I am Ričardas Strazdauskas, an amateur graphic artist from Lithuania. Art to me is a hobby, passion and a way to express myself. My main tools are simple pencils, gel pens and acrylic markers.

I got a lots of encouragement from my family, friends and colleagues – they said that my artworks would be perfect for coloring books that are used for artistic therapy, so I dream of publishing a coloring book.

I would like to present my artworks to the visitors of “Bored Panda” website under the name "Undiscovered tribe" and I believe that there would be publishing houses or financial sponsor willing to help me to fulfil my dream. I wish to bring these characters to life and I dream that they will come to our world - both in movies and games, fashion, art reproductions, or in other environments.

In these works I will help you to discover the mysterious "Miiauji" tribe with its exclusive, differently patterned members - cats. The creation of this tribe was inspired by a dream that sent me into the parallel world where these majestic cats reigned. No, not ordinary domestic cats, but large wild predators, both intriguing and charming. These unique beasts, covered in best feathers and their hunting trophies, accepted me as a friend in their tribe - so I could learn a lot about them and portray them in my own artwork perfectly. I had a chance to watch this unique cat community from very close, but having learned about their everyday life, hunting characteristics and communication peculiarities, I have concluded that their behaviour and inside world is very similar to our cats – they are witty, very curious and always looking for some adventures. As a result, I called the tribe „Miiauji“ and gave it a scientific name TUNICA PLUMIS COOPERTUS FELES TRIBUS (From Latin "feather-fur covered tribe of cats"). I hope you will like my art!

More info: Facebook


Tyy - Stalker

Tyy - Stalker

"...why do our kinsman need a tail? No, not to make us appear more beautiful and not even to chase after it in cases when we are bored. The tail of a cat is like a wheel in most cases - it helps us fly straight to our target and always land on ur paws! But I will teach you how it can become even more useful - we will learn how to hook up with our tails on branches..."



    Paa - The Bird Whisperer

    Paa - The Bird Whisperer

    "Communicating with the birds is my most powerful feature, masking to adapt to each bird chosen it makes me a perfect predator..."



    Gyy - Healer

    Gyy - Healer

    "Reveal the secret - how did you cure me? - From ancient times cats were known as able to treat any illnesses or, conversely – as death symbols. In our tribe we have both, however, I am the one, that will heal you - my paws are miraculous... "


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    Kimberley Wagstaff
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Hi Ricardas, these drawing are amazing, how do I get a copy of this colouring book of yours and how much does it cost?

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    Vaa - Chief

    Vaa - Chief

    "...our whole tribe has been waiting for this night, for all of us to be ready for any dangers and surprises. I feel something is happening and soon we will find out. The proliferation of other forms of life is disturbing to me - I have not seen them, but I feel that they will be our main rivals! Our tribe must be prepared to accept all the challenges! Let's get ready!"



    Boo - Warlord

    Boo - Warlord

    "Lots of enemies, few enemies, strong or even stronger, big or small – after all they all are only prey to us..."



    Dii - Advisor

    Dii - Advisor

    "When others try to fight, I see space for all-beneficial solutions. I will always treat my tribe as a peaceful and friendly family - let everyone know that it's better to be our allies than rivals! My eyes will solve all the problems..."


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    Lii – Sorceress

    Lii – Sorceress

    "...part of our mind is concentrated on controling something – to perform simple body movements and actions. Yes, we do it mechanically and don‘t even contemplate on it. But I will teach you to dive deeper – to immerse yourself not only to your subconscious, but also into the minds of other creatures. To control them and to prompt to do what you desire...“



    Faa Is Vaa‘S Brother, His Left Paw

    Faa Is Vaa‘S Brother, His Left Paw

    "We are cats and we don‘t need laws – no one is going to tame us! If I want to eat – I eat, if I want to scratch – I scratch, if I don‘t want to listen – I disobey!"



    Zii – Mentor

    Zii – Mentor

    "I will tell you an old legend, how cats have outwitted most of the creatures on earth and even tamed a creature never known to our tribe before – human."



    Daa - Priest

    Daa - Priest

    "I wonder if anyone has ever thought about what our god looks like? Is he one, or are there more gods? Are all cats really aware that there is the supreme spiritual being that protects or punishes us, encourages us to act or vice versa - do nothing, motivates and strengthens us? Yes, we are always protected by the Great Gods of Cats. The Holy Trinity - Sun, Sin and Mun... Guess why we have 9 lives?"



    Guu – Wizard

    Guu – Wizard

    "Just look, what kind of miracles I can create – it is enough for me just to draw ornaments with my paws in the air and Pufff! One moment I am here, and the next no more, only my hat remaining. I heard other speaking, that in this hat precisely I guard the portals to other worlds – believe it or not..."


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    Kayleigh Nieuwlaat
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would love to work on these with my watercolours ;-; absolutely gorgeous work!

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    Zaa – Ambassador

    Zaa – Ambassador

    "Many say that I fit the whole tribe in me and this is the real truth! The ambassador must fiercely represent the interests of his tribe and be its face. You must be a reflection of these kind on a long path of existence..."


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Taa – Fighter

    Taa – Fighter

    "I can bet on my feathers, that today‘s dinner will be plentiful and delicious..."



    Jumper - Juu!

    Jumper - Juu!

    "I am the fastest and most agile cat - nobody outrun me! I just thought of trying when the jumper has already gone from the horizon..."



    Raa - Shaman

    Raa - Shaman

    "I want you to tell you one old legend, which I constantly see in my visions. I see a huge explosion that will connect us with another world we know little, and then things will change - the sky will blend with the earth, new species will appear, and we will have to choose which road to go... So let's get ready – the explosion is soon to come!"


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Sii – Night Watch

    Sii – Night Watch

    "During my night watch, you can feel safe - no one will disturb the tribe. Shhhh! Are you listening?! What is out there??! I smell a potential prey..."



    Pii Is The Teacher Of All Little Kittens In The Tribe

    Pii Is The Teacher Of All Little Kittens In The Tribe

    "By nature, we, cats – are never afraid of anything – we just instinctively ignore the feeling of fear ar dear to attach even rivals bigger than ourselved. After all the best defense is attacking..."


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    Joyce Stewart
    Community Member
    7 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You have captured their personalities perfectly, according to their station in the tribe.

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