Anti-Vaxxer Tries To Shut Down People Who Are Pro-Vaccine, Gets A Perfect Comeback
Just 2 weeks after a shocking incident fiercely reignited the vaccination debate, another blow has been dealt with the anti-vaxxer firewall after a genius analogy against their logic (or lack of any common sense) went viral.
The widely-shared image, which compares vaccination to a bridge and disease to crocodile-infested waters, came accompanied by a short Facebook debate – the brevity of which was only due to an anti-vaccine commentator being brutally shut down by a science blog. The savage comeback was caught on screenshots and posted on Imgur, where it quickly made the front page with over 11 thousand upvotes.
Vaccine-preventable diseases are still a threat to children, notably measles, which has made a frightening comeback in the US and Europe. If this, paired with the plethora of research confirming vaccines to be safe and necessary, doesn’t serve as enough pro-vaccine ammo in your next argument over the issue, use this post as one of the best comebacks possible.
This analogy against ‘anti-vaxxer logic’ is going viral, and it’s reigniting an important discussion
Reactions from other users were overwhelmingly in support of the pro-vaxxer’s shattering argument
What do you think? Does the bridge analogy accurately describe the vaccine debate? Weigh in below!
Share on FacebookHonestly, if you would rather allow your child to die from an illness that can be prevented instead of running the risk of developing autism (which has been shown to be false time and time again), you don't deserve to be a parent. It's that simple. And as for the ones who don't want "poison" put into their children's bodies: you better lock them in a damn closet so they never touch alcohol, drugs, or any other form of medication.
Yep. Also, the "study" that linked vaccines and autism was penned by Andrew Wakefield, a legally proven FRAUD. Seriously, if anyone is anti-vaccines, they should look at the actual evidence. The man lied, and everyone in the medical community knows he lied, and now he gets money from foolish people because he lies and tells them the conspiracies they want to hear. To any conspiracy theorists: just because you don't trust the government doesn't mean you should trust everyone who says something bad about them. We don't die from illnesses like smallpox that often now BECAUSE of vaccines, not in spite of them, and the increase in autism diagnoses is mostly down to the changing definition of what is considered autism rather than autism actually just making a sudden appearance (psychology is very complex and requires frequent changes in medical diagnosis and practice based on new discoveries and research).
Load More Replies...The analogy doesn't necessarily go into the part of how the anti-vaxxers choice of swimming through that water affects all pro-vaxxers whose children aren't even old enough to get vaccinated or already have health issues that requires a different vaccination schedule (like, there are vaccinations that cover multiple diseases at once, but due to health circumstances, the person in question can't get the single shot but instead needs to get the vaccination for one disease at a time spread out over time). And a random, but relevant side story: Back when I was in high school, I had a teacher whose daughter was born deaf because one of her students had measles or chicken pox. Apparently, they weren't visible, but they were still contagious. to this day, the story stuck with me.
Omg yes this! Finally someone said it at the start of the comments.
Load More Replies...Forget the bridge analogy. It leaves out one key part of the pro vac truth. The stupid people think unvaccinated people who didn't get disease is proof of their cause. The only reason their kids didn't get sick is because WE (the pro vac approximately 90%) vaccinated our kids to protect their stupid kids!!! If most of society is vaccinated, it prevents large outbreaks. If everyone was unvaccinated we would have huge outbreaks of disease and death and then the selfish people would change their tune quickly! Yes their are very slight risks (but not for autism; studies have shown a review of home videos show the infant showed signs of autism before receiving first set of vaccines). But the risk is there and a child can die an agonizing death from pertussis or meningitis. These diseases are still around, don't be ignorant. And remember, all you anti vacs....the more you push your agenda and there are more people refusing vaccines.....the higher chance you have of your child dying.
i uh honestly don't quite grasp this anti vaxx thing. in my country,we are a developing 3rd world country in south east asia,it is known to vaxx our kids. we have been doing it since long ago and still doing it today.
