottom.
I probably use this for ornamental purposes only. It seems better to have a faux bird inside -- they won't make a mess, haha.
As beautiful & big as this looks, it looks too small for birds. Maybe because the top blocks off the sun? So maybe just to take birdie outside temporarily?
Mesmerizing. I can see myself trying to do the cage bars, it snapping and I just throwing a big tantrum. Kudos
I Snagged This Edwardian Dress Yesterday. It’s Just Too Stunning Not To Share
An Old, Metal, Pocket-Sized Grocery List!
When asked if people are getting more and more interested in antiques, Dr. Lori confirmed that it’s true and added that young adults are particularly interested. “Because we can buy all types of antiques with ease now online, people are enjoying the thrill of the treasure hunt for antiques as well as the excitement of selling them or keeping them.”
“I show many examples of how I find the money for people on my YouTube channel series called Real Bargains. Young adults—my fans—are interested in antiques and vintage items because they are well-made, unique and interesting, and are conversation pieces,” she said.
“Many realize that they can buy a vintage or antique object for very little money and use my tips to flip for profit or keep it for their own collection and enjoyment. Many people are interested in antiques because of the memories they spark or for the connection to a bygone era,” Dr. Lori concluded.
There's Something About A Jet Black Cartonnage Binding Lit Up With Golden Gilt And Highlighted With Flowering Designs. Something Great. The Book Is Le Manuscrit Bleu, 1848
I hope you keep this in some kind of see through box to protect it from anything getting on it and well away from sunlight. This is amazing.
A Pair Of Old Lamps I Found On Facebook Marketplace For Dirt Cheap. I Think They Look Pretty Neat In Our Victorian House, But My Fiancé Hates Em’ Lol.
You should re-evaluate your fiancé because those lamps add glamour and style! Gorgeous.
Check Out My Latest Acquisition! ~1910 Tiffany Desk Pieces. Bronze And Abalone.
Photographed In 1974, Freshly Excavated 2000-Year-Old Terracotta Warriors Still Showing The Original Color Scheme Before Rapid Deterioration
My Grandmother Unfortunately Passed This Year. This Is Her Copy Of Alice In Wonderland I Inherited
I am so sorry about your Grandmother, but what a precious, beautiful gift she gave you to remember her.
I Typically Collect Contemporary Jewelry But Could Not Resist This Victorian Period Gilt Silver Brooch. It Was Made In Philadelphia And Dates To About 1880. The Detail And Construction Are Amazing To Me
Just Showing Off My Desk. It’s A Beautiful Hunk Of Hungarian Oak, Previously A Farm House Table. It’s Used On A Daily Basis And So Just Giving It A Fresh Coat Of Wax To Keep Up With Its Maintenance
Hand Holding An Orange Door Knocker
My Great-Great Grandfather Started A Plumbing Business In St. Paul, Mn In The 1880’s. I Just Inherited His Desk.
I Doubt This Has Any Real Value But I Thought It Was Fun And Cool And For .25 Cents It Was Worth It!
Found This Wonderful 17th Century Doodle Inside A Bible I'm Restoring
1897-1898, First Edition, Edgar Allan Poe -Poems And Tales. Found It At A Used Book Store.
A USED BOOKSTORE? As I said in an earlier post some people just don't realize what they have on their hands. You are so fortunate. I hope it has some info about what number printing this was for the first edition.
Roman Tigress Cart Decoration - Found Metal Detecting In Norfolk UK
Art Deco Exit Sign
Anyone Have Any Info On This? It’s Been In My Family For A Very Long Time.
My Seltzer Bottle Collection
I’m Moving Into My First House And Snagged This Couch Off Fb Marketplace For $60. Kitty Approves!
I love the couch! And the kitty is so cute! She looks like my kitty too :)
1909 Wooden Koken Congress Restored
This Silver Ww2 Naval Aviator Sweetheart Brooch I Found While I Was Metal Detecting A Few Months Ago Is Still My Favourite Piece
Vendo 44 Vending Machine From The 50s. The Smallest Machine That Vendo Ever Made. Found At An Estate Sale!
Well I Got It Open And Here Are The Contents Of The Octagonal Sewing Box
I Guess We're Posting Our Uranium Glass Collections? Here's Mine!
When I was in high-school one science class visited a uranium mine!!! The man who gave them the tour (?!) Had worked there for many years and his voice sounded like Daffy Duck. When they left the mine they were given a little memento to take with them. A pill bottle size of uranium dust. Its yellow in color incase you were wondering. They brought it to class, and our science teacher's husband was a geologist who had a Geiger Counter. She brought it to school the next day and measured the stuff. 😵😲 Oh boy, was it radioactive ☢! Called her husband immediately. He came to the school immediately to confiscate it. He called the appropriate government department. Needless to say, no more souvenirs.
