Mom Posts ‘Angry As Hell’ Rant After Her 15-Day-Old Son Gets Exposed To Measles Due To Anti-Vaxxers
Lately, anti-vaxxers have been getting a lot of negative attention online. And, according to Jennifer Hibben-White, they deserve it. Some time ago, she received a call from her local health center, informing her that her baby boy was exposed to measles.
Image credits: Jennifer Hibben-White
At the time, her son Griffin was only 15-days old and too young to have been vaccinated. Children usually get their first measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) shot when they’re somewhere between 12 to 15 months of age. Until then, they have to rely on the so-called herd immunity, an indirect protection from infectious disease that occurs when a large percentage of a population has become immune to an infection, thereby providing a measure of protection for individuals who are not immune. Devastated and furious, Jennifer wrote a powerful Facebook post, and people quickly rallied to her support. Scroll down to read her message which has been shared over 604K times, and let us your thoughts on it in the comments.
Image credits: thestar.com
Image credits: Jennifer Hibben-White
Image credits: Jennifer Hibben-White
Luckily, after not showing symptoms of the virus during the incubation period, Griffin was declared healthy.
People had a lot to say about this difficult situation
This how I believe the government and society should handle the antivac situation. You have the right to not vaccinate. That's cool. But if you choose to exercise this right you lose the ability to access all social systems. No school, no hospital, no well fair, no food stamps, no right to mount a defense in the court system, no tax return, no access to local government infrastructure, no parks, no license, no access to roads, no 911 services. No access to any local government, State or federal government subsidizes aspect of our wourld. You should be issued a phone that can only call the CDC so when you decide you can't live like that you call them , they come out and give all your shots. And only after they concluded you aren't carrying and illness that could spread to the public, THEN and only then do you get to join the real world.
back in the days when vaccines were seen as miracle drugs, no child who wasn't vaccinated could attend school or go to public places. We WILL need to get back there as this continues, the anti vaxxers and others like them have gone backwards Complacency is what happened as we were free from childhood communicable diseases. I began my nursing career in the 1950s, I saw what those diseases did to children and don't want to think of it happening again.
Load More Replies...I have my certification in holistic medicine. And even I think every child should be vaccinated
Why isn't this manslaughter? Do anti vaxxers not realize that their child can potentially kill another child? This is ridiculous. Vaccinate your kids! I have a mild form of autism, but am college educated, work full time, am independent, and guess what...I'm vaccinated!
People go to jail over Knowingly spreading HIV, why not extend that to parents that knowingly endanger other children with diseases the human race has developed a defense to. Also for those f***s that think Autistic kids are a symptom, I think they are a cure to the drama human condition. Have you hung out with those human calculators. Their only issue is dealing with emotions. I could use more of that s**t. F**k emotions.
Load More Replies...My daughter passed away from SIDS at 4 1/2 months and when I posted my hysterical grief online anti-vaxxers blamed me for her death for getting her vaccinated. No thought to my overwhelming despair, no care that I will never know what killed my gorgeous baby girl... just hatred from a group of ignorant, ill-informed people. Because that's exactly what I needed in the days... months and YEARS after her passing - blame.
I am so sorry, that must have been awful. Lack of compassion is part of their problem.
Load More Replies...I think we need to create a walled community of anti-vaxxers at least 100 miles from the nearest town where they can live but not be able to leave unless they and their kids get vaccinated.
Or we could just fine them for not vaccinating.
Load More Replies...They should invent a stupidity vaccine. And give people no other option but to choose between this vaccine and all the other vaccines.
My friend has a shirt that says 'Too bad there's not a vaccine for STUPIDITY' because she has like 1.5 arms and people give her s**t and she just dabs on the haters
Load More Replies...Not vaccinating your child should be considered child abuse. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Everyone is vaccinated, no choice, unless the child/adult has a disease/illness that makes them unable to be vaccinated. I had Guillian Barre syndrome and now there are vaccines I can't recieve. I have to rely on others to vaccinate. So do many of us!!! PLEASE VACCINATE!!!!!
This also pisses me off very, very much. I got chicken pox while pregnant with my daughter. I was lucky that I got it in a "safer" period during the pregnancy, and it all ended up ok. I had a big fight about one of my colleagues that is a "vegan anti vax" with a friend of hers. Her friend was very "everyone should be allowed do what they want.. bla bla". yes, I agree, everyone should be able to do what they want AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT AFFECT EVERYONE ELSE. I would never wish this on anyone, but if they're not affected by it, they'll never learn.
Don't lump all vegans into anti vaxxers please! I've been a vegan most of my life, am a Registered Nurse, and certainly know the benefits of vaccination. People who believe vaccinations cause autism are horribly wrong and ill informed. They do not. They are child abusers who don't care about their children's health and safety. I've had all my vaccinations and think that again there should be laws to that make stupid parents vaccinate their children.
Load More Replies...Damn anti-vaxxers! wake up! Those parents allowing their kids spread whatever they might have don´t realize the damage they are causing...
The sad thing is that these words mean nothing to those who think anti-vaccination is the "correct" attitude. They simply do not care. Thus, I rather advocate precautions. Some doctors have separate waiting rooms for children below 2 and the older ones; this makes much sense to me.
My doctor's practice includes all ages from babies to seniors. No unvaccinated people are allowed through the door to the waiting room. He and his partners will not treat unvaccinated people, and they make that very clear from the moment you first contact them. I'm seeing more and more doctors are doing this, and it's a wonderful thing.