"Your child will develop autism if you get them vaccinated" has been proven false so many times. Even if it was true, would you rather have your child develop autism or have them die from an illness that was treatable?
I think some of the anti-vaxxers are more like, "I don't need to use the bridge because the magical invisible being I believe in will pick me up and carry me over the water so the alligators don't eat me."
I am tired of hearing how the family of anti vaxers crossed the"river of crocodiles with minor injuries" (got the diseases but lived ) only to be disabled by a fate worse than imaginary autism. I.E. blindness, deafness, brain damage, sterility, heart disease (Rubella), decreased immunity in general, retardation, I can go on.
Load More Replies...I am pro-vac. I have had the adult boosters as recommended. I wish chicken pox vax existed in the 80's when I caught it in High School. I can't imagine a child being forced to go through that just because their parents think it "makes them stronger" and it's a "simple disease". I have deep pock scars on my face, and shingles to look forward to because science wasn't fast enough.
I have scars as well as do many friends my age. I was so happy my daughter could be immunized.
Load More Replies...This is as stupid as a family who my daughter went to school with there daughter. There daughter had a bad appendix and they didnt want her to be operated on ,they were or are jehovah witness. The doctor went to the judge in town and they were forced to finally let the doctor operate, the little girl almost died and was in the hospital for months from peritonitis due to there stupidity . Same thing with people not giving there kids shots , i dont believe they should allow anyone in school , any school or even home schooled unless they have there shots.
.. their ... not there. There indicates a location, not people or an individual person.
Load More Replies...Some people fall off the bridge, and get eaten by crocodiles, you know. This was hilarious.
And the parts about "they knew a bridge that collapsed" and how a quick google of bridges taught them everything known about bridges.
Load More Replies...Antivaxxers actually DEPEND on provaxxers. It's called "herd immunity" AV parents depend on the PV kids to protect their kids from flu, measles and chickenpox! (And don't give me that b******t about "they're just childhood diseases" measles can cause blindness and the flu killed hundreds and thousands of people)
If you do not VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN and they get one of the diseases prevented by vaccines and die YOU SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH MURDER!!! You do not pass go and you do not collect your $200's because you murdered your child.
I like the response from the woman who said that she'd still vaccinate her autistic son, even if she believed they cause autism, because that's better than him having polio. I've been saying that all along... The majority of people who have autism still can have a happy life, even relatively normal ones... Which is not going to be the case if you die at 2 from the fracking measles or whatever...
Turn off Caps Lock. That's for the other side. It makes one seem unhinged. #vaccinate
Load More Replies...I think, that if you don't vaccinate your children, and they die? From an illness they would never have gotten if vaccinated? It should be considered negligent homicide. You know they could possibly die, yet you don't protect them, then, they die, you are at fault.
If you don't want the vaccine,then don't get it---but STFU when something happens !!!!
The problem with that is that you may not get the disease, but you may spread it to someone who hasn't had the chance to be vaccinated yet, or who can't be vaccinated due to other medical concerns (such as having to take immuno-suppressive drugs). YOU may not suffer, but an innocent party may suffer or die.
Load More Replies...Wow, love the analogies. The bridge, the crocodile infested waters... lol - can you idiots get it right please. The people who built the bridge are the people who built the sewer systems, improved nutrition, housing conditions etc. They and this is UNDENIABLE - I mean seriously if you deny this you believe the earth is flat and the earth is the center of the Universe lol - are the reason that disease is not running rife as it did before these "saviors" improved sanitation and health. Vaccines practically didn't do anything in comparison. Polio? are you serious? these days it is more likely you will get polio from the vaccine or as they now term it NPAFP. If small pox vaccines wiped out small pox with a minimal number of the world population being vaccinated then why the f&%K haven't vaccines been able to replicate this for measles which is just as contagious or polio etc etc etc etc etc???? Don't try to claim bridges that you didn't build. You make yourselves look incredibly stupid.