"To Miss J.g.k., To Whom This Cabinet Is Cheerfully Given, Hoping That She May Enjoy It As I Have Making It For Her. G.j.c Sept 14, 1926," From A Note Written In Pencil On The Bottom Of This Cabinet I Brought Home Today (Ma/Nh)
My grandmother is 96, she have a lovely wooden chest made by my great grandfather for my great grandmother as an engagement gift (he was a carpenter). He engraved her initials on it, i have the same initials so my grandma said that it would be mine one day. The backstory of this beautiful piece is so cute, he put so much love in it.
The First Gift My Great Grandfather Purchased For My Great Grandmother Nearly 100 Years Ago. Thought I’d Share.
Impeccable condition for being 100 years old! Carpet beetles would have a field day with this, and would completely destroy it. If you haven't been already, I'd store this in an airtight container.
Found This Old Oak Ice Chest
Medicine Cabinet In One Of My Grandmas Rarely Used Bathrooms
In The Middle Of Unpacking Most Of My Library For The New Office Setup. 1481 To 2005, And Still Lots To Catalog. Thought I'd Share A Near Finished View.
Check Out How They Curved The Roof Of This Antique Barn. (Ohio)
Amazing! I wonder why though... purely aesthetic? Or is there a reason for an arched roof? Snow?
My Grandpa Just Gifted Me This 19th Century Mandolin
As with so many things on this post, I hope you will get something like a plexiglass box so you can admire and maybe display this as it is so beautiful. Away from sunlight.
A 1920s Belgian Embroidery Folding Screen
This Curio Is Known As A Curse Tablet. Curse Tablets Were Inscribed Strips Of Lead, With An Iron Nail Piercing It. They Are Typically Roman Or Grecian. This Piece Has Hair Clamped Between The Folds, Indicating That This May Be A Love Spell. Thinking To Contact A Museum On This One.
Art Deco Butterfly Brooch, Norwegian Silver And Enamel, Marked For H C Østrem
My Great-Great-Grandfather’s School Textbooks From The Late 1800’s. The Oldest One Is From 1860.
Late Georgian 18ct Gold Emerald And Diamond Ring
This Is Kind Of Cool! Six Months Ago, I Bought The Photo On The Right From An Antique Mall. Yesterday, I Went Back And Purchased The Photo On The Left. Only After Getting Home Did I Realize That They’re The Same Kids, Just Taken A Few Years Apart!
My great-grandfather took photos like these. (They're actually postcards). We still have a picture of his daughter (my paternal grandmother) dressed up in a Statue of Liberty costume. (We're Australian of English heritage, so not sure why she was dressed up in an "American" costume, but still. That story has long disappeared - she died in 1987 and the picture was taken in the early 1910s - can't recall the exact year, but she was about 12).
Handmade Jacquard Woven Coverlet From 1835. Saved It From An Estate Sale For $75 Now It’s One Of My Prized Possessions
1870’s Victorian Mirror Meant To Sit Over A Mantel (It’s Difficult To Tell From The Picture But It’s About 6ft Y’all And 4.5ft Wide
Did your autocorrect change "tall" to "Y'all" , because that's pretty funny. ;)
Wall Fell Apart Giving A Glimpse Into The Past.
A Wall In My Grandpa's Small Library Room
The Most Ironic Two Month Late Birthday Gift I’ve Ever Received.
I learned to type on one of these in high school. Decades later I spotted one in a antique shop while shopping with my 12 year old grandson. He didn’t have a clue what it was. They may look nice now, but they were a pain in the tuchas to work with, especially when using carbon paper to make copies.
Purchased This Beautiful Antique Cabinet Online. It Now Houses My Art Supplies :)
Top Hat That Belonged To My Great Great Great Grandfather (I Think) During The Late 19th Century From Ohio
Three Early 20th Century English Microscopes In My Collection. Not Much Practical Use Out Of Them, But They Do Look Good!
I have my Grandfather's microscope he got in med school. 1921 Bausch and Laumb. All ebony and brass. Still in original box
Bought This Flag At Goodwill For $20 And Just Sold It At Auction For $4,200!! Thought It Was A Cool Wall Decoration, Turned Out To Be A Civil War Union General’s Flag!!
It may be Petty but all those beautiful old books on those super ugly white bookshelves. It doesn't make the books stand out. It's distracting.
For me it is that they are not preserved well- dust,sun,temperature,...
Load More Replies...It may be Petty but all those beautiful old books on those super ugly white bookshelves. It doesn't make the books stand out. It's distracting.
For me it is that they are not preserved well- dust,sun,temperature,...
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