If you think an animal quiz is boring, let me disagree with you. Sure, if you are not a zoology enthusiast, a standard school test might not be something you get excited about. But what I mean is fun animal trivia, with information that is either very funny or so unimaginable that it will blow your mind. And this can include both wildlife and pet trivia.
Animal trivia for kids is a nice way to not only help them study the subject but also introduce them to the breathtaking beauty of the animal world. It is true that the more we know and understand, the more we care about something. That’s why teaching kids about animals through fun quizzes can be very important.
But trivia questions about animals are not only for children. They can become a fun game at a party, during a long-distance car ride, or even if you are just reading them by yourself. Learning that a group of resting otters is called a raft, while a group of ferrets is called a business can really add some much-needed cheer to your day and make you smile.
If you are organizing a game, the animal quiz questions can vary in topic, can focus on just one group of animals or include a broader selection, and can be of different levels of difficulty. To give you a hand, we collected a lot of questions about animals that are both fun to read and can be used for a quiz. Tell us in the comments: What was something new that you learned from these questions?
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What color is the blood of an octopus?
Which bear is known to have a bite strong enough to break a bowling ball?
What is the smallest mammal in the world?
Opens new tab, searches bumblebee bat images - found this: "Smallest mammal in the world: Kitti’s hog-nosed bat (Craseonycteris thonglongyai) 30 millimeters long" on https://safarisafricana.com/smallest-mammals-in-the-world/
In order to survive winter, which animal is known to breathe through its butt?
What color is a polar bear’s hair?
What color is a hippo’s sweat?
Why :Within a few minutes of perspiration, the colourless, viscous sweat of the hippopotamus gradually turns red, and then brown as the pigment polymerizes.
Where are the only two places in the world where lions live in the wild?
I love how the restriction of the largest continent plus a large Asian country is supposed to sound impressive.
How far away can a wolf smell its prey?
What is a male duck called?
I like how it says 'Drake', not 'A Drake', just 'Drake'. It's like all male ducks have the name Drake XD
What animal can only eat when its head is upside down?
Weird as it is, humans can too! One of the reasons its safe for us to space travel in low gravity is tha we can swallow while upside down. Crazy!
What is a polar bear’s skin color?
Which bird is known to have waterproof feathers?
What male sea creature gives birth to its young?
Sometimes they take the name of their babies literally and eat some of the fry 😳
Which animal has the strongest sense of smell?
What is the most endangered bird in the world?
If you don't know about the kakapo please Google it. They are giant idiots and look like really fat green coconuts with beaks. They are flightless and had no natural predators until New Zealand was invaded... I mean colonized... I mean... Uh "founded" by white folk and they started cutting down forests and brought over cats. I love them so much. They're so stupid and fluffy.
What is the only big cat that doesn’t roar?
Mountain lions can't too. They can't roar, but they can scream. Think overgrown housecat.
What percentage of their lives do cats spend sleeping?
What animal squirts blood from its eyes as a defensive mechanism?
Which animal has a sense of hearing about four times as sensitive as humans?
Is coral a plant or an animal?
Ehhhh. I could be wrong but I remember hearing that it's just an animal. Well, animalS. Coral is a group of tiny animals that live very, *very* close together.
What is the only type of animal that has the ability to live forever?
Only a specific specie of jellyfish but yeah, it's true. They don't just age forever though, they actually un-age, their cells go back to a previous state and end up in a baby state. So if humans had that, we would just go back to being babies when we're too old. I think it's even more impressive than just aging forever !
Butterflies use which part of their body to taste?
Which bird’s eye is bigger than its brain?
How many facial expressions can a horse make?
What do humpback whales use to attract prey?
How : Humpback whales filter-feed on small crustaceans (mostly krill) and small fish. They use several techniques to help them herd, corral, and disorient prey and that can include using bubbles, sounds, the seafloor, and even their pectoral fins.
What is the tallest animal in the world?
How many legs does a scorpion have?
What is a group of cats called?
A kindle of kittens. A glaring of cats too - especially when a dog shows up!
What animal has the highest blood pressure?