Load More Replies...How is it that a certain governments can make feeding your child a vegan diet as criminal and yet let those same children live on junk food unhindered while at the same time saying getting vaccinated as being a choice. When the actions of one person can greatly affect or damage another person, it should be considered a crime. The only people that should be allowed out of vaccinations are those that cannot be vaccinate due to compromised immune systems. This should not be a choice for them to opt out. I always remember the episode of "House" when he dealt with an anti-vaxx mom that said she wouldn't vaccinate her baby because it was scare tactics used by big pharma to make money. Houses response "You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins. You can get them in frog green or fire engine red. "
I've gotta admit that being charged with a crime for feeding your child a vegan diet is stupid as s**t, that doesn't kill you? as long as you provide nutrition? but vaccinations need to be manditory.
Load More Replies...Anti-vaxxers should be sent to live on an isolated island, all together. Then maybe they would understand the importance of herd immunity.
@Maria Hermida But some people CAN'T get vaccinated because they are immunocompromised or allergic. If people vaccinate, they're fine because of herd immunity. But when there's so many anti-vaxxers out there, they can get easily preventable diseases.
Load More Replies...And what about the countless others that WERE NOT measles free and died or developed other trauma? The point is still a valid one!!
Load More Replies...Sadly it will probably take a few major outbreaks amongst the unvaccinated resulting in deaths and lifelong complications for the message to get through to these ignorant idiots. I wonder - if the if the antivaxxers could UN-immunise themselves - would they?
Still, unless it hit close to home, they would remain self-righteous. No matter how many people died.
Load More Replies...How come all comments here are downvoted, both those supporting and opposing the story? o_O
I have written repeatedly that the anti-vaccinations crowd along with people who believe: 1) The earth is flat 2) Young earth creationism 3) Global warming is a myth 4) GMO's are dangerous 5) The moon landing was fake 6) AIDS is a man made disease 7) Doctors are sitting on a cure for cancer 8) The oil companies will not allow the creation of a car that runs on water or get 150 mpg etc. 9) Homeopathy and other alternative medicines. Are denying the reality that science is the one way to discover existing truths in the world. To deny science is to hinder science.
You should look harder at #8. If you think Exxon, BP and Shell using their money to protect their investment is some kind of wild conspiracy, then you’re laughably wrong in terms of simple logic and in terms of business savvy and in terms of minimal effort into researching your claims. Plenty of public information - you can find court docs and reports from reputable sites on how some companies spread misinformation about electric cars, or lobby to block legislature on fuel efficiency. And more.
Load More Replies...Anti vaxxers shouldn't be allowed to have kids. It's f*****g child abuse. You're letting your child die.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I especially love the part of trusting google over science and doctors.
My child was vaccinated. My child has autism. The two are not connected, no matter what some celebrity yahoo thinks. And even if there was a connection, I would not trade my amazing son for anything. If nothing else, my son is protecting others that he is around, because he has been vaccinated.
I don't know why you've been downvoted. People need to hear this.
Load More Replies...These posts are horrible and sad, but unfortunately so necessary to get people to realize what they are doing is hurting their child. And even then, people refuse to believe that vaccines could have saved those children that die
Amazing, there are people who are unable to understand simple science. They are ignorant and selfish.
Load More Replies...If you all haven’t been vaccinated. And ...and... should you become pregnant? Yay! Getting the German measles while pregnant will and do cause preterm abortions, and if the child lives and is born, the event of severe disabilities is high, making them compromised. And it’s open season on your new kid, as no one you knows, vaccinate either! So, you may lose your new baby. And on and on. I can’t make it any clearer. THE CHANCE OF ANY SIDE EFFECT FROM A VACCINE, IS SO LOW, AND THE RISK OF DEATH OR OTHER PERMANENT PROBLEMS FORM HAVING THESE DISEASES, SO HIGH, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE CHILDREN, IF YOU ARENT WILLING TO DO ANYTHING, TO SAVE THEIR LIVES... AND IF YOU WOULD? Then f*****g vaccinate your children. Now.
I think, she is absolutely correct. Anti vaccine people need to be dealt with. But first, dig up all the documentation for these diseases from the past, when there was no vaccines! People knew then it was a deadly situation for children the elderly and anyone who contracted them! So many people died, mostly children. Then, make it a law for every state to require vaccines to be given to each child, on a schedule. If the parents refuse, send them back to the past, as in no school, no doctors that vaccinate, no care in a hospital if they get one of these preventable diseases. The parents care for them at home, with just what they have, at home. Because they would expose hundreds, by going to an emergency room! So, you want to not vaccinate? Then you keep your kid at home 24/7, because the elderly and immune compromised and new babies, don’t want to die, because you were stupid and refused to protect your family and community. I don’t want to be around you or your family ...
I remember being sent next door to catch measles on purpose at about age 10, so that I could get immunity before reaching childbearing age. Now I've found out that the measles vaccine was actually available in Canada in 1963, several years earlier. So I didn't actually have to be miserably sick for a week. Thanks Mom!
"Unfortunately I think the only way these ppl can be reached is for their unvaccinated child to die..." Nope, sorry, some of them don't even learn after that happens. There was a couple in Alberta Canada whose child died of meningitis because they treated it with herbal remedies and garlic, only taking him to a hospital when it was too late. They got charged with failing to provide the necessities of life and they STILL DON'T GET IT. The father goes on Facebook to rant about how the authorities are interfering with their rights. Google David and Collet Stephan.
A friend of mine was bragging that her children were never immunized and they never got sick! I told her in no uncertain terms the reason they did not is because everyone else in the classroom had been immunized. So don't think you were right. Others that cared enough did and so may have saved her children's lives.
Could this news story help? : Anti-vax family's lives destroyed after they started a measles epidemic. The health department issued a public exposure alert, with names. The story becomes national news as more victims are found, some across the country. Their name makes headlines with each new victim. Will those same movie stars come to their rescue? Will it be a wake up call to other anti-vax families, this could be you! Nope, their identity is protected, there isn't a consequence for spreading illness or killing others. We are at risk because of their stupidity. What if we handled drunk driving this way?
