Your cat or dog might be the most adorable and innocent creature in the world, but when the holiday season comes around, they can suddenly become wild and unstoppable destroyers. Your house, with all of its Christmas decorations and especially your Christmas tree, becomes their terrible playground. These pictures capture some of the worst Christmas spirit carnage we've ever seen.
Unwrapped presents scattered under the tree will seem like nothing after you see what mischief these naughty dogs and equally bad cats have got into. Eaten Christmas decorations? Check. Upturned tree? Check. Getting hair all over your precious Christmas town set-up? Double checked with hair. Ehm, sprinkles, I mean. It turns out that yours and your silly animals' Christmas ideas are far from being the same.
Take a look, upvote your favorite disasters, and share your own photos of our fluffy, lovable wrecking balls.
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Oh Good, You're Here. The Tree Just Fainted!
ohch :-) bis Weihnachten wird das wieder - schönen Advent @ll euch <3
It hasn't even been up for 3 minutes ...
My Cat Ripped Open All The Presents Christmas Morning
My Work Here Is Done
Dog Jumped In Christmas Tree After Cat
I like candy canes
Clem's Having A Good Time
It wasn't me. I swear!
Oh i'm so glad your back! This was such a traumatic experience , please cuddle me LOL
And It was Delicious
Which Is The Odd One Out?
It's delicious!
Mom Put Up The Tree And We Helped!
So This Cat Helped With The Christmas Decorations...
Pretend Like Nothing Happened
Giant Kitty Destroys Xmas-town
Cat 1 - Christmas Tree 0
It's Not Even Up Yet!!
And To All A Good Night!
Not Sure About This Whole Tree Thing
Undressing The Christmas Tree
This orange boy is my favorite because of his full commitment. After knocking off many ornaments, he's still getting air and going for it!
White Catistmas
Oh Summer My Little Angel
I Know It Is About Cats And Dogs But I Like Christmas Too !
A Tyrannosaurus In A Nativity Scene
I Think My Dog Had An Enjoyable Christmas, Don't You?
Bengal Bauble...
I Won't Touch Anything, I Promise :)
Puppies Are Preparing For Their First Christmas
Oh! Christmas Tree, Are You Ok?
Cat Under Christmas Tree
Next time think twice before buyin' a pet for your kid :D It's better to choose one of these instead ;D
Definitely, however, how could we be angry with these cute pets, I couldn't
Load More Replies...I love it!!!! My cat does it all the time and it drives my husband mad haha
Next time think twice before buyin' a pet for your kid :D It's better to choose one of these instead ;D
Definitely, however, how could we be angry with these cute pets, I couldn't
Load More Replies...I love it!!!! My cat does it all the time and it drives my husband mad haha