Father, Daughter And Pets Take The Same Photo For 10 Years, And It’s Bizarre How Little Things Actually Change
Ever since Tiffany was a newborn, her mother has taken the exact same picture of her, snuggled up with her father, cat and dog, every year for 10 years. Chinese social media has been touched by the images, showing Tiffany growing up into a cute little 10-year-old, while very little else around her has changed at all.
The first photo was taken back in 2008, when Tiffany’s mom realized how cute they all looked together. “I was very tired. I had probably just changed my daughter’s nappy, and was taking rest on the sofa. She was just sleeping by my side,” Mr. Wong, Tiffany’s father told the Daily Mail. “And all of a sudden, my pets came up to the sofa and I couldn’t move an inch.”
Missing only 3 years out of the last 10, the tradition was started by Tiffany when she was 5. She noticed how lovely the original pic was, and asked that her mother take another in the exact same way. And so it began, with one each year following. “It’s not something special, but they will be good memories when we look back in 10 or 20 years,” Mr Wong said.
The photos have now started an online trend in China, with many people now sharing their cute family photos from over the years. Mr. Wong appreciates the joy and appreciation his posts have received, and hopes to spread an important message about his pets. You see, many Chinese families choose to abandon their pets when a woman gets pregnant, because of fears over hygiene.
Mr. Wong chose not to abandon his beloved dog and cat, which he himself rescued from a shelter. Despite warnings from his parents, he wants to prove to people that it is certainly possible to keep pets while a pregnancy is taking place. “We have at least two pets throughout my wife’s pregnancy and 10 years past, my daughter has never been admitted into hospital once,” said Mr Wong.
Scroll down below to check out Mr. Wong, Tiffany, and his pets growing up together in their cute pics, and let us know what you think in the comments!
This is Tiffany and her father Mr. Wong, and 10 years ago they started a family tradition
Let’s hope they keep it up for many years to come!
Here’s what people had to say about this heartwarming tradition
What's up with the first comment presented in the article? I think it's very stereotypic and very facile thinking to assume Chinese wouldn't treat their pets right. . 😕
If you actually read the article, Mr Wong himself states that he wanted to be different. He stated most Chinese abandon their pets during a pregnancy because they believe it is dangerous/dirty for the pregnancy. His own family counseled him to get rid of his pets. He kept them and in her 10 years, his daughter hasn’t needed to go to the hospital. The comment wasn’t “stereotypic” or “facile,” it was based on the facts quoted in the story.
Load More Replies...that comment by Lilla Hargitai implies that "all Chinese people" or "People of China" mistreats animals in some form as a regularity.
Is it only me or the cat seems more tired with every picture? She's getting old :(
What's up with the first comment presented in the article? I think it's very stereotypic and very facile thinking to assume Chinese wouldn't treat their pets right. . 😕
If you actually read the article, Mr Wong himself states that he wanted to be different. He stated most Chinese abandon their pets during a pregnancy because they believe it is dangerous/dirty for the pregnancy. His own family counseled him to get rid of his pets. He kept them and in her 10 years, his daughter hasn’t needed to go to the hospital. The comment wasn’t “stereotypic” or “facile,” it was based on the facts quoted in the story.
Load More Replies...that comment by Lilla Hargitai implies that "all Chinese people" or "People of China" mistreats animals in some form as a regularity.
Is it only me or the cat seems more tired with every picture? She's getting old :(