My son lives in Washington state while I'm in Chicago, and talk about feeling helpless!!! I hope Griffin is forever okay!!!
I was a sickly child growing up. I can only imagine what life would have been like had I been an unvaccinated sickly child. Vaccinating your child is just protecting your child it's protecting other people's children as well. Instead of listening to a bunch of celebrities, listen to legitimate medical professionals.
Affects so many more than just your kids, and you chose to ignore this fact also. I feel sorry and worried for your kids, as their future, is questionable, and might be cut short, because you loved them so much, you refused to vaccinate them. Think about that. You say you would die for your kid, but.. are willing to let them have all kinds of problems or die, because you “Love” them. That, kind of love, is deadly.
So, bottom line, we are not in the dark ages, and medical science break throughs, like vaccines,are available! Natural immunity only comes from surviving the diseases. But they all come with high prices. Death, encephalopathy, brain damage, deafness, blindness as a result from the high fevers from the disease. Seizures. So, if you are willing to let and I mean, chose to let, your kids go through this, because you don’t want them vaccinated, then I will question your parental judgement, and ability to care properly for your kids. It is a real conundrum to me, how, you “ love your child/ children sooooo much”, and would let them possibly die or become disabled, all because you didn’t want them vaccinated. As a nurse, if I could, I’d take you to court and have your kids taken away, they deserve so much better than a parent who ignores sound medical advice, and is willing to let them die, from love, because you don’t want them vaccinated. Yes, I am judging you, because your choice,..
I also think, they lose their right to go after, or accuse someone for “ infecting “ their child/children with a disease preventable by being vaccinated. You, as a “ parent” ,are choosing not to protect your child from these diseases. And if your child is infected with a communicable and preventable disease, then you should expect to have your house and family members quarantined, until they are back to health, or die. And also, until any other unvaccinated family members have had the disease. So.. to put it bluntly, no one in your home, leaves the house for any reason, until the disease has run its course with everyone. And as the eldest of four girls, that’s pretty much what my mom had to do when one of us came home with the measles or chicken pox. It was the 60’s, so there was only a polio and small pox vaccine. Which we all got. But my mother took care of four sick girls, for8 weeks, at home, so as to not infect any classmates or people. We all lived, but it was pure misery .
It's free choice of not vaccination, that's great, but... wait... that means that other people get sick or get handicaped (or even possibly die) because of your free choice not to get vaccinated... where's the choice in that? None whatsoever. So as I keep saying, get your vaccinations, so that babies who are not old enough for vaccinations or people who cannot get vaccinated or people who suffer from immunodeficiency (temporarily or not) will be protected. Because as is said, herd immunity is the key of keeping these life threatning diseases at bay.
Really sad to hear about her daughter :( I hope Griffin will be okay. Why are people so stupid? :/ I can't even believe we're arguing about this again.
How is it that their choice supersedes my choice? If they are willing to risk those awful illnesses why should I have to live near them? I wish they would go off and create their own communities.
Quora: As a former anti-vaxxer, what was the last straw that made you get vaccinated? This is part of the answer by Matthew Smith, grew up in an anti-vaxxer household Yup, I’m the guy you’re looking for. The unicorn…or so I’ve been told. First, some background. My father is a non-medical Doctor and has always been, in general, skeptical of the medical community. I was born in the 1970s and my father was of the opinion (I believe he learned it in school, but I suppose I’m not positive) that vaccinations are not necessary. So, yeah, as a kid, I never had shots like the other kids did. It was one of those childhood experiences that I never had to deal with. Every time I started a new school (nursery, elementary, high school, college), my father would write a letter claiming religious exemption to vaccinations. ...
... I ended up marrying a medical professional who both wanted kids and knew how I felt about vaccinations. (I’m not actually sure what she was thinking at the time; I should ask her.) We worked on getting pregnant and still hadn’t come to an agreement on vaccinations for our kids. In fact, she finally became pregnant, and we still had not come to a consensus! But, not for lack of trying. We had a baby coming in just a few months and we needed resolution, so we debated it all the time: me coming at it from the alternative medicine perspective and she coming at it from the medical one. She was able to meet all my questions with answers that I couldn’t refute. She had an explanation for all the hard “evidence” that my father had ever used to strengthen his position. (There was nothing unique here; it was all the same stuff you see any time anyone uses science against an anti-vaxxer.) But, it still all just sounded like one set of beliefs against another. ...
Load More Replies...Being sick doesn't make you anti vaccination. This lady is stupid for assuming that!
Just because someone had the disease doesn't mean they were anti vaccination. This article and anyone who agrees with its jumpy conclusion likes angry people. Sometimes people need to be revacinnated. If you assume everyone around you who is sick is anti vaccination then you personally are an a*****e and should stop commenting on random posts
She needs to get off her high-horse. Vaccines absolutely do cause devastating and irreversible effects. They are not 100% safe.
Unbearable. Even more unbearable than the supercilious, arrogant and ME ME ME anti-vaxxer who truly don't care at all about other people's children, and are too stupid to know how much of a disservice they are doing to their own. They are truly candidates for the Darwin Award. I don't want to see their children ill or worse, dead, but I want them to actually read the facts and not the fake news.
The only way a baby can be protected from diseases until they get their first vaccines is through mom's breast milk, most women cannot breastfeed their babies. The People that don't vaccinate their children are possibly causing death to other children, which makes them a murderer. Autism and Asperger's syndrome is not caused by vaccines, in our family, it is hereditary. People that want to antivax should get together with others that believe as them and set up places for them to hang out, it is called consideration for others.
Kudos to this mother for writing this awesome post! Thank you very much!