the people who are Anti-vax choose to be a part of something they think is making a statement for or against (what they might consider) being forced to par-take in and its ignorant, uneducated and quite selfish on their part because they are putting the general population whoHAVE & HAS gotten vaccinated as well as their children in danger. i feel that if you live in the united states of America OR you are TRYING to come into the united states in ANYWAY for ANY reason vaccination NEEDS to be part of that whole process. And there should Not be any kind of "loop-hole" ie: religion, beliefs, ethnicity, origins, race, color, creed or ANY other excuse for people NOT to have to do it and jeopardize EVERYBODY else who are trying to keep all of the diseases the vaccines eliminate from becoming an uncontrolled problem AGAIN. This should NOT be something that's optional. I absolutely think that the bridge analogy and the comments are a perfect way to politely voice how crucial it is to do
This reminded me to google adult vaccination boosters - which, btw, the CDC recommends being done periodically to ensure protection. It seems reasonable considering that we cannot avoid being around anti-vaxxers and/or their children (who are in the minority, btw, but are unlikely to make those around them aware of their unprotected status). We aren't responsible for what others do or don't do, but we all should at least learn what we can do to protect ourselves and others.
To those who have read about the children who suffered a severe reaction to a vaccine: is there a source of information on what would have happened if they had caught the actual disease? My theory is the outcome would be the same. Based on vaccines being "watered down" versions of the target disease. And minor reactions b eing the body's immune system doing what it is programmed to do. And I am omitting the instances of illness caused by vaccines that have been inspected and found contaminated ,compromised or expired.
Brilliant comebacks! I just don't get the (il)logic of anti-vaxxers. Have they ever seen the old "Why didn't my parents get me Salk shots" cartoon showing a boy on crutches watching his friends frolic? That is my main problem with Green party candidate Jill Stein.
It's the MMR vaccine that causes autism. That's ONE specific vaccine. Most "anti-vaxxers" aren't saying abolish all vaccines, so the snarky overgeneralized insults really just make you look r******d. Oh and the CDC falsified the results of their study on the MMR vaccine, look it up. Facts > Snarky Analogies
Nope. The MMR does not cause autism. Wakefield has a patent on his own MMR vaccine. He needed to find a way to discredit the current MMR vaccine, so he could market his own vaccine. That's why he committed fraud, during, and abused the children he used for, his 'research'.
Load More Replies...If VAX so safe, why has the VAX court paid out 100's of millions of dollars to vax injury cases? The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ("Vaccine Program") comprises Part 2 of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 ("Vaccine Act"). See Pub. L. No. 99-660, 100 Stat. 3755 (1986) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to -34). The Vaccine Act became effective October 1, 1988. It establishes the Vaccine Program as a no-fault compensation program whereby petitions for monetary compensation may be brought by or on behalf of persons allegedly suffering injury or death as a result of the administration of certain compulsory childhood vaccines. They settle the autism cases so never had to admit wrong doing......sealed by courts and can't be used in regular courts. SO SAFE http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/vaccine-program-readmore
The point is everyone has a choice to swim or use the bridge...everyone should have the choice to vaccinate or not. Vaccines have never been proven to be safe, not one study done shows they are 100% safe without any adverse effects. So everyone should have the freedom to weigh the risks and make that decision. Vaccines are "medicine" and all medicine comes with risks, as does driving a car or jumping out of plane. Everyone gets to make that choice to get in a car or jump from a plane, the choice to vaccinate or not should remain up to the individual not the government. I am vaccine injured and the government shouldn't be able to force me to get more vaccines because if I was allergic to penicillin they wouldn't force me to take it again. It's all about freedom of choice, say no to medical tyranny.
Can I sue the bridge manufacturer if a defect causes my death, or do I have to go through some crazy kangaroo court that protects bridge manufacturers from liability?
No need. There is virtually no chance you will ever need to worry about that. And even if you were (not at all likely) there are no kangaroo courts.