How much : an adult giraffe's blood pressure can reach 300/180 millimeters, according to zoologists. That's roughly twice that of an adult human. But that's only near their hearts. In their heads, a giraffe's blood pressure remains about equal to a human's.
What creature has a tongue that can measure the length of its body?
What is a group of parrots called?
What animal loves to munch on bamboo?
Even though they're quite lazy and nerf themselves by eating nothing but bamboo, they're still bears
What is a baby fox called?
What is a baby hedgehog called?
What part of a fish can be found in lipsticks, nail polishes and mascara?
What is the closest living relative to the T-rex?
Whenever I look closely at my parakeets, I can totally see how birds are related to dinosaurs. And yet we still shrinkwrap skin onto the skeletons with hardly any, if any feathers.
What do you call a group of crows?
Which undersea creatures are known for making electricity?
Wow. Didn't know about the catfish, but I saw some in France once walking overland from one part of the river to another river 'pool'.
Do flying fish really fly?
Which large mammal has a tail so strong it can stand on it and lift its hind legs off the ground?
What is a group of badgers called?
Why are flamingos pink?
How many flowers do honey bees have to visit to produce one pound of honey?
Which animal is known for spending 90 percent of its day sleeping?
How long is an elephant pregnant before it gives birth?
And male elephants are *real* aggressive cause of this. A lot of competition
How many types of calls do gorillas have?
And only two of them involve asking about your car's extended warranty...
How long does it take a baby orangutan to wean in the wild?
Where do sea otters store extra food on their bodies?
To any musty @ss teen that sees this, it might seem useful but don't try it, please 🤣
What type of fish mate for life?
What are the only two mammals that lay eggs?
It's the platypus and echidna .... Both Aussie legends only monotremes type of mammals
Which animal has rectangular pupils?
How do honeybees communicate to one another that they’ve found the best pollen?
Lemurs are only native to which country?
Which animal’s poop is known to take the shape of cubes?
A newborn kangaroo is about the size of a…?
And...Did you know that a Female Kangaroo can have up to 5 separate pregnancies at once!? She can even decide when she is ready the have her babies! This is due to Australia's unique environment, especially the interior of Australia. She has evolved this way because it Depends on the amount of available Food and Water.
What mammal has the most powerful bite?
How much: Hippopotamus bite force measures 12 600 kPa. By comparison, a lion's bite force is only 4500 kPa. The hippopotamus, with his ferocious jaw force, unique mouth size and sharp teeth, can easily bisect a human body in a single bite
How many teeth can a crocodile have over its lifetime?
Where on the body are a crab’s taste buds?
What is a female donkey called?
How many heart chambers does a cockroach have?
Which animal in a pride does the majority of the hunting?
My sister didn't like The Lion King because the lionesses did the killing and Scar killed his brother to become king. I said "So you're okay with a monkey showing a cub to all the animals, a lion having out with a hyena and meerkat, singing and dancing animals, but you're having problems with the two parts that are actually accurate?"
What do you call the underside of a horse’s hoof?
The frog is the raised V on the underside of the hoof, not the entire underside of the hoof.
How far can a skunk's spray reach?
Which sea creatures are known to hold a natural pearl?
Which birds are known to be the only birds that can fly backward?
What percent of the methane in Earth’s atmosphere is produced by cows?
Which animal species are known to have the largest eyes in the world?
Belted Galloway and Belgian Blue are breeds of which animal?
How many species of sea urchin are there?
What is thought to be the oldest breed of dog?
How much do baby pandas weigh when they're born?
What are male honey bees called?
People from which country brought domestic cats to the United States?
Um, Vikings perhaps? The Maine C**n Cat was already here when the Pilgrims arrived...
What does a male penguin often gift its female counterpart to win her over?
What are a rhino's horns made out of?
What kind of animal uses its skin to breathe?
What animal produces mohair?
What is the fastest sea animal?
What is a group of camels called?
Which aquatic mammal has the most extended lifespan?
And fish - the Greenland shark has been estimated to live up to 500 years!
What’s the sole food source for koala bears?
What is a group of hedgehogs called?
Which animal jokingly has nine lives?