My cousin (who sadly passed away at 11) had a very compromised immune system. Jessica had many physical and mental disabilities, she physically could not get vaccines. Her immune system was so compromised she wasn't able to receive them. My Aunt had to rely on the general population to stay vaccinated. Luckily this was in the early 90s before this anti vaxer crowd came to be
tell me, out of all these "anti-vaccers" how many of them were actually vaccinated when they were children..?? l bet you about 99% of them were and they obviously never had any side effects.. so they are walking proof that vaccinating works..
I agree with her - diseases would have eliminated completely by now , but thanks to anti vaxxers - they coming back in a bad way. I think anti vaxxers need no help when they decide to do this.
😥 This is a side effect of anti vaxers that i hadn't considered. And it's 100 percent unfair. They should be made to vaccinate or leave the country.
My sister is an Anti-Vaxxer, and my 4 year old niece contacted measles and died. I do care for my sister, and I really hope that she sees that vaccines are not “evil”.
That poor mother. I can understand why she's so angry, and she's absolutely right. Anti-vaxers rely on the rest of us to survive, but they're too stupid to realize it. And the vulnerable who can't get vaccinated rely on everyone else to help protect them. More public spaces need to be made unavailable to anti-vaxers, in order to protect everyone else. This never should have happened. You either accept medical science, or you don't.
Read carefully before down voting - My son had all his vaccinations on time. Still, he caught whooping cough and was extremely ill. Because he was vaccinated, he did not die. Why is whooping cough still around? This is a strong, healthy athletic boy; our immune systems are not equal.
Vaccines guarantee not getting an illness OR getting a milder version. It is not 100%. Before the vaccine was available, I had mumps, my siblings did not. Different immune systems. My child is not a reason to not get vaccinated ------- he is a reason we must ALL be vaccinated.
Load More Replies...I am 30. When I was in school, my parents were late getting me some shot and they kicked me out of school until I got it. This was in high school, so not all that long ago. Do they really let voluntarily unvaccinated children into public schools?
Unfortunately, with the proper waiver, children are allowed to go to school un-vaccinated. It angers me to no end.
Load More Replies...Anti-vaxxers and flat earthers are in competition for World's Dumbest Fringe Group; at least believing the Earth is flat isn't causing a health crisis.
I have so much to say to this mom! IT'S NOT FROM ANTI VAXXERS!!! The ones that got the measles are actually from people that were vaccinated! Get your facts straight! Ugh, this f****n pisses me off!
And here it comes full circle. WE WHO WERE VACCINATED were exposed to measles by people WHO WEREN'T VACCINATED and therefore became carriers. So, tell me... what's the problem here, the people who weren't vaccinated and exposed all of us to the disease or the carriers who were unaware that they became a carrier?
Load More Replies...The Facebook brought the era of the "proud to be stupid" people. And the worst kind of these are the anti-vaxxers.
I hate when antivaxxers say s**t like "but MY kid has a weak immunesystem and got sick from a vaccine!" ( yes they say that s**t ), but then your kid is one of those that EVERYONE else needs to vaccinate to protect, everyone who can should, to protect those who cannot, it's not so bloody hard to understand. And now theres a movement to not vaccinate your pets aswell to avoide their dogs to get "autism", get ready for a wave of rabies. I feel theres a catch 22 moment here, on one hand, people need to vaccinate, ont he other, people should have freedom of choise...A tough pickle.
I spent many years working for a cleanroom consulting firm. We went into over a hundred biotech/pharmaceutical companies and audited their cleanliness. This involved taking samples of the air and passing them through lasers to determine the amount of particles present in a cubic foot of airspace. The lowest classification for clean rooms was sub-class 1. That means that for every cubic foot of airspace, there was less than 1 viable particle per million. The average doctor's office waiting room has over 4 million particles per cubic foot of airspace. It's not just measles, folks. A doctors office waiting room is one of the most dangerous places to be if you are immunocompromised. If someone is really that worried about what they or their child may pick up in there...by all means...protect yourself. Go in, check in, then wait outside...or use masks.
"Anti-vaxxer" HYSTERIA is gripping our nation in exactly the same manner as McCarthyism. I challenge all of you to actually do some research of your own into the efficacy of vaccines, their ingredients, the profits of the corporations, and the numbers of children who were injured by them. I dare you! Remember governments lie! Corporations lie! And people with power and money will do ANYTHING to get more power and money. ANYTHING! This is no longer about safety, it is about hate.
I'm still waiting on my "Big Pharma Check" for vaccinating my entire family! (Eyeroll)
Load More Replies...I'm very sorry for your loss. Life is hard. Here's the thing, there is a lot of credible science and a strong argument that components of repeat vaccines can trigger autism. All my children are vaccinated, but I certainly felt I was rolling the dice. Since then I've also noted along with many others the parallel increase in Autism rates. To be so emotive as to dismiss the argument as evil isn't constructive. Doctors waiting rooms, hospitals, are dangerous places. 90 minutes wait time?...
There is no CREDIBLE source that connects vaccines with autism. What there has been credible proof of, is the definition change from "autism" to "autism spectrum disorder" which encompasses more diagnoses, therefore more of the population. ALSO, there has been worldwide recognition of symptoms that were not diagnosed 10 or 20 years ago. You should be more concerned with fast food your children eat and the multitude of hormones, antibiotics, processed chemicals and pesticides they ingest on a daily basis than vaccines.
Load More Replies...How about not taking your 15 day old kid out in the public and this wouldn't happen! With my babies, I didn't take them out until they were closer to 2 or 3 months old!
I'm all for Vaccinations. However I'm also for culling the herd. So Live or death is okay with me since I don't care if I live or die. where is my moon base. Lets spreed the the human disease to the stars already and get away from the morons who think the earth is flat.