Load More Replies...Bad analogy. A better one using a bridge. You are advised to use the bridge even though you don't need to go to the other side. You can't see the other side. Others that have used the bridge have not come back. Most of the ones that use the bridge come back with some form injury, often severe, in fact, the bridge builder has paid out billions of dollars for injuries. The bridge maker never proved the safety of the bridge. In fact, everyone that recommends using the bridge to nowhere but death or injury is paid handsomely to recommend it. The bridge spans water that has been crossed safely for centuries, only causing harm when it was allowed to be contaminated with feces. Since the water is now returned to its original clean state, it is perfectly safe to wade across, and it is much cheaper on society at large. Intelligent people are opting out of the bridge because serious questions about the bridge are not being answered th their satisfaction. How is that?
Wow The truly stupid and ignorant have come out in droves on this ridiculous analogy haven't they. I think this 'analogy' is a test to see who is stupid and gullible enough to agree with it. Scary and disturbing how many people have failed that test
Here's the CDC's Adult Vaccine Schedule!
Let's go pro-vaccine parents—Don't Be Hypocrites!
If you think vaccines are a good idea for your children, then surely they have to be good for you too! You wouldn't subject your children to medical treatments you wouldn't get yourself, now would you?
And get them all in one day—like infants do—and let us know how that works out for you.
For your convenience, Costco is fully stocked with your favorite vaccines!
http://www.costco.com/Pharmacy/adult-immunization-program.html Vaccine-Ad...bb654f.jpg
Many of the adults who are pro-vaccine have already been vaccinated as children. As for subjecting children to medical treatments which you wouldn't get yourself - does that mean if a child has acute appendicitis, they should not be allowed to have the operation until one of the parents has?
Load More Replies...The Catones: the DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and acellular Pertussis) vaccine led to their son's death. Nick Catone lashed out at the vaccine industry in an 800-plus word post made on June 27, and his page has been inundated with words of support as well as similar stories of kids whose health took a serious turn for the worse following vaccinations. http://althealthworks.com/13231/this-happened-to-the-wrong-family-former-ufc-fighter-speaks-out-against-vaccines-for-alleged-role-in-sons-tragic-death/
No one is saying that there isn't a minuscule incidence of complications, some of them severe, from vaccines, as with any beneficial medical treatment. But the frequency is incredibly rare, far more rare than the consequences of the diseases that the vaccines prevent. Prior to the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics, our life expectancy was 20-30 years less than it is now, and that isn't because we died at 40, it's because most humans didn't survive childhood. Now the leading causes of death have nothing to do with infectious disease in the developed world. 1 out of a 100,000 will have a reaction to vaccines, and most of those will be mild. I survived measles and mumps as a child, genital warts and shingles as an adult. You bet I get vaccines at every opportunity.
Load More Replies...So much for vaccines eradicating disease: Toddler survives smallpox vaccine shedding reaction (Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/article/us-smallpox-boy-idUSN1744524120070518
Video of baby 'suffering up to 14 seizures a day' after getting the Meningitis B vaccination http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/parents-shocking-video-baby-suffering-9447899.amp
The thing about vaccines causing autism is that it does happen, but only in extreme circumstances. Often with very young kids in very bad physical condition, just that tiny bit of illness that your immune system can usually kill without effort is surprisingly strong, and can push the body over the edge, which is when autism can occur. And since vaccines are literally injecting the tiniest bit of a bacteria's membrane into your body for the immune system to remember, it is actually slightly dangerous if your immune system is ridiculously weak. SO only vaccinate your kids at a time when they are in at least decent physical condition.
Actually, it has never happened. I'm sorry you fell for the hoax.
Load More Replies...Here's the CDC's Adult Vaccine Schedule! Let's go pro-vaccine parents—Don't Be Hypocrites! If you think vaccines are a good idea for your children, then surely they have to be good for you too! You wouldn't subject your children to medical treatments you wouldn't get yourself, now would you? And get them all in one day—like infants do—and let us know how that works out for you. For your convenience, Costco is fully stocked with your favorite vaccines! http://www.costco.com/Pharmacy/adult-immunization-program.html
Antivaxer eh? Please die in a fire. The world badly needs more morons dying.