Meanwhile a cockroach APPARENTLY has 13 heart chambers so really it's the thing we should have been talking about this whole time. No wonder it seems like they don't die... you have to kill it 13 times to stop it. 😳
How big is the wingspan of the wandering albatross, the world's biggest seabird?
Which animals make their homes out of empty seashells?
How many feathers are there in a peacock’s tail?
Which mountain range is home to the snow leopard?
What do pigs do to stay cool and prevent sunburn due to their lack of sweat glands?
The age of a lion can be determined by its…?
What four common species of animals die soon after giving birth?
What are 12 or more cows called?
"Why are 12 cows called a Flink? The only “flink” listed by reputable dictionaries is “flink” as a 19th century US rural dialect verb meaning, according to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), “to behave in a cowardly manner,” and the word itself is probably simply a variant of “flinch.” The “cow” in “cowardly” is as close as “flink” gets to livestock" taken from www.word-detective.com
Which bird is considered the fastest?
What color is a giraffe’s tongue?
How many toes do sheep have on each foot?
Which bird symbolizes the strength and freedom of America?
How many legs does a spider have?
What is the largest animal in the world?
What is a mass of jellyfish floating together known as?
How do fish breathe underwater?
What does a snake use to taste and smell?
Where are a cricket’s ears located?
What’s the loudest insect in the world?
Which crustacean can growl when intimidating its enemies?
Which bird is a symbol for peace?
What do monkeys have that apes don't?
Which fishes blow themselves up like balloons?
What is a pack of baby cubs called?
Aren't cubs babies? D'you mean baby cubs are littler than older cubs? Or should this be litter?
What is a group of sea turtle eggs called?
How far away can the sound of a blue whale be heard?
What is a male turkey called?
What determines the sex of a baby sea turtle?
How many eggs can female frogs lay at a time?
What animal does a tadpole grow into?
Which flightless bird is known to be the emblem of New Zealand?
What is a group of pigs called?
What's the fastest animal?
Technically it is there Peregrine Falcone because their dive can reach up to 200 mph
What is the tall fin of a fish called?
What group of fish are seahorses closely related to?
What is the largest fish in the ocean?
What are the skin cells that allow chameleons to change colors called?
How do vampire bats drink blood?
What happens is they bite their prey to get the blood then they lick it up.
How many species of wild cats are there?
What is the slowest animal on land?
A karakul is which kind of animal?
Approximately, how many bones comprise a turtle’s shell?
Which fish is known to be the most common fish in the ocean?
What kind of turtle can’t retract into its shell?
What is the main reason frogs croak?
What is the only insect that can turn its head 180 degrees?
What sea creature has the ability to clone itself?
What is the biggest scaleless freshwater fish?
What are the pincers of a crab called?
What sort of habitat is known to be the home for arboreal animals?
This isn't even animal trivia, it's a vocabulary test for the meaning of "arboreal".
What is the proper name for the trunk of an elephant?
What can an owl’s eye color indicate?
What animal is known as the only vertebrate that can regenerate their body parts?
What are the only primates known to be venomous?
Which popular mammals are known to wash their hands and feet in urine?
Where is a shrimp’s heart located in its body?
Which bird doesn't fly?
How does a sea cucumber defend itself?
What fish has a rodlike protuberance with a fleshy tip on its head?
How long can a bald eagle live?
Answer: 20 to 30 years in the wild, though they can live even longer in captivity.
What animal is known to have the shortest pregnancy on Earth?
A Tasmanian devil is known to be which kind of animal?
When it comes to discovering lesser-known facts about animals, the realm of animal trivia can be both enlightening and entertaining. If you've ever wondered about quirky animal habits, perhaps you’ve come across stories of unusual domestic creatures. At the Useless Farm, unique personalities like Karen the emu showcase that animals have distinct characteristics that can sometimes border on the bizarre.
For a more in-depth glimpse into these unique characters, check out how the quirks of this eccentric farm have captivated millions.
Half of these are common knowledge. And at least 2 of these are wrong, granted 1 of those is likely just a typo.
Half of these are common knowledge. And at least 2 of these are wrong, granted 1 of those is likely just a typo.