No, she was angry that someone allowed their unvaccinated child to go to a place full of (pre-existing) immune-compromised children. It's not the child's fault, but their parents are putting others at risk.
Load More Replies...It said he didn't (thankfully) after the post.
Load More Replies...Well... What the heck has this all in common with this mum's story?
Load More Replies...Attention: Troll alert! TJler is a troll. His BP score is -3,200. Don't feed the trolls, just down vote them until they disappear from the feed.
Load More Replies...Because it wouldn't have been a place full of sick people if it weren't for anti vaxers.
Load More Replies...This how I believe the government and society should handle the antivac situation. You have the right to not vaccinate. That's cool. But if you choose to exercise this right you lose the ability to access all social systems. No school, no hospital, no well fair, no food stamps, no right to mount a defense in the court system, no tax return, no access to local government infrastructure, no parks, no license, no access to roads, no 911 services. No access to any local government, State or federal government subsidizes aspect of our wourld. You should be issued a phone that can only call the CDC so when you decide you can't live like that you call them , they come out and give all your shots. And only after they concluded you aren't carrying and illness that could spread to the public, THEN and only then do you get to join the real world.
back in the days when vaccines were seen as miracle drugs, no child who wasn't vaccinated could attend school or go to public places. We WILL need to get back there as this continues, the anti vaxxers and others like them have gone backwards Complacency is what happened as we were free from childhood communicable diseases. I began my nursing career in the 1950s, I saw what those diseases did to children and don't want to think of it happening again.
Load More Replies...I have my certification in holistic medicine. And even I think every child should be vaccinated
Why isn't this manslaughter? Do anti vaxxers not realize that their child can potentially kill another child? This is ridiculous. Vaccinate your kids! I have a mild form of autism, but am college educated, work full time, am independent, and guess what...I'm vaccinated!
People go to jail over Knowingly spreading HIV, why not extend that to parents that knowingly endanger other children with diseases the human race has developed a defense to. Also for those f***s that think Autistic kids are a symptom, I think they are a cure to the drama human condition. Have you hung out with those human calculators. Their only issue is dealing with emotions. I could use more of that s**t. F**k emotions.
Load More Replies...My daughter passed away from SIDS at 4 1/2 months and when I posted my hysterical grief online anti-vaxxers blamed me for her death for getting her vaccinated. No thought to my overwhelming despair, no care that I will never know what killed my gorgeous baby girl... just hatred from a group of ignorant, ill-informed people. Because that's exactly what I needed in the days... months and YEARS after her passing - blame.
I am so sorry, that must have been awful. Lack of compassion is part of their problem.
Load More Replies...I think we need to create a walled community of anti-vaxxers at least 100 miles from the nearest town where they can live but not be able to leave unless they and their kids get vaccinated.
Or we could just fine them for not vaccinating.
Load More Replies...They should invent a stupidity vaccine. And give people no other option but to choose between this vaccine and all the other vaccines.
My friend has a shirt that says 'Too bad there's not a vaccine for STUPIDITY' because she has like 1.5 arms and people give her s**t and she just dabs on the haters
Load More Replies...Not vaccinating your child should be considered child abuse. NO EXCEPTIONS!!! Everyone is vaccinated, no choice, unless the child/adult has a disease/illness that makes them unable to be vaccinated. I had Guillian Barre syndrome and now there are vaccines I can't recieve. I have to rely on others to vaccinate. So do many of us!!! PLEASE VACCINATE!!!!!
This also pisses me off very, very much. I got chicken pox while pregnant with my daughter. I was lucky that I got it in a "safer" period during the pregnancy, and it all ended up ok. I had a big fight about one of my colleagues that is a "vegan anti vax" with a friend of hers. Her friend was very "everyone should be allowed do what they want.. bla bla". yes, I agree, everyone should be able to do what they want AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT AFFECT EVERYONE ELSE. I would never wish this on anyone, but if they're not affected by it, they'll never learn.
Don't lump all vegans into anti vaxxers please! I've been a vegan most of my life, am a Registered Nurse, and certainly know the benefits of vaccination. People who believe vaccinations cause autism are horribly wrong and ill informed. They do not. They are child abusers who don't care about their children's health and safety. I've had all my vaccinations and think that again there should be laws to that make stupid parents vaccinate their children.
Load More Replies...Damn anti-vaxxers! wake up! Those parents allowing their kids spread whatever they might have don´t realize the damage they are causing...
The sad thing is that these words mean nothing to those who think anti-vaccination is the "correct" attitude. They simply do not care. Thus, I rather advocate precautions. Some doctors have separate waiting rooms for children below 2 and the older ones; this makes much sense to me.
My doctor's practice includes all ages from babies to seniors. No unvaccinated people are allowed through the door to the waiting room. He and his partners will not treat unvaccinated people, and they make that very clear from the moment you first contact them. I'm seeing more and more doctors are doing this, and it's a wonderful thing.
Load More Replies...How is it that a certain governments can make feeding your child a vegan diet as criminal and yet let those same children live on junk food unhindered while at the same time saying getting vaccinated as being a choice. When the actions of one person can greatly affect or damage another person, it should be considered a crime. The only people that should be allowed out of vaccinations are those that cannot be vaccinate due to compromised immune systems. This should not be a choice for them to opt out. I always remember the episode of "House" when he dealt with an anti-vaxx mom that said she wouldn't vaccinate her baby because it was scare tactics used by big pharma to make money. Houses response "You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins. You can get them in frog green or fire engine red. "
I've gotta admit that being charged with a crime for feeding your child a vegan diet is stupid as s**t, that doesn't kill you? as long as you provide nutrition? but vaccinations need to be manditory.