Load More Replies...This anti-vax movement is the dumbest line of reasoning I've ever seen. Heard immunity does NOT work long term. It also does not work at all without others being vaccinated. So what happens if these morons get their way? All the diseases that have nearly been eradicated will come back and ruin us. I'd much prefer my child to have autism as a result of vaccines (which has already been proven to be untrue.) than have a crippling disease like polio. I've worked in the medical field. I've seen the research. Have you Sue?
Load More Replies...Honestly, if you would rather allow your child to die from an illness that can be prevented instead of running the risk of developing autism (which has been shown to be false time and time again), you don't deserve to be a parent. It's that simple. And as for the ones who don't want "poison" put into their children's bodies: you better lock them in a damn closet so they never touch alcohol, drugs, or any other form of medication.
Yep. Also, the "study" that linked vaccines and autism was penned by Andrew Wakefield, a legally proven FRAUD. Seriously, if anyone is anti-vaccines, they should look at the actual evidence. The man lied, and everyone in the medical community knows he lied, and now he gets money from foolish people because he lies and tells them the conspiracies they want to hear. To any conspiracy theorists: just because you don't trust the government doesn't mean you should trust everyone who says something bad about them. We don't die from illnesses like smallpox that often now BECAUSE of vaccines, not in spite of them, and the increase in autism diagnoses is mostly down to the changing definition of what is considered autism rather than autism actually just making a sudden appearance (psychology is very complex and requires frequent changes in medical diagnosis and practice based on new discoveries and research).
Load More Replies...The analogy doesn't necessarily go into the part of how the anti-vaxxers choice of swimming through that water affects all pro-vaxxers whose children aren't even old enough to get vaccinated or already have health issues that requires a different vaccination schedule (like, there are vaccinations that cover multiple diseases at once, but due to health circumstances, the person in question can't get the single shot but instead needs to get the vaccination for one disease at a time spread out over time). And a random, but relevant side story: Back when I was in high school, I had a teacher whose daughter was born deaf because one of her students had measles or chicken pox. Apparently, they weren't visible, but they were still contagious. to this day, the story stuck with me.
Omg yes this! Finally someone said it at the start of the comments.
Load More Replies...Forget the bridge analogy. It leaves out one key part of the pro vac truth. The stupid people think unvaccinated people who didn't get disease is proof of their cause. The only reason their kids didn't get sick is because WE (the pro vac approximately 90%) vaccinated our kids to protect their stupid kids!!! If most of society is vaccinated, it prevents large outbreaks. If everyone was unvaccinated we would have huge outbreaks of disease and death and then the selfish people would change their tune quickly! Yes their are very slight risks (but not for autism; studies have shown a review of home videos show the infant showed signs of autism before receiving first set of vaccines). But the risk is there and a child can die an agonizing death from pertussis or meningitis. These diseases are still around, don't be ignorant. And remember, all you anti vacs....the more you push your agenda and there are more people refusing vaccines.....the higher chance you have of your child dying.
i uh honestly don't quite grasp this anti vaxx thing. in my country,we are a developing 3rd world country in south east asia,it is known to vaxx our kids. we have been doing it since long ago and still doing it today.
"Your child will develop autism if you get them vaccinated" has been proven false so many times. Even if it was true, would you rather have your child develop autism or have them die from an illness that was treatable?
I think some of the anti-vaxxers are more like, "I don't need to use the bridge because the magical invisible being I believe in will pick me up and carry me over the water so the alligators don't eat me."
I am tired of hearing how the family of anti vaxers crossed the"river of crocodiles with minor injuries" (got the diseases but lived ) only to be disabled by a fate worse than imaginary autism. I.E. blindness, deafness, brain damage, sterility, heart disease (Rubella), decreased immunity in general, retardation, I can go on.
Load More Replies...I am pro-vac. I have had the adult boosters as recommended. I wish chicken pox vax existed in the 80's when I caught it in High School. I can't imagine a child being forced to go through that just because their parents think it "makes them stronger" and it's a "simple disease". I have deep pock scars on my face, and shingles to look forward to because science wasn't fast enough.
I have scars as well as do many friends my age. I was so happy my daughter could be immunized.
Load More Replies...This is as stupid as a family who my daughter went to school with there daughter. There daughter had a bad appendix and they didnt want her to be operated on ,they were or are jehovah witness. The doctor went to the judge in town and they were forced to finally let the doctor operate, the little girl almost died and was in the hospital for months from peritonitis due to there stupidity . Same thing with people not giving there kids shots , i dont believe they should allow anyone in school , any school or even home schooled unless they have there shots.
.. their ... not there. There indicates a location, not people or an individual person.
Load More Replies...Some people fall off the bridge, and get eaten by crocodiles, you know. This was hilarious.
And the parts about "they knew a bridge that collapsed" and how a quick google of bridges taught them everything known about bridges.
Load More Replies...Antivaxxers actually DEPEND on provaxxers. It's called "herd immunity" AV parents depend on the PV kids to protect their kids from flu, measles and chickenpox! (And don't give me that b******t about "they're just childhood diseases" measles can cause blindness and the flu killed hundreds and thousands of people)
If you do not VACCINATE YOUR CHILDREN and they get one of the diseases prevented by vaccines and die YOU SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH MURDER!!! You do not pass go and you do not collect your $200's because you murdered your child.
I like the response from the woman who said that she'd still vaccinate her autistic son, even if she believed they cause autism, because that's better than him having polio. I've been saying that all along... The majority of people who have autism still can have a happy life, even relatively normal ones... Which is not going to be the case if you die at 2 from the fracking measles or whatever...
Turn off Caps Lock. That's for the other side. It makes one seem unhinged. #vaccinate
Load More Replies...I think, that if you don't vaccinate your children, and they die? From an illness they would never have gotten if vaccinated? It should be considered negligent homicide. You know they could possibly die, yet you don't protect them, then, they die, you are at fault.
If you don't want the vaccine,then don't get it---but STFU when something happens !!!!
The problem with that is that you may not get the disease, but you may spread it to someone who hasn't had the chance to be vaccinated yet, or who can't be vaccinated due to other medical concerns (such as having to take immuno-suppressive drugs). YOU may not suffer, but an innocent party may suffer or die.
Load More Replies...Wow, love the analogies. The bridge, the crocodile infested waters... lol - can you idiots get it right please. The people who built the bridge are the people who built the sewer systems, improved nutrition, housing conditions etc. They and this is UNDENIABLE - I mean seriously if you deny this you believe the earth is flat and the earth is the center of the Universe lol - are the reason that disease is not running rife as it did before these "saviors" improved sanitation and health. Vaccines practically didn't do anything in comparison. Polio? are you serious? these days it is more likely you will get polio from the vaccine or as they now term it NPAFP. If small pox vaccines wiped out small pox with a minimal number of the world population being vaccinated then why the f&%K haven't vaccines been able to replicate this for measles which is just as contagious or polio etc etc etc etc etc???? Don't try to claim bridges that you didn't build. You make yourselves look incredibly stupid.
the people who are Anti-vax choose to be a part of something they think is making a statement for or against (what they might consider) being forced to par-take in and its ignorant, uneducated and quite selfish on their part because they are putting the general population whoHAVE & HAS gotten vaccinated as well as their children in danger. i feel that if you live in the united states of America OR you are TRYING to come into the united states in ANYWAY for ANY reason vaccination NEEDS to be part of that whole process. And there should Not be any kind of "loop-hole" ie: religion, beliefs, ethnicity, origins, race, color, creed or ANY other excuse for people NOT to have to do it and jeopardize EVERYBODY else who are trying to keep all of the diseases the vaccines eliminate from becoming an uncontrolled problem AGAIN. This should NOT be something that's optional. I absolutely think that the bridge analogy and the comments are a perfect way to politely voice how crucial it is to do
This reminded me to google adult vaccination boosters - which, btw, the CDC recommends being done periodically to ensure protection. It seems reasonable considering that we cannot avoid being around anti-vaxxers and/or their children (who are in the minority, btw, but are unlikely to make those around them aware of their unprotected status). We aren't responsible for what others do or don't do, but we all should at least learn what we can do to protect ourselves and others.