Load More Replies...Anti-vaxxers should be sent to live on an isolated island, all together. Then maybe they would understand the importance of herd immunity.
@Maria Hermida But some people CAN'T get vaccinated because they are immunocompromised or allergic. If people vaccinate, they're fine because of herd immunity. But when there's so many anti-vaxxers out there, they can get easily preventable diseases.
Load More Replies...And what about the countless others that WERE NOT measles free and died or developed other trauma? The point is still a valid one!!
Load More Replies...Sadly it will probably take a few major outbreaks amongst the unvaccinated resulting in deaths and lifelong complications for the message to get through to these ignorant idiots. I wonder - if the if the antivaxxers could UN-immunise themselves - would they?
Still, unless it hit close to home, they would remain self-righteous. No matter how many people died.
Load More Replies...How come all comments here are downvoted, both those supporting and opposing the story? o_O
I have written repeatedly that the anti-vaccinations crowd along with people who believe: 1) The earth is flat 2) Young earth creationism 3) Global warming is a myth 4) GMO's are dangerous 5) The moon landing was fake 6) AIDS is a man made disease 7) Doctors are sitting on a cure for cancer 8) The oil companies will not allow the creation of a car that runs on water or get 150 mpg etc. 9) Homeopathy and other alternative medicines. Are denying the reality that science is the one way to discover existing truths in the world. To deny science is to hinder science.
You should look harder at #8. If you think Exxon, BP and Shell using their money to protect their investment is some kind of wild conspiracy, then you’re laughably wrong in terms of simple logic and in terms of business savvy and in terms of minimal effort into researching your claims. Plenty of public information - you can find court docs and reports from reputable sites on how some companies spread misinformation about electric cars, or lobby to block legislature on fuel efficiency. And more.
Load More Replies...Anti vaxxers shouldn't be allowed to have kids. It's f*****g child abuse. You're letting your child die.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I especially love the part of trusting google over science and doctors.
My child was vaccinated. My child has autism. The two are not connected, no matter what some celebrity yahoo thinks. And even if there was a connection, I would not trade my amazing son for anything. If nothing else, my son is protecting others that he is around, because he has been vaccinated.
I don't know why you've been downvoted. People need to hear this.
Load More Replies...These posts are horrible and sad, but unfortunately so necessary to get people to realize what they are doing is hurting their child. And even then, people refuse to believe that vaccines could have saved those children that die
Amazing, there are people who are unable to understand simple science. They are ignorant and selfish.
Load More Replies...If you all haven’t been vaccinated. And ...and... should you become pregnant? Yay! Getting the German measles while pregnant will and do cause preterm abortions, and if the child lives and is born, the event of severe disabilities is high, making them compromised. And it’s open season on your new kid, as no one you knows, vaccinate either! So, you may lose your new baby. And on and on. I can’t make it any clearer. THE CHANCE OF ANY SIDE EFFECT FROM A VACCINE, IS SO LOW, AND THE RISK OF DEATH OR OTHER PERMANENT PROBLEMS FORM HAVING THESE DISEASES, SO HIGH, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE CHILDREN, IF YOU ARENT WILLING TO DO ANYTHING, TO SAVE THEIR LIVES... AND IF YOU WOULD? Then f*****g vaccinate your children. Now.
I think, she is absolutely correct. Anti vaccine people need to be dealt with. But first, dig up all the documentation for these diseases from the past, when there was no vaccines! People knew then it was a deadly situation for children the elderly and anyone who contracted them! So many people died, mostly children. Then, make it a law for every state to require vaccines to be given to each child, on a schedule. If the parents refuse, send them back to the past, as in no school, no doctors that vaccinate, no care in a hospital if they get one of these preventable diseases. The parents care for them at home, with just what they have, at home. Because they would expose hundreds, by going to an emergency room! So, you want to not vaccinate? Then you keep your kid at home 24/7, because the elderly and immune compromised and new babies, don’t want to die, because you were stupid and refused to protect your family and community. I don’t want to be around you or your family ...
I remember being sent next door to catch measles on purpose at about age 10, so that I could get immunity before reaching childbearing age. Now I've found out that the measles vaccine was actually available in Canada in 1963, several years earlier. So I didn't actually have to be miserably sick for a week. Thanks Mom!
"Unfortunately I think the only way these ppl can be reached is for their unvaccinated child to die..." Nope, sorry, some of them don't even learn after that happens. There was a couple in Alberta Canada whose child died of meningitis because they treated it with herbal remedies and garlic, only taking him to a hospital when it was too late. They got charged with failing to provide the necessities of life and they STILL DON'T GET IT. The father goes on Facebook to rant about how the authorities are interfering with their rights. Google David and Collet Stephan.
A friend of mine was bragging that her children were never immunized and they never got sick! I told her in no uncertain terms the reason they did not is because everyone else in the classroom had been immunized. So don't think you were right. Others that cared enough did and so may have saved her children's lives.
Could this news story help? : Anti-vax family's lives destroyed after they started a measles epidemic. The health department issued a public exposure alert, with names. The story becomes national news as more victims are found, some across the country. Their name makes headlines with each new victim. Will those same movie stars come to their rescue? Will it be a wake up call to other anti-vax families, this could be you! Nope, their identity is protected, there isn't a consequence for spreading illness or killing others. We are at risk because of their stupidity. What if we handled drunk driving this way?
My son lives in Washington state while I'm in Chicago, and talk about feeling helpless!!! I hope Griffin is forever okay!!!
I was a sickly child growing up. I can only imagine what life would have been like had I been an unvaccinated sickly child. Vaccinating your child is just protecting your child it's protecting other people's children as well. Instead of listening to a bunch of celebrities, listen to legitimate medical professionals.
Affects so many more than just your kids, and you chose to ignore this fact also. I feel sorry and worried for your kids, as their future, is questionable, and might be cut short, because you loved them so much, you refused to vaccinate them. Think about that. You say you would die for your kid, but.. are willing to let them have all kinds of problems or die, because you “Love” them. That, kind of love, is deadly.
So, bottom line, we are not in the dark ages, and medical science break throughs, like vaccines,are available! Natural immunity only comes from surviving the diseases. But they all come with high prices. Death, encephalopathy, brain damage, deafness, blindness as a result from the high fevers from the disease. Seizures. So, if you are willing to let and I mean, chose to let, your kids go through this, because you don’t want them vaccinated, then I will question your parental judgement, and ability to care properly for your kids. It is a real conundrum to me, how, you “ love your child/ children sooooo much”, and would let them possibly die or become disabled, all because you didn’t want them vaccinated. As a nurse, if I could, I’d take you to court and have your kids taken away, they deserve so much better than a parent who ignores sound medical advice, and is willing to let them die, from love, because you don’t want them vaccinated. Yes, I am judging you, because your choice,..
I also think, they lose their right to go after, or accuse someone for “ infecting “ their child/children with a disease preventable by being vaccinated. You, as a “ parent” ,are choosing not to protect your child from these diseases. And if your child is infected with a communicable and preventable disease, then you should expect to have your house and family members quarantined, until they are back to health, or die. And also, until any other unvaccinated family members have had the disease. So.. to put it bluntly, no one in your home, leaves the house for any reason, until the disease has run its course with everyone. And as the eldest of four girls, that’s pretty much what my mom had to do when one of us came home with the measles or chicken pox. It was the 60’s, so there was only a polio and small pox vaccine. Which we all got. But my mother took care of four sick girls, for8 weeks, at home, so as to not infect any classmates or people. We all lived, but it was pure misery .
It's free choice of not vaccination, that's great, but... wait... that means that other people get sick or get handicaped (or even possibly die) because of your free choice not to get vaccinated... where's the choice in that? None whatsoever. So as I keep saying, get your vaccinations, so that babies who are not old enough for vaccinations or people who cannot get vaccinated or people who suffer from immunodeficiency (temporarily or not) will be protected. Because as is said, herd immunity is the key of keeping these life threatning diseases at bay.
Really sad to hear about her daughter :( I hope Griffin will be okay. Why are people so stupid? :/ I can't even believe we're arguing about this again.
How is it that their choice supersedes my choice? If they are willing to risk those awful illnesses why should I have to live near them? I wish they would go off and create their own communities.
Quora: As a former anti-vaxxer, what was the last straw that made you get vaccinated? This is part of the answer by Matthew Smith, grew up in an anti-vaxxer household Yup, I’m the guy you’re looking for. The unicorn…or so I’ve been told. First, some background. My father is a non-medical Doctor and has always been, in general, skeptical of the medical community. I was born in the 1970s and my father was of the opinion (I believe he learned it in school, but I suppose I’m not positive) that vaccinations are not necessary. So, yeah, as a kid, I never had shots like the other kids did. It was one of those childhood experiences that I never had to deal with. Every time I started a new school (nursery, elementary, high school, college), my father would write a letter claiming religious exemption to vaccinations. ...
... I ended up marrying a medical professional who both wanted kids and knew how I felt about vaccinations. (I’m not actually sure what she was thinking at the time; I should ask her.) We worked on getting pregnant and still hadn’t come to an agreement on vaccinations for our kids. In fact, she finally became pregnant, and we still had not come to a consensus! But, not for lack of trying. We had a baby coming in just a few months and we needed resolution, so we debated it all the time: me coming at it from the alternative medicine perspective and she coming at it from the medical one. She was able to meet all my questions with answers that I couldn’t refute. She had an explanation for all the hard “evidence” that my father had ever used to strengthen his position. (There was nothing unique here; it was all the same stuff you see any time anyone uses science against an anti-vaxxer.) But, it still all just sounded like one set of beliefs against another. ...
Load More Replies...Being sick doesn't make you anti vaccination. This lady is stupid for assuming that!
Just because someone had the disease doesn't mean they were anti vaccination. This article and anyone who agrees with its jumpy conclusion likes angry people. Sometimes people need to be revacinnated. If you assume everyone around you who is sick is anti vaccination then you personally are an a*****e and should stop commenting on random posts
She needs to get off her high-horse. Vaccines absolutely do cause devastating and irreversible effects. They are not 100% safe.
Unbearable. Even more unbearable than the supercilious, arrogant and ME ME ME anti-vaxxer who truly don't care at all about other people's children, and are too stupid to know how much of a disservice they are doing to their own. They are truly candidates for the Darwin Award. I don't want to see their children ill or worse, dead, but I want them to actually read the facts and not the fake news.
The only way a baby can be protected from diseases until they get their first vaccines is through mom's breast milk, most women cannot breastfeed their babies. The People that don't vaccinate their children are possibly causing death to other children, which makes them a murderer. Autism and Asperger's syndrome is not caused by vaccines, in our family, it is hereditary. People that want to antivax should get together with others that believe as them and set up places for them to hang out, it is called consideration for others.
Kudos to this mother for writing this awesome post! Thank you very much!
My cousin (who sadly passed away at 11) had a very compromised immune system. Jessica had many physical and mental disabilities, she physically could not get vaccines. Her immune system was so compromised she wasn't able to receive them. My Aunt had to rely on the general population to stay vaccinated. Luckily this was in the early 90s before this anti vaxer crowd came to be
tell me, out of all these "anti-vaccers" how many of them were actually vaccinated when they were children..?? l bet you about 99% of them were and they obviously never had any side effects.. so they are walking proof that vaccinating works..
I agree with her - diseases would have eliminated completely by now , but thanks to anti vaxxers - they coming back in a bad way. I think anti vaxxers need no help when they decide to do this.
😥 This is a side effect of anti vaxers that i hadn't considered. And it's 100 percent unfair. They should be made to vaccinate or leave the country.
My sister is an Anti-Vaxxer, and my 4 year old niece contacted measles and died. I do care for my sister, and I really hope that she sees that vaccines are not “evil”.
That poor mother. I can understand why she's so angry, and she's absolutely right. Anti-vaxers rely on the rest of us to survive, but they're too stupid to realize it. And the vulnerable who can't get vaccinated rely on everyone else to help protect them. More public spaces need to be made unavailable to anti-vaxers, in order to protect everyone else. This never should have happened. You either accept medical science, or you don't.
Read carefully before down voting - My son had all his vaccinations on time. Still, he caught whooping cough and was extremely ill. Because he was vaccinated, he did not die. Why is whooping cough still around? This is a strong, healthy athletic boy; our immune systems are not equal.
Vaccines guarantee not getting an illness OR getting a milder version. It is not 100%. Before the vaccine was available, I had mumps, my siblings did not. Different immune systems. My child is not a reason to not get vaccinated ------- he is a reason we must ALL be vaccinated.
Load More Replies...I am 30. When I was in school, my parents were late getting me some shot and they kicked me out of school until I got it. This was in high school, so not all that long ago. Do they really let voluntarily unvaccinated children into public schools?
Unfortunately, with the proper waiver, children are allowed to go to school un-vaccinated. It angers me to no end.
Load More Replies...Anti-vaxxers and flat earthers are in competition for World's Dumbest Fringe Group; at least believing the Earth is flat isn't causing a health crisis.
I have so much to say to this mom! IT'S NOT FROM ANTI VAXXERS!!! The ones that got the measles are actually from people that were vaccinated! Get your facts straight! Ugh, this f****n pisses me off!
And here it comes full circle. WE WHO WERE VACCINATED were exposed to measles by people WHO WEREN'T VACCINATED and therefore became carriers. So, tell me... what's the problem here, the people who weren't vaccinated and exposed all of us to the disease or the carriers who were unaware that they became a carrier?
Load More Replies...The Facebook brought the era of the "proud to be stupid" people. And the worst kind of these are the anti-vaxxers.
I hate when antivaxxers say s**t like "but MY kid has a weak immunesystem and got sick from a vaccine!" ( yes they say that s**t ), but then your kid is one of those that EVERYONE else needs to vaccinate to protect, everyone who can should, to protect those who cannot, it's not so bloody hard to understand. And now theres a movement to not vaccinate your pets aswell to avoide their dogs to get "autism", get ready for a wave of rabies. I feel theres a catch 22 moment here, on one hand, people need to vaccinate, ont he other, people should have freedom of choise...A tough pickle.
I spent many years working for a cleanroom consulting firm. We went into over a hundred biotech/pharmaceutical companies and audited their cleanliness. This involved taking samples of the air and passing them through lasers to determine the amount of particles present in a cubic foot of airspace. The lowest classification for clean rooms was sub-class 1. That means that for every cubic foot of airspace, there was less than 1 viable particle per million. The average doctor's office waiting room has over 4 million particles per cubic foot of airspace. It's not just measles, folks. A doctors office waiting room is one of the most dangerous places to be if you are immunocompromised. If someone is really that worried about what they or their child may pick up in there...by all means...protect yourself. Go in, check in, then wait outside...or use masks.
"Anti-vaxxer" HYSTERIA is gripping our nation in exactly the same manner as McCarthyism. I challenge all of you to actually do some research of your own into the efficacy of vaccines, their ingredients, the profits of the corporations, and the numbers of children who were injured by them. I dare you! Remember governments lie! Corporations lie! And people with power and money will do ANYTHING to get more power and money. ANYTHING! This is no longer about safety, it is about hate.
I'm still waiting on my "Big Pharma Check" for vaccinating my entire family! (Eyeroll)
Load More Replies...I'm very sorry for your loss. Life is hard. Here's the thing, there is a lot of credible science and a strong argument that components of repeat vaccines can trigger autism. All my children are vaccinated, but I certainly felt I was rolling the dice. Since then I've also noted along with many others the parallel increase in Autism rates. To be so emotive as to dismiss the argument as evil isn't constructive. Doctors waiting rooms, hospitals, are dangerous places. 90 minutes wait time?...
There is no CREDIBLE source that connects vaccines with autism. What there has been credible proof of, is the definition change from "autism" to "autism spectrum disorder" which encompasses more diagnoses, therefore more of the population. ALSO, there has been worldwide recognition of symptoms that were not diagnosed 10 or 20 years ago. You should be more concerned with fast food your children eat and the multitude of hormones, antibiotics, processed chemicals and pesticides they ingest on a daily basis than vaccines.
Load More Replies...How about not taking your 15 day old kid out in the public and this wouldn't happen! With my babies, I didn't take them out until they were closer to 2 or 3 months old!
I'm all for Vaccinations. However I'm also for culling the herd. So Live or death is okay with me since I don't care if I live or die. where is my moon base. Lets spreed the the human disease to the stars already and get away from the morons who think the earth is flat.
No, she was angry that someone allowed their unvaccinated child to go to a place full of (pre-existing) immune-compromised children. It's not the child's fault, but their parents are putting others at risk.
Load More Replies...It said he didn't (thankfully) after the post.
Load More Replies...Well... What the heck has this all in common with this mum's story?
Load More Replies...Attention: Troll alert! TJler is a troll. His BP score is -3,200. Don't feed the trolls, just down vote them until they disappear from the feed.
Load More Replies...Because it wouldn't have been a place full of sick people if it weren't for anti vaxers.
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