To those who have read about the children who suffered a severe reaction to a vaccine: is there a source of information on what would have happened if they had caught the actual disease? My theory is the outcome would be the same. Based on vaccines being "watered down" versions of the target disease. And minor reactions b eing the body's immune system doing what it is programmed to do. And I am omitting the instances of illness caused by vaccines that have been inspected and found contaminated ,compromised or expired.
Brilliant comebacks! I just don't get the (il)logic of anti-vaxxers. Have they ever seen the old "Why didn't my parents get me Salk shots" cartoon showing a boy on crutches watching his friends frolic? That is my main problem with Green party candidate Jill Stein.
It's the MMR vaccine that causes autism. That's ONE specific vaccine. Most "anti-vaxxers" aren't saying abolish all vaccines, so the snarky overgeneralized insults really just make you look r******d. Oh and the CDC falsified the results of their study on the MMR vaccine, look it up. Facts > Snarky Analogies
Nope. The MMR does not cause autism. Wakefield has a patent on his own MMR vaccine. He needed to find a way to discredit the current MMR vaccine, so he could market his own vaccine. That's why he committed fraud, during, and abused the children he used for, his 'research'.
Load More Replies...If VAX so safe, why has the VAX court paid out 100's of millions of dollars to vax injury cases? The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program ("Vaccine Program") comprises Part 2 of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 ("Vaccine Act"). See Pub. L. No. 99-660, 100 Stat. 3755 (1986) (codified as amended at 42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to -34). The Vaccine Act became effective October 1, 1988. It establishes the Vaccine Program as a no-fault compensation program whereby petitions for monetary compensation may be brought by or on behalf of persons allegedly suffering injury or death as a result of the administration of certain compulsory childhood vaccines. They settle the autism cases so never had to admit wrong doing......sealed by courts and can't be used in regular courts. SO SAFE http://www.uscfc.uscourts.gov/vaccine-program-readmore
The point is everyone has a choice to swim or use the bridge...everyone should have the choice to vaccinate or not. Vaccines have never been proven to be safe, not one study done shows they are 100% safe without any adverse effects. So everyone should have the freedom to weigh the risks and make that decision. Vaccines are "medicine" and all medicine comes with risks, as does driving a car or jumping out of plane. Everyone gets to make that choice to get in a car or jump from a plane, the choice to vaccinate or not should remain up to the individual not the government. I am vaccine injured and the government shouldn't be able to force me to get more vaccines because if I was allergic to penicillin they wouldn't force me to take it again. It's all about freedom of choice, say no to medical tyranny.
Can I sue the bridge manufacturer if a defect causes my death, or do I have to go through some crazy kangaroo court that protects bridge manufacturers from liability?
No need. There is virtually no chance you will ever need to worry about that. And even if you were (not at all likely) there are no kangaroo courts.
Load More Replies...Bad analogy. A better one using a bridge. You are advised to use the bridge even though you don't need to go to the other side. You can't see the other side. Others that have used the bridge have not come back. Most of the ones that use the bridge come back with some form injury, often severe, in fact, the bridge builder has paid out billions of dollars for injuries. The bridge maker never proved the safety of the bridge. In fact, everyone that recommends using the bridge to nowhere but death or injury is paid handsomely to recommend it. The bridge spans water that has been crossed safely for centuries, only causing harm when it was allowed to be contaminated with feces. Since the water is now returned to its original clean state, it is perfectly safe to wade across, and it is much cheaper on society at large. Intelligent people are opting out of the bridge because serious questions about the bridge are not being answered th their satisfaction. How is that?
Wow The truly stupid and ignorant have come out in droves on this ridiculous analogy haven't they. I think this 'analogy' is a test to see who is stupid and gullible enough to agree with it. Scary and disturbing how many people have failed that test
Here's the CDC's Adult Vaccine Schedule!
Let's go pro-vaccine parents—Don't Be Hypocrites!
If you think vaccines are a good idea for your children, then surely they have to be good for you too! You wouldn't subject your children to medical treatments you wouldn't get yourself, now would you?
And get them all in one day—like infants do—and let us know how that works out for you.
For your convenience, Costco is fully stocked with your favorite vaccines!
http://www.costco.com/Pharmacy/adult-immunization-program.html Vaccine-Ad...bb654f.jpg
Many of the adults who are pro-vaccine have already been vaccinated as children. As for subjecting children to medical treatments which you wouldn't get yourself - does that mean if a child has acute appendicitis, they should not be allowed to have the operation until one of the parents has?
Load More Replies...The Catones: the DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, and acellular Pertussis) vaccine led to their son's death. Nick Catone lashed out at the vaccine industry in an 800-plus word post made on June 27, and his page has been inundated with words of support as well as similar stories of kids whose health took a serious turn for the worse following vaccinations. http://althealthworks.com/13231/this-happened-to-the-wrong-family-former-ufc-fighter-speaks-out-against-vaccines-for-alleged-role-in-sons-tragic-death/
No one is saying that there isn't a minuscule incidence of complications, some of them severe, from vaccines, as with any beneficial medical treatment. But the frequency is incredibly rare, far more rare than the consequences of the diseases that the vaccines prevent. Prior to the introduction of vaccines and antibiotics, our life expectancy was 20-30 years less than it is now, and that isn't because we died at 40, it's because most humans didn't survive childhood. Now the leading causes of death have nothing to do with infectious disease in the developed world. 1 out of a 100,000 will have a reaction to vaccines, and most of those will be mild. I survived measles and mumps as a child, genital warts and shingles as an adult. You bet I get vaccines at every opportunity.
Load More Replies...So much for vaccines eradicating disease: Toddler survives smallpox vaccine shedding reaction (Reuters) http://www.reuters.com/article/us-smallpox-boy-idUSN1744524120070518
Video of baby 'suffering up to 14 seizures a day' after getting the Meningitis B vaccination http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/parents-shocking-video-baby-suffering-9447899.amp
The thing about vaccines causing autism is that it does happen, but only in extreme circumstances. Often with very young kids in very bad physical condition, just that tiny bit of illness that your immune system can usually kill without effort is surprisingly strong, and can push the body over the edge, which is when autism can occur. And since vaccines are literally injecting the tiniest bit of a bacteria's membrane into your body for the immune system to remember, it is actually slightly dangerous if your immune system is ridiculously weak. SO only vaccinate your kids at a time when they are in at least decent physical condition.
Actually, it has never happened. I'm sorry you fell for the hoax.
Load More Replies...Here's the CDC's Adult Vaccine Schedule! Let's go pro-vaccine parents—Don't Be Hypocrites! If you think vaccines are a good idea for your children, then surely they have to be good for you too! You wouldn't subject your children to medical treatments you wouldn't get yourself, now would you? And get them all in one day—like infants do—and let us know how that works out for you. For your convenience, Costco is fully stocked with your favorite vaccines! http://www.costco.com/Pharmacy/adult-immunization-program.html
Antivaxer eh? Please die in a fire. The world badly needs more morons dying.
Load More Replies...This anti-vax movement is the dumbest line of reasoning I've ever seen. Heard immunity does NOT work long term. It also does not work at all without others being vaccinated. So what happens if these morons get their way? All the diseases that have nearly been eradicated will come back and ruin us. I'd much prefer my child to have autism as a result of vaccines (which has already been proven to be untrue.) than have a crippling disease like polio. I've worked in the medical field. I've seen the research. Have you Sue